
新概念1-Lesson 87~88

 缘来是你9520 2018-08-25

新概念1-Lesson 87~88 来自Jerry的英语课堂 09:00

Lesson 87 A car crash

 Text 课文

Listen to the tape then answer this question. Can the mechanics repair Mr. Wood's car?


MR. WOOD:    Is my car ready yet?

ATTENDANT: I don't know. sir. What's the number of your car?

MR. WOOD:    It's is LFZ 312G.

ATTENDANT: When did you bring it to us?

MR. WOOD:    I brought it here three days ago. 

ATTENDANT: Ah, yes, I remember now.

MR. WOOD:    Have your mechanics finished yet?

ATTENDANT: No, they're still working on it.  Let's go into the garage and have a look at it. 

ATTENDANT: Isn't that your car?

MR. WOOD:    Well, it was my car.

ATTENDANT: Didn't you have a crash?

MR. WOOD:    That's right. I drove it into a lamp-post. Can your mechanics repair it? 

ATTENDANT: Well, they're trying to repair it, sir. But to tell you the truth. you need a new car!

 New words 生词

attendant [ə'tendənt] n.接待员

bring [briŋ] v.带来,送来

garage ['gærɑ:ʒ] n.车库,汽车修理厂

crash [kræʃ] n.碰撞

lamp-post [læmp pəust] 灯杆

repair [ri'peə] v.修理

try [trai] v.努力,设法

 Grammar focus 语法

1. Is my car ready yet? 我的汽车修好了吗?

A: ready形容词,表示准备好的。如:

Are you ready?


B: 和ready相关的词组有,be ready for sth./sb. ……已经为某事或某人准备好了;be ready to do sth. 准备做某事。如:

All the food is ready for the picnic.


The money is ready for you.


I'm ready to visit my grandparents with my mother.


C: yet表示还,已经等。常用于疑问句和否定句。如:

Have you met my girlfriend yet? 


She hasn't set a date for our marriage yet.


2. When did you bring it to us? 您什么时候送来的?


Don't forget to bring your book with you.


She took me to a Mexican restaurant.


3. Ah, yes, I remember now. 啊,是的,我现在记起来了。

A:  ah语气词,表示惊奇,高兴等。如:

Ah, so many questions, so little time.


B: remember表示记得,记起;而forget表示忘记,忘掉。如:

This is Dora. Do you remember her?


I never forget my daddy's birthday.


4. No, They are still working on it. 没有,他们还在修呢。

be (still) working on sth. 表示仍在努力中,致力于……。如:

He's working on a paper.


I am still working on the new book.


5. Well, it was my car. 唔,这曾是我的车。

A:  was要重读,表示这曾是我的车,表明车子损坏严重,伍德先生都不忍承认这是自己的车,所以用了过去时。well是个语气词,这里相当于是哎的意思。如:

Well, maybe it would be easier to start with a smaller problem.


6. Didn't you have a crash? 你不是出车祸了吧?

在英文中可以用一般疑问句的否定形式来表示期待、希望得到肯定的答复。如前文中的:Isn't that your car? 也是这种用法。

crash表示碰撞,car crash车祸,air crash空难。如:

Bill had a car crash this morning.


What was the cause of the air crash?


7. I drove it into a lamp-post. 我把汽车撞在路灯柱上了。

drive into是撞到……的意思,如:

He drove the car into a tree an damaged the wheels. 


8. They're trying to repair it. 他们正设法修呢。

try to do sth. 试着做某事,尽力做某事。如:

Please try to speak English as much as possible.


Oh, I see. I'll try to do better next time.


try one's best to do sth. 尽某人最大的努力去做某事。如:

I hope you can try your best to do the job well.


Lesson 87 学习视频

  Lesson 88 Have you … yet?

 New words 生词

Exercise 练习

A. Write questions and answers.


He bought a house last year.

Did he buy a house last year?

He didn't buy a house last year.

1. He found his pen a minute ago.

    Did he find his pen a minute ago?

    He didn't find his pen a minute ago.

2. He got a new television last week.

    Did he get a new television last week?

    He didn't get a new television last week.

3. We heard the news on the radio.

    Did you hear the news on the radio?

    We didn't hear the news on the radio.

4. They left this morning.

    Did they leave this morning?

    They didn't leave this morning.

5. He lost his umbrella yesterday.

    Did he lose his umbrella yesterday?

    He didn't lose his umbrella yesterday.

6. I swept the floor this morning.

    Did you sweep the floor this morning?

    I didn't sweep the floor this morning.

B. Write questions and answers.


they/buy a new house/two weeks ago

Have they bought a new house yet?

Yes, they have already bought a new house.

When did they buy a new house?

They bought a new house two weeks ago.

he/meet Mrs. Jones/two weeks ago (第1题)

Has he met Mrs. Jones yet?

Yes, he has already met Mrs. Jones.

When did he meet Mrs. Jones?

He met her two weeks ago.

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