

 kevingiao 2018-08-26

Q: Namaskaram. I have big dreams, which I hope will come true. But I am not a person who socializes easily with others and I am scared to face the world. How will I be able to follow my dreams once I finish college, without the fear of my dreams being dismissed? 


Sadhguru: When people go to sleep, they have dreams. I am telling you, put your dream to sleep for some time. Do not dream anything now and fix what you will become in the world because it is too early.


Put your dreams to sleep for some time because dreams come from past experience of life.


In three to five years’ time, you will be an entirely different person. In reality, even from today to tomorrow, though it may not be a noticeable shift, something would have changed. So, you do not have to think today, “What am I going to do in the world?” because you will only fix up a very small, inefficient dream. Right now, your business is to imbibe as much as you can. Grow into a full-fledged human being – physically, mentally, emotionally and in terms of your intelligence. On all levels, you must become as much as you can become. 


Ready for the Race 


In some way, a dream or an ambition means you are thinking of some kind of a race. They are calling it a rat race these days. If you enter the rat race, it is mainly about who is better than whom. You have to be a rat to qualify. That is a huge backwards step in the evolutionary process. If you win, maybe you are a super-rat, but still a rat. Do not think in terms of, “Where will I be, how much ahead of somebody or behind somebody?” This is a time to absorb as much as you can. This is not a time for you to yield mangoes. This is a time to pluck the damn flowers out and just grow. 

从某个方面讲,梦想或者抱负,意味着你处于某种竞赛的思维模式中。如今人们管它叫作“rat race”(老鼠赛跑)。如果你进入老鼠赛跑的模式,那主要就是关于谁比谁更好。你得是个老鼠,才有资格参加这种比赛。这是进化上的巨大倒退。如果你赢了,也许你是一个超级鼠,但仍然是只鼠而已。不要去想“我会在哪里,我会领先别人或落后别人多少?” 现在是你尽可能多地去吸收的时候。 现在还不是结芒果的时候。现在是拔出那该死的花,继续成长的时候。

If you want to win a race, it will not happen just because you desire it. You must build an appropriate machine. What you have is a Maruti 800, but you are thinking of winning a Formula One race. You can dream as much as you want, about how Lewis Hamilton was trying to overtake you, but with your Maruti 800, you went off ahead of him! You can dream all that, but if you go on the track and try to do something, the four wheels of your Maruti will fly in four directions.

如果你想赢得比赛,不是你想赢就能赢的。你得造好一台合适的机器。你拥有的是一台Maruti 800(译者注:印度最受欢迎的轿车之一),却想赢得F1方程赛。你可以尽管做你的梦,想象着Lewis Hamilton都拼命在后面狂追你,你的 Maruti 800就能跑赢他。你可以做这些天花乱坠的梦,但如果你真的上了跑道,试着这么做看看,你的Maruti的四个轮子只会飞向四个不同的方向!

Do not try to win the race. Just build a good enough machine – that is the most important thing. Thinking of winning the race means you are looking back and seeing, “Somebody is behind me.” If you have a bunch of idiots around you and you are winning the race, you will be a better idiot – that’s all. Do not ever think on those lines. Wanting to be better than someone is a wrong direction that has been set for the whole of humanity. This will leave you in a state of strife all the time. Above all, if you enjoy someone else’s failing, it is a sickness. 


Beyond Your Dreams 


What should you do in the world? You should do what is most needed, not what you fancy in your head. What you fancy in your head may be irrelevant to the world. Then what is the point of doing that? Too many people have done what they fancy and destroyed the world in many different ways. If we can joyfully do what is needed, then we will find expression and people will gather and support that activity – then things will happen. 


Put your dreams to sleep for some time because dreams come from past experience of life. Our future should have nothing to do with our past, otherwise we will just recycle the past and think it is the future. Most people’s idea of future is to take a piece of past, apply make up on it and think it is future, a little improved. 


I want to destroy your dreams. Let them be destroyed, so that you aspire to just grow yourself to your full potential.


Future should happen new. What you could not dream of should happen in your life – that is my blessing to you. What you could not imagine must happen. If what you could dream happened, what is the use of that? You can only dream what you know. If only what you know happens, it is a poor life. Let something happen that you cannot dream of right now – only then, life is exciting. 


I want to destroy your dreams. Let them be destroyed, so that you aspire to just grow yourself to your full potential. 


Editor's Note: Whether you're struggling with a controversial query, feeling puzzled about a taboo topic, or just burning with a question that no one else is willing to answer, now is your chance to ask! Ask Sadhguru your questions at UnplugWithSadhguru.org.






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