
美国王牌《柯南脱口秀》 | 女生之旅

 长沙7喜 2018-09-04

女生之旅 来自可可英语 01:28


My gosh.Hi,everybody.You look,you're on fire today.

天呐 大家好 你今天太帅了

I wonder why.You were not wearing this.I did.

不知道为什么呢 你之前没穿这个

I like to visit certain guests before the show.yes.

我有时候喜欢去后台拜访一些嘉宾 是啊

I sort of came in the room and you,I was half undressed.Yes,you were.

我进屋的时候 我正衣冠不整呢 是啊

The last time you entered into my dressing room,the same thing happened.

你上次来我化妆间的时候 也是这样呢

Which makes me wonder if there's some sort of a viewing capability into the room.

让我不禁怀疑 是不是从哪里能看到化妆室里面

Not trying to make you sound pevey or anything.Nono,no.

我绝对没有想让你听上去很变态的意思 不 不

Andy gives me a singal.He's looking through the wall.Now boss.That's right.

安迪会给我信号 我能透视墙 然后告诉我 快去 老板 是啊

I did come in and you're pulling your pants up.

我一进去 你正穿裤子呢

But you did not have this on.you look extraordinary.

你当时没穿这身 你看上去美极了

You are absolutely fantastic,as always.You are so sweet.Thank you so much.

真是太美了 谢谢 太感谢了

Well,I wanted to put on a nicer.I was in jeans,you know,my normal wear.

我想穿漂亮点 我之前穿着牛仔裤 普通衣服

I felt I should dress up for you.This is not how you wander around?Sadly no.

我觉得我该为你打扮一下 你平时不穿这种衣服 不是的

That's the heels,not the dress.very nice,take a little peek.

高跟鞋一直穿 衣服不是 真好 偷窥一眼

Now,I told you just,you're very relaxed.Just got back from a nice mini vacation.Is that right?

你很放松啊 你刚刚度假回来 是吗

Yeah,I was with five of my girlfriends and we went to a very beautifu,this extraordinary ranch.

我跟五个女性朋友 一起去了特别不错的农场

and a friend of ours allowed us to stay at.That's so nice.

我们一个朋友允许我们住在那里 太棒了

For days.It was a really nice girls trip.

待了四天 真是很不错的女生之旅

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