您好! 凌哥想了一个比较复杂的荒诞故事,也就是你说的要贯穿一节课的故事。同时,故事中也融入了字母a, e, i相关的语音单词。 Part One Mr Jones is at home. He reads a book. What's in his book? Let's read.(此处可以处理一部分语音词汇。可以是a / a_e和i / i_e的词汇的对比认读。) Now Mr Jones is hot. He drinks some coke. Part Two He has a notebook on his desk. He draws a white dog on the notebook. He writes a name 'Bob' next to the picture. 'Bob, my pet dog, can chant.' (此处可以插入Chant的内容。) Part Three Bob has a black nose. Mr Jones gives Bob a bone and a rose. Bob smells the rose, and he smells the bone. Bob says, 'I don't like the rose, but I like the bone'. Part Four Mr Jones has lost his dog. He sees some boxes. He hears the dog, 'Woof! Woof!' 'Where is Bob?' Let's look at the notes on the box. (此处可以给不同的盒子设定不同任务,学生完成任务后,就能把箱子上的锁打开。要注意的是训练的目标词汇是差不多的,就是任务的完成方式不一样。) 问:凌哥,为什么你没有在公众号回答我的提问? 问:如何才能提高被回答的概率? 答:建议您使用“在行一点”。在那儿,还可选择“私密提问”。 问:为什么“在行一点”里面无法提问了? 答:“在行一点”规定答主每天只能接收3个提问。机会有限,要抢哦! |