

 喜荷净 2018-10-08


if you are vegan, one of the things you are gonna miss might be the vegan whipped cream which is fully, light and creamy with deep flavor and satisfaction. So I made some tests with different formulas and finally got one very similar to real whipped cream. 





Aquafaba is just the fancy name for the liquid inside a can of garbanzo beans (there’s usually about 3/4 cup of liquid inside one can). You can make it yourself, but why would you? It is so easy to use tight one of the can.

1量杯 鹰嘴豆水 (用罐头的,确保正确的浓度)

1/3 量杯 糖粉

1 cup aquafaba

1/3 cup powdered sugar


Using an electric mixer, whip this liquid on high speed for 1 minute, until it increases about eightfold and is light, white and fluffy. Add powdered sugar and keep whipping for another3-5 minutes until the mixture form stiff peaks. The whole process is just like whipping egg white. You can add 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar or vinegar to increase its stability.



coconut cream


For best result, coconut whipped cream should chill in the refrigerator overnight before serving. Chill the bowl in the freezer for 10 minutes before starting whipping. If they are not very cold, the cream will not shape properly. Skim the solidified coconut cream from the chilled can and transfer the solids to the bowl. Do not include any of the water in the can, even if you have to leave behind a  little margin of  coconut cream, because even a little bit of coconut water can harm your result.

 1 椰子奶油

1/3量杯 糖粉

1 can coconut cream

1/3 cup powdered sugar


Add the powdered sugar and whip for a few minutes until the mixture begin to stiffen and turn into whipped cream. The volume will not increase much. Chill the whipped cream in a covered container in the refrigerator. It should firm up even more as it sits in the refrigerator for the next few hours or oven night. The colder your kitchen and equipment are, the better your whipped cream will hold up.  



【 MIYOKO’s better than whipping cream and topping 】



这个方法出来的效果,除了香味以外,口感和动物性打发奶油几乎一样。如果你不喜欢椰子味道,可以把配方里的特级初榨椰子油换成精炼椰子油 (精炼椰子油没有椰子油的味道,但性状和椰子油是一样的,即23摄氏度以下呈固体,以上呈液体),你可以加入喜欢的天然芳香物质(譬如柠檬丝,咖啡粉等)来做一些变化。

The result of the formula just give the exact creamy and fluffy texture like real heavy cream. The only difference lies on different aroma. If you are not a fan of coconut flavor, use refined coconut oil in below formula. And you can always add your favorite natural essence to make a twist.


I tried several times to grasp the right temperature and right thickness of the mixture. 

1量杯 豆奶

1/2量杯 生腰果(原配方为1/4量杯,但几次失败后,我觉得黏稠度不够,所以增加了1/4量杯的量)

1/2量杯 特级初榨椰子油 (融化的)

1/4量杯- 1/3量杯的纯素白糖

1小勺 香草精华

1 cup soy milk

1/2 cup cashews (it is 1/4 cup cashews in the original recipe, however I found it’s just not thick enough)

1/2 cup extra virgin coconut oil, melted

1/4 to 1/3 cup vegan sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract.


Place all the ingredients in a blender and puree for 2 minutes until very smooth. You can use more or less sugar, depending on how sweet you like it. Pour into a covered container and refrigerate overnight. On the second day, freeze it for 30 minutes to 1 hour. It should be as thick as heavy cream. Using an electric mixer until soft peaks form, 5-8 minutes. The mixture can become quite stuffy if you continue whipping but can separate if over-whipped. Keep the cream in a jar in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. The colder the cream, the easier and quicker it will whip. If the cream doesn’t begin the thicken after 5-6 minutes, freeze for an hour or so. Using a chilled bowl is also helpful. Also, the more sugar, the easier it might whip.





Due to lack of fat, the “cream” tastes empty. The other problem is its unstablity. The whipped aquafaba will collapse after hours. The better way to use aquafaba is to use it as whipped egg white.

**椰子奶油Coconut Cream

可以用于蛋糕做裱花,但我个人并不推荐。一方面,椰子奶油的后味太过强烈,吃起来有点奇怪。 另一方面,目前中国市场椰子奶油很难购买得到。

You can use it for cake coating. But I will not say it's the best solution. The strong coconut flavor just leads a fake aftertaste. Besides, it's hard to buy coconut cream in China.

**Miyoko的纯素可打发奶油 MIYOKO‘s Vegan Whipping Cream


I failed 2 times when trying this recipe. The first failure was beacuse of the wrong thickness and improper temperature. The second failure was because I adjust the ingredients in a wrong way. I gave myself a thrid try and when I tasted it, it's the Zing, with right fluffy texture, right satisfaction by the cream and a good aftertaste.

the end


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