寻找好吃的“黑黑”之行出发......Let‘s go to search for the delicacy....我们来到了江东农贸市场,看我们以小组形式开始行动了! Here we are! —Jiangdong farming market! Four teams start to finish the mission. 我们先找到摊位,然后向老板和老板娘询问菜的价格,自己付钱,找零...看我们能干吧!每个小朋友都顺利完成任务✌️而且我们也找到了好吃的“黑黑”哦!你知道是什么吗?🤗 look,how capable we are!We find something black. Do you know what they are?看看我们买的菜是不是很丰富啊!—有青菜、金针菇、萝卜、胡萝卜、花菜......还有好吃的黑黑是香菇、黑米和黑木耳。现在我们准备回学校制作美食咯!Look,there are carrot,broccoli,green vegetable...And the black food is tiger lily buds,mushroom and black rice!Now we are going to cook,let's go!😍😍😍很诱人吧,中午有的加餐了!Yummy!下午宋老师用黑米给我们烹制了美味的粥!Mz.Song cooked delicious porridge for us! 看我们一个个吃的多香啊!We all enjoy it very much!还有剩余的菜,let‘s have party tomorrow......🥦🍅🥕🥔🥗🥘 |
来自: 西游老人 > 《外孙幼儿园活动记录》