

 林不倒 2018-11-17


1. Jump Rope - 30 seconds in place

2. Band work - Bodyweight band squats

3. Band Work - Rotational band corkscrew

4. Spot-up Jumpshot: right corner x 10 makes

5 Jump Rope - 30 seconds in place

6. Band Work - Body-weight Band Squat Alternate Lateral Resistance

7. Band Work - Stability Band Windmills

8. Spot-up Jumpshot: Right Wing x 10 makes

9. Jump Rope - 30 seconds in place

10. Band work - Reverse Band Squats

11. Band Work - Stability Band Windmills

12. Spot-up Jumpshot: Top of the key x 10 makes

13. Jump Rope - 30 seconds Forward / Backward

14. Band Work - Heavy-Band Terminal Knee Extensions (TKEs)

15. Band Work - Mini-band Pull Sets

16. Spot-up Jumpshot: Left Wing x 10 makes

17. Jump Rope - 30 seconds Forward / Backward

18. Band Work - Heavy-Band Terminal Knee Extensions (TKEs)

19. Band Work - Mini-band Pull Sets

20. Spot-up Jumpshot: left corner x 10 makes

21. Free Throws: 5 makes

22. 1-Dribble Pull-up Jumpshot: Right wing - right/left x 4 makes

23. 2-Dribble Pull-up Jumpshot: Top of the Key - right/left x 4 makes

24. 2-Dribble Pull-up Jumpshot: Left Wing - right/left x 4 makes

25. Free Throws: 5 makes

26. Running Hook Shot: Left Block x 5 makes

27. Fadeaway Left Shoulder: Left Block x 5 makes

28. Fadeaway Right Shoulder: Left Block x 5 makes

29. Fadeaway Right Shoulder: Right Block x 5 makes

30. Fadeaway Left Shoulder: Right Block x 5 makes

31. Up & Under: Right Block x 5 makes

32. Free Throws: 5 makes

33. 3-Point Spot-up JumpShot: Right Corner 6 makes

34. 3-Point Spot-up JumpShot: Right Wing 6 makes

35. 3-Point Spot-up JumpShot: Top of the Key 6 makes

36. 3-Point Spot-up JumpShot: Left Wing 6 makes

37. 3-Point Spot-up JumpShot: Left Corner 6 makes

38. Free Throws: 15 makes

39. Flexibility Training for Recovery

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