

 利有用无 2018-12-02












In light of our plans to acquire Cylance, I wanted to share our approach on lawful access and backdoors, as some people in the media have gotten it wrong.

BlackBerry’s products do not have backdoors, because at the end of the day, what we sell is trust. Our customers, some of the most powerful organizations in the world, trust us to keep their data private and safe from bad actors, and that’s what we do.

Where the confusion lies for some is how we work with law enforcement. As stated many times, I believe that companies should not put themselves above the greater good.

For us, there is a balance between doing what’s right, such as helping to apprehend criminals and preventing government abuse of citizen’s privacy. We have been able to find this balance even when pressured. Our position has been unwavering, and our actions are proof we commit to these principles.

We review lawful access requests, just like every other reputable company in the world does. Doing so does not mean, in any way, that BlackBerry has backdoors. Anyone who says so is wrong.

At BlackBerry, our mission is to protect data, not to exploit it, and we fulfill this mission by developing ultra-secure products and services with privacy embedded by design.

In today’s hyperconnected world, data protection and security is paramount, which is why I wanted to take this time to set the record straight and reassure our customers, partners, employees, investors, and the security industry at large, that BlackBerry is, and always will be, a company that is committed to providing the highest-level of security and data privacy.

Under my leadership, our products will never have a backdoor. This is BlackBerry’s promise to you.


本文作者 程守宗(John Chen)介绍:


        程守宗(John Chen)作为黑莓公司的执行主席兼首席执行官,John Chen负责定义公司的愿景和目标,制定战略,并确保团队的执行符合公司目标。 John于2013年11月任命,他带领黑莓手机成功地从硬件转向安全软件领导者。如今,该公司已准备好利用其在移动安全领域的品牌优势和传统,以及企业网络安全和嵌入式软件增长引擎,加速进入物联网领域,这是一个拥有数十亿连接设备和巨大市场潜力的新兴产品类别。

John拥有超过30年的工程和管理经验,包括担任Sybase Inc.的董事长兼首席执行官以及西门子Nixdorf,Pyramid Technology Corp.,Unisys和Burroughs Corp.的执行职务。

约翰以优异成绩毕业于布朗大学,获得加州理工学院(加州理工学院)电气工程学士学位和电气工程硕士学位。除了黑莓及几个非盈利组织之外,John还是华特迪士尼公司的董事会成员,此前曾在富国银行,CIT集团公司,Beyond.com,Niku Corporation,Wafer Technology的董事会任职。

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