

 当以读书通世事 2018-12-03


1. What will the man do during the vacation?

A. Work in a clothes store.

B. Travel around with Sam.

C. Go to the countryside.

2. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Husband and wife.

B. Customer and waitress.

C. Workmates.

3. How does the woman sound?

A. Excited. B. Confused. C. Annoyed.

4. What does the woman think Tom needs?

A. Punishment. B. Suggestions. C. Encouragement.

5. Where does the woman find her mobile phone?

A. On the table. B. On the chair. C. In her bag.




6. What day is it today?

A. Thursday. B. Friday. C. Saturday.

7. What is the woman going to do first?

A. Call Mark’s parents.

B. Exchange tickets.

C. Watch a match.


8. What problem does the boy have?

A. He always gets lost on campus.

B. He has difficulty in learning physics.

C. He lost his class schedule.

9. Where is the boy supposed to be now?

A. In Building 1. B. In Building 3. C. In Building 4.


10. Where is the woman now?

A. At her home. B. In a hotel. C. In a bar.

11. What did the woman’s neighbor complain about?

A. The meeting. B. The service. C. The noise.

12. When will the party end?

A. At 12:15. B. At 12:20. C. At 12:25.


13. What’s the man’s job?

A. A tour guide. B. A salesman. C. A translator.

14. Who are most likely interested in this product?

A. Businessmen. B. Tourists. C. Foreign students.

15. How many languages does the product contain?

A. 6. B. 7. C. 8.

16. What's the woman dissatisfied with about the product?

A. Its size. B. Its design. C. Its price.


17. What will the temperature be tomorrow?

A. 16℃~30℃. B. 18℃~28℃. C. 16℃~23℃.

18. How will the day start on Sunday?

A. Windy. B. Sunny. C. Cloudy.

19. When will it probably be pretty cold?

A. Next Monday. B. Next Tuesday. C. Next Wednesday.

20. How often is the weather forecast?

A. Once a day. B. Twice a day. C. Three times a day.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




Time for an adventure?

Are you a hit bored with your nine - to - five routine? Have a look at our exciting range of holidays and decide what type of adventure you’d like.

Activity holidays

Our activity holidays are for everyone, people who love danger or who just like sports. We have a huge variety of water, snow or desert holidays. We’ll take you SCBA diving in the Red Sea or kayaking and white water rafting in Canada. If you prefer snow, you can try skiing or snowboarding in the Alps or even igloo — building. For those who like warmer weather, we also have sandboarding (the desert version of skateboarding) or camel safaris.

Polar expeditions

Take a cringe to Antarctica or the northern Arctic; explore a Land of white natural beauty and wonderful wildlife. Our experts will explain everything about the two poles as you watch the penguins in Antarctica or whales and polar in the Arctic, There’s no greater adventure than travelling to the ends of the earth. A once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Cultural journeys

Our cultural journeys will help you discover ancient civilizations: India, Thailand, Egypt and many more. Visit temple, palaces and ancient ruins –-just remember to bring your camera! Get to know local ways of life by exploring markets, trying exotic foods and meeting local people.

Wildlife holidays

We organize small - group tours to gel closer to nature in Africa, Asia or South America. Go on safari in Africa and watch lions and giraffes. Meet the famous turtles off the Galapagos Islands. Look for tigers in India, or take an elephant safari in Sri Lanka. We use local guides and stay in a range of accommodation, from tents to trees houses.

21. Which would you prefer if you are a sports - lover?

A. Wildlife holidays. B. Cultural journeys.

C. Polar expeditions. D. Activity holidays.

22. What can a tourist do during a cultural holiday?

A. Appreciate ancient buildings. B. Watch lovely animals.

C. Get closer to nature. D. Have extreme sports.

23. What is the purpose of this text?

A. To introduce ways of relaxation. B. To share traveling experience.

C. To recommend different holidays. D. To give advice on traveling.


Eighteen years ago, Terry Grahl, was pregnant with her fourth child. “Money was very tight,” Terry recalls. So when her mom called to ask if she’d like to go shopping at the local fabric(布料) store for the coming Christmas, she couldn’t say no because she knew she badly needed some fabrics to make new clothes for her children. “I remember walking around, gazing at all this beautiful fabric, wondering whether there is anything cheap that I could afford. And I could still get some money left to buy Christmas gifts for my family.

Well, Terry’s mom must have known what Terry was thinking. Smiling kindly, she whispered to Terry, “You pick any fabrics you like. It’s your Christmas gift from me.” Terry’s eyes were filed with tears as the cart began to overflow with many fabrics, but not because Terry was planning on making herself a pretty dress or a pair of curtains for the kitchen. Rather, Terry’s mom’s kindness had inspired some holiday gift ideas in Terry, and it didn’t take long for Terry to figure out what she was going to do with all that fabric.

“I was going to make my first quilt,” she explains. “Every night I would work on this queen-size quilt. With every stitch(一针), I thought about all that my mom had done for me over the course of my childhood, during which we were always battling homelessness, but Mom somehow managed to fill our lives with love and make everything okay.”

On Christmas Day, five days after her baby girl was born, Terry handed her mom a gift box. Inside was the quilt she had sewn, from the fabric her mother had given her as a gift.

24. What do we know about Terry eighteen years ago?

A. Terry made a living by making clothes.

B. Terry had a bad relationship with her mom.

C. Terry and her family lived a hard life at that time.

D. Terry often went shopping at the local fabric store.

25. Which of the following words best describes Terry’s mom?

A. Strict.

B. Critical.

C. Faithful.

D. Considerate.

26. What made Terry change her idea about Christmas gifts?

A. The value of the fabric.

B. The responsibility for her family.

C. The memory of her childhood.

D. The endless love from her mother.

27. What is the best title for the text?

A. A Christmas Day

B. The First Quilt

C. Colorful Fabrics

D. Hard Childhood


More often than not, a choice that seems sustainable(可持续的)turns out to be problematic when we take a closer examination. Probably the best example is the rush to produce ethanol(乙醇) for fuel from corn. Corn is a renewable resource —you can harvest it and grow more, almost limitlessly. So replacing gas with corn ethanol seems like a great idea.

One might get a bit more energy out of the ethanol than that used to make it, which could still make ethanol more sustainable than gas generally, but that’s not the end of the problem. Using corn to make ethanol means less corn is left to feed animals and people, which drives up the cost of food. That result leads to turning the fallow land –including, in some cases, rain forest in places such as Brazil—into farmland, which in turn gives off lots of carbon dioxide (CO ) into the air. Finally, over many years, the energy benefit from burning ethanol would make up for the forest loss. But by then, climate change would have progressed so far that it might not help.

You cannot really declare any practice “sustainable” until you have done a complete life-cycle analysis of its environmental costs. Even then, technology and public keep developing, and that development can lead to unforeseen and undesired results. The admirable goal of living sustainably requires plenty of thought on an ongoing basis.

28. What might directly cause the loss of the forest according to the text?

A. The growing demand for energy to make ethanol.

B. The increasing carbon dioxide in the air.

C. The greater need for farmland.

D. The big change in weather.

29. The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to “_______ ”.

A. the energy benefit B. the forest loss

C. climate change D. burning ethanol

30. The author thinks that replacing gas with corn ethanol is .

A. Impractical B. Acceptable C. Admirable D. Useless

31. What does the author mainly discuss in the text?

A. Technology. B. Sustainability.

C. Ethanol energy. D. Environmental protection.


A new study of 8,000 young people in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior shows that although love can make adults live healthily and happily, it is a bad thing for young people. Puppy love (早恋), may bring stress for young people and can lead to depression. The study shows that girls become more depressed than boys, and younger girls are the worst of all.

The possible reason for the connection between love and higher risk of depression for girls is “loss of self”. According to the study, even though boys would say “lose themselves in a romantic relationship”, this “loss of self” is much more likely to lead to depression when it happens to girls. Young girls who have romantic relationships usually like hiding their feelings and opinions. They won’t tell that to their parents.

Dr.Marianm Kaufman, an expert on young people problems, says 15% to 20% young people will have depression during their growing. Trying romance often causes the depression. She advises kids not to jump into romance too early. During growing up, it is important for young people to build strong friendships and a strong sense of self. She also suggests the parents should encourage their kids to keep close to their friends, attend more interesting school activities and spend enough time with family.

Parents should watch for signs of depression-eating or mood changes-and if they see signs from their daughters or sons, they need to give help. The good news is that the connection between romance and depression seems to become weak with age. Love will always make us feel young, but only maturity gives us a chance to avoid its bad side effects.

32. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Romance is a two-edged sword for adults.

B. Parents should forbid their children’s love.

C. Romance is good for young people.

D. Puppy love may bring young people depression.

33. Which of the following is more likely to have depression?

A. Careless parents whose children are deep in love.

B. Young people who have a strong sense of selfishness.

C. Young girls who always hide their feelings and opinions.

D. Young boys whose parents watch for their behavior.

34. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The older a woman is, the less likely she seems to lose herself in romance.

B. Lacking love can lead young people to grow up more quickly.

C. Early love makes young people keep close to their friends and parents.

D. Parents should help their children to be aware of the signs of depression.

35. What’s the author’s attitude towards puppy love?

A. Confused B. Disapproving C. Neutral D. Scared

第二节 (共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)


A new study suggests that the timing of a wound affects the speed at which it heals(愈合). Wounds suffered during the day heal around 60 percent faster than those at night.

The study showed how the body’s circadian rhythm(昼夜节律) controlled the healing of wounds. ___36___ It tells our bodies when to wake up, eat and sleep in a cycle—a series of activities that repeat themselves day after day. ___37___

In the study, researchers found that skin cells moved faster to repair wounds suffered during the day. Their findings were published in the journal Science Transnational Medicine.

The researchers examined cells, mice, and burn injury databases. __38___Night-time burns—burns suffered between 8 o’clock at night and 8 o’ clock the next morning—were 95percent healed after an average of 28 days.

But after an average of 17 days, daytime burns-burns suffered between 8 o’clock in the morning and 8 o’clock at night—were 95 percent healed. ___39___

Wounds are very costly to treat. ___40___In Britain’s National Health Services, for example, such services cost around $6.56 billion per year. Experts say the high costs result, in part, from a lack of drugs that speed up the closure of wounds.

A. Each cycle lasts about 24 hours.

B. The circadian rhythm is like a clock or timer.

C. Specifically their investigation found the following information:

D. The new study’s findings could help scientists develop better drugs.

E. In other words, nigh-time injuries took an average of 11days longer to heal

F. Worldwide, billions of dollars are spent every year on wound-treatment services.

G. That’s what a group of researchers from a university in Canada recently published.

第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 45分)

第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

A woman professor was giving a lesson to her students on ___41___management. As she raised a glass of water, everyone in the class ___42___they would be asked the “half-empty or half-full” question. ___43___, that was not the case. With a smile on her face, she asked the students, “How much do you think this glass of water weighs?”

Answers called out ___44___from eight to twenty ounces(盎司).

She quieted the students down and then replied, “The absolute weight doesn’t ___45___. But it counts how long you hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it is OK. If I hold it for an hour, I will have an ache in my ___46___. If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb. In each case, the __47___of the glass of water doesn’t change, but the ___48___I hold it, the heavier it becomes, why?”

Lost in ___49___, all the students kept silent and listened to the professor carefully.

“Our stresses and ___50___in life are like that glass of water. If we ___51___our burdens all the time, sooner or later, we will feel exhausted, even unable to ___52___.”

___53___you have to do is to put all your burdens down , as __54___in the evening as possible. Don’t carry them through the evening into the night; by doing this, we can get _55___next morning and are __56___to move forward.

More often than not, life gets terrible when we ___57___too much. And the moment you ___58___your burdens, you’ll find yourself feeling so much more relaxed.

So rather than being upset and feeling __59___for yourself, start doing something about it. After all, life is too short to ___60___yourself to anything that is not making you happy.

41. A. class B. emotion C. time D. stress

42. A. wondered B. agreed C. expected D. argued

43. A. Meanwhile B. However C. Anyhow D. Therefore

44. A. ranged B. replied C. read D. exchanged

45. A. exist B. change C. increase D. matter

46. A. arm B. head C. leg D. stomach

47. A. shape B. position C. weight D. size

48. A. better B. longer C. deeper D. further

49. A. fantasy B. discussion C. dreams D. thought

50. A. doubts B. joys C. worries D. surprises

51. A. cover B. carry C. hide D. show

52. A. pick up B. work out C. carry on D. catch on

53. A. Something B. All C. Nothing D. Anything

54. A. eagerly B. naturally C. quickly D. early

55. A. refreshed B. entertained C. depressed D. amazed

56. A. anxious B. able C. passive D. ambitious

57. A. fear B. rest C. think D. get

58. A. let go of B. look down on C. catch up with D. put up with

59. A. happy B. greedy C. disappointed D. sorry

60. A. abandon B. treat C. drive D. help

第 II 卷

第三部分 英语知识运用



No one is sure how many Americans belong to reading groups called book clubs. Yet___61___ (publisher) and bookstores report that more and more people throughout the United States are joining___62___ (they).

Most of the clubs work the same way. Members read the same book at the same time. Then they meet to talk about the book. Members may be friends or people___63___ live near each other. Some Americans belong to reading groups on___64___Internet. These groups include people around the world who communicate about books they read. They send electronic mails instead of gathering___65___ (discuss) books.

Most reading groups study books by__66___ (variety) writers. However, some groups read the work of a single writer, ___67___ (usual) one that has been famous for a while. Other groups may__68___ (name) for an important person in the work of the writer, ___69___ a Sherlock Holmes Club. Members of these book clubs often are experts about their___70___ (choose) reading materials. One member of a Holmes reading group, for example, can identify almost every person in every Sherlock Holmes story.

第四部分 写作 (共两节 满分 35分)

第一节 短文改错(10 分)








Last Friday I saw the worst weather in years. In the morning, the sun was completely blocked so that I could see something clearly. I stayed at home, look outside. That came into sight was a flash of lightning. Seconds later, the noise of thunder broke the silent. Then a strong wind starts to blow into my room. Pieces of paper on my desk was blown high into the air and some flew out the open window. Then I closed the window when it rained hard and near broke my window.

What a bad weather! I hate it so I can’t go out to play.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


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