

 zdjphoto 2018-12-09

Interview Maria By Callas In Her Own Words


By Anya Wassenberg














There are two people in me. I would like to be Maria, 

but there is the Callas that I have to live up to.




There was Maria, and there was Callas. Maria was the private woman, known only to a small circle of friends. The poised perfection that was Callas was the persona she gifted to her fans and the rest of the world. A fascinating portrait of both emerges in the new documentary Maria by Callas by French filmmaker Tom Volf which received its North American premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2018.

既有一个玛丽亚,又有一个卡拉斯。玛丽亚仅仅是一个普通低调的女子,熟悉的朋友都在规模有限的朋友圈里,但卡拉斯却像是一个完美的礼物,把自己奉献给了所有的粉丝和整个世界。在2018多伦多国际电影节上,法国制片人汤姆·沃尔夫(Tom Volf)在北美首次推出的纪录片《是玛丽亚,还是卡拉斯》同时描绘了这两个迷人的形象。

Just five years ago, Volf wasn’t a fan of Callas, or opera, and confesses a virtual ignorance of the whole realm of classical music. That changed one fateful night in New York City. “Out of the blue,” he describes it.


The young actor, director, and photographer was living in NYC in a shared apartment, and just happened to stroll by the Met one evening. He bought tickets to an opera on a whim, and it literally changed his life.


“It was such an amazing experience,” he recalls. “I remember that night vividly.” Soprano Joyce DiDonato was singing the lead role in Donizetti’s Maria Stuarda, and for Volf, the combination of music, theatrical and cinematic elements was transformative.

“简直太不可思议了”,他回忆道。“那个晚上现在对我仍然栩栩如生。”女高音乔伊斯.迪多纳托(Joyce DiDonato)出演多尼采蒂(Donizetti)的歌剧《玛丽亚.史都华特》(Maria Stuarda)的女主角,音乐和现场气氛感人至深。

 After the performance, he rushed home to scour the internet for more information, and before too long, came upon the life and art of Maria Callas. “It was the second big revelation,” he says.


It naturally piqued his filmmaker’s instincts. He turned his talents to piecing together a portrait of the woman as an artist, and it began with some detective work. “I started the journey of making the film by looking for the people close to her.” The next step was gaining their trust enough to allow him to use their private communications for his documentary.


The approach paid off. The movie features never before heard letters, films, photographs and other documents that allow Maria — and Callas — to tell the story in their own words, including footage from a long lost 1970 interview with David Frost. 

这种方式看来不错。这部电影呈现了很多以前从来没有公开的信件、录像、照片、以及其它文件,其中包括遗失了很久的1970年大卫.弗罗斯特(David Frost)对卡拉斯的采访视频。这些内容用它们自己的语言讲述了玛丽亚—和卡拉斯—的故事。

When much has already been written and discussed about the legendary soprano, Maria by Callas offers fresh insights into the woman who was often labelled a diva by the press. Concert footage adds the artist Callas at her finest, illustrating the vocal and dramatic talents of a true legend.


At her very essence, she was a consummate artist, a perfectionist who devoted her whole life to her art, and sacrificed any dreams she had for a quiet family life. The push to perfection began early with a mother who had visions of Shirley Temple style success. Maria took to the discipline of training naturally, remembered by her teachers as the student who arrived first and left last at the Athens Conservatoire.

她在本质上是一个无可挑剔的艺术家、一个完美主义者,把一生献给了自己的艺术,甚至放弃了对平静的家庭生活的向往。对完美的追求在她幼年就开始了,因为母亲希望她像秀兰.邓波(Shirley Temple)一样成功。玛丽亚自觉地进行严格的训练,雅典音乐学院的老师记得她总是那个第一个到达最后一个离开的学生。

That work ethic persisted throughout her life, resulting in the extraordinary performances and recordings that still enthrall opera lovers. “Her level of standards are so high,” Volf says, “it’s very hard to live by that. It was one of the things that differentiated her.”


But, as the movie shows, perfection doesn’t come cheap. When she cancelled a performance because she was ill and her voice was not up to her standards, she was pilloried in the press around the world. The experience hurt her deeply. “It was the ideal way to drag me through the mud,” she says ruefully in an interview. “There’s always some enemy waiting for a moment of weakness.”


Naturally, the movie also looks at her much-publicized affair with Aristotle Onassis — both before and after his marriage to Jackie Kennedy. The two met while they were both still married to others, and the film also sheds light on the reasons for her divorce — or rather, her eventual divorce. There was no legal divorce laws at the time, and she spent more than a decade living as officially separated from her husband. Once she’d finally been granted a divorce, it was right about the time she learned of Ari’s marriage to Jackie by reading about it in the newspapers.

不出意料,这部影片也提到了无人不晓的她和亚里士多德.奥纳西斯(Aristotle Onassis)之间的绯闻—在他和杰基.肯尼迪(Jackie Kennedy)的婚姻之前之后。他们碰到一起的时候,两个人仍然都在各自的婚姻当中,影片也谈到他们离婚的原因。或者说,最后终于离婚。当时没有有关离婚的法律,她正式和丈夫分居有超过十年之久。当她最终被允许离婚的时候,她同时从报纸上获悉奥纳西斯和杰基(肯尼迪遗孀)之间的婚姻。

Still, it was with Ari that Maria found at least some happiness in her life. “He made me feel liberated,” she said. In the end, married to Jackie O or not, she took him back into her life with a pragmatic sense of reality. “My affair with Onassis was a failure, but my friendship with him, a success,” she said.

至少玛丽亚从和亚里士多德分享的时光中感到到了一丝幸福。“他让我觉得自由了”,她说。最终,不管他和杰基结婚与否,她在现实生活中让他成为自己人生的一部分。“我和奥纳西斯的绯闻是一个失误,但我和他的友谊非常成功” ,她说。

Maria Callas passed away from a heart attack alone in her Paris apartment in September 1977, long before Volf was born, but still lives in the public imagination, and in her legacy. “I think she gave birth to a whole generation of singers,” he says.


Volf includes Joyce DiDonato, the artist he heard that night of his introduction to opera, and who also narrates Maria’s letters in the film, in that group. “To me, Joyce is one of them,” he says. “I may never have fallen in love with opera if it wasn’t for her.”


World class talent comes at a very high price. In the end, it was Maria who paid for all of Callas’ success, in her private life, even to her physical and emotional health. “You realize the level of sacrifice she had to make.” But, she was fatalistic. “But, destiny is destiny,” she told Frost, “and there’s no way out.”


For the rest of us, there is her undying legacy. And, in the end, the most enduring, and most certainly requited, love of her life was between Callas and her many legions of fans.“She just was the greatest voice of her century. We’re lucky to have that heritage.”


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