
Science books in 2018

 诚信胡子 2018-12-12
From tales about whales to enthralling scientific histories and the memoir of a frustrated astrophysicist, 2018 was a banner year for science books. Here are Science News’ picks for the titles that should be on any science lover’s bookshelf. Find detailed reviews of many of these books in the links below and in our Editor’s Pick: Favorite books of 2018.

 The Truth About Animals
Lucy Cooke
A zoologist debunks揭示 myths about bats, pandas, Adélie penguins阿德利企鹅 and many other misunderstood creatures, recounting surprising stories from the animal kingdom (SN: 4/14/18, p. 26). Basic Books, $28

 Spying On Whales
Nick Pyenson
In this captivating 令人着迷look at whales, a paleontologist dives into the animals’ past, exploring how some of Earth’s most intelligent species came to be, and their uncertain future (SN: 7/7/18, p. 29). Viking, $27

Ben Goldfarb
Some people see beavers as pests. But a science writer explains how the dam-building rodents are actually vital ecosystem engineers that can create or expand habitats that benefit the entire wildlife community (SN: 8/4/18, p. 28). Chelsea Green Publishing, $24.95

 The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs
Steve Brusatte
In this memoir, a paleontologist blends experiences from his career with evolutionary science to take readers on an engrossing 引人入胜的journey through time, from the beginnings of the dinosaurs to their ultimate extinction. William Morrow, $29.99

 The Big Ones
Lucy Jones
A seismologist 地震学家examines past catastrophic natural disasters, 特大自然灾害including volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and floods, and their impact on culture, politics and society (SN: 3/31/18, p. 26). With the past as a guide, the author warns readers to be prepared for when the next disaster strikes. Doubleday, $26.95

 Losing the Nobel Prize
Brian Keating
An astrophysicist’s dream of winning a Nobel Prize turned to dust after a promising experiment failed to find the first definitive evidence of cosmic inflation. 宇宙膨胀The experience revealed how the prize can hamper 阻碍scientific progress (SN: 4/14/18, p. 27). W.W. Norton & Co., $27.95

 The Poisoned City
Anna Clark
Weaving together history, science and reporting, a journalist explores the public health crisis that began in Flint, Mich., when lead started leaching into residents’ drinking water 一位记者探讨了始于密歇根州弗林特的公共卫生危机。当铅开始渗入居民的饮用水时(SN: 7/21/18, p. 28). Metropolitan Books, $30

 The Poison Squad
Deborah Blum
A Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist tells the story of a government chemist at the turn of the 20th century and his mission to make food safe in the United States. Penguin Press, $28

Randi Hutter Epstein
The history of endocrinology makes for a strange and fascinating read, from the scientists who discovered the effects of hormones to the people whose lives have been irrevocably changed by these powerful substances 从发现激素作用的科学家到那些被这些强大物质不可逆转地改变了生活的人们,内分泌学的历史构成了一种奇怪而又迷人的解读(SN: 7/7/18, p. 28). W.W. Norton & Co., $26.95

 Nine Pints
Rose George
Blood, the feared as well as revered substance that flows throughout the human body, has a rich historical and scientific past (SN: 10/27/18, p. 28). Metropolitan Books, $30

 She Has Her Mother’s Laugh
Carl Zimmer
This comprehensive history recounts how researchers have come to understand genetic inheritance. 这段全面的历史叙述了研究人员是如何理解遗传的。Looking to the future, the author considers risks of gene manipulation基因操作 (SN: 6/9/18, p. 29). Dutton, $30

 Genetics in the Madhouse
Theodore M. Porter
Using archival records, 档案记录a science historian traces the origins of the study of human heredity to insane asylums 精神病院in the 1800s (SN: 7/7/18, p. 29). Princeton Univ., $35

 The Tangled Tree
David Quammen
In chronicling the lives of researchers who made important advances in molecular biology and genetics, this book shows how recent findings shake up our understanding of evolution and the tree of life. 本书以编年史的方式记录了在分子生物学和遗传学方面取得重大进展的研究人员的生活,展示了最近的发现如何动摇了我们对进化和生命之树的理解。Simon & Schuster, $30

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