

 懒人葛优瘫 2018-12-27




该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials4: 70 (2018),英文标题与摘要如下,点击https://www./articles/s41524-018-0131-6可以自由获取论文PDF。


Predicting the structure and stability of titanium oxide electrides

Xin Zhong, Meiling Xu, Lili Yang, Xin Qu, Lihua Yang, Miao Zhang, Hanyu Liu & Yanming Ma

The search for new inorganic electrides has attractedsignificant attention due to their potential applications in transparentconductors, battery electrodes, electron emitters, as well as catalysts forchemical synthesis. However, only a few inorganic electrides have beensuccessfully synthesized thus far, limiting the variety of electride examples. Here,we show the stabilization of inorganic electrides in the Ti-rich Ti–O systemthrough first-principles calculations in conjunction withswarm-intelligence-based CALYPSO method for structure prediction. Besides theknown Ti-rich stoichiometries of Ti2O, Ti3O, and Ti6O,two hitherto unknown Ti4O and Ti5O stoichiometries arepredicted to be thermodynamically stable at certain pressure conditions. Wefound that these Ti-rich Ti–O compounds are primarily zero-dimensionalelectrides with excess electrons confined in the atom-sized lattice voids orbetween the cationic layers playing the role as anions. The underlyingmechanism behind the stabilization of electrides has been rationalized in termsof the excess electrons provided by Ti atoms and their accommodation of excesselectrons by multiple cavities and layered atomic packings. The present results provide a viable direction for searching for practicalelectrides in the technically important Ti–O system.


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