![]() 贾雨,原生态国画独创艺术家。1954年生于成都,号;滴墨浪子。自幼习画,师法大自然,得冯建吴、石鲁兄弟点拨,从事美术工作。现为国家一级美术师,中国美术家协会(ASIA)创作中心导师,中国网教中心客座教授,国家现代艺术中心高级研究员。先后被授予“世界杰出华人艺术家”,“世界华人艺术领袖”,“中国美术大师”,“中华当代文人艺术家”,“中国当代实力派画家”,“当代中国书画艺术领军人物”,“中国书画家百杰”,中韩、中日“文化交流使者国际艺术家”等多种荣誉称号。 作品笔墨豪放,大气磅礴,吸取了西方绘画的巧要和中国传统绘画以及民间艺术的营养。以香格里拉这方圣土和田园小景为题材,采用焦墨重彩,新水墨为绘画语言,形成了自己独特鲜明的绘画风格。 2008年入选影响中国100位艺术大家(文化部); 2008年先后荣获中国艺术家杰出贡献奖,中国书画艺术成就贡献奖; 2009年1月被评选为国务院亚太经济发展研究中心国(宾)礼特供艺术家; 2010年1月由中华人民共和国日史编缉委员会授予"共和国杰出书画艺术家最高荣誉成就奖'',个人传略收录在《中华人民共和国国史.世博卷》中,永载史册; 2010年12月被授予“世界华人艺术领袖”(2010年度)荣誉称号; 2011年6月被英格兰皇家艺术基金会聘为永久学术顾问,并授予银质勋章。个人信息载入《世界艺术百科全书》相关卷集,永载于世界艺术史册; 2012年10月作品《雪域神舟》系列亮相法国卢浮宫(法国卢浮宫中国书画名家邀请展); 2012年12月被授予“中国美术大师”荣誉称号; 2013年1月被授予“十八大文艺代表人物”荣誉称号; 2013年3月入编《中国创新智库.改革开放35周年推动力人物名典》(文化部)。 2013年12月,作品香巴拉的红月亮入编中国高等美术院校教学范本《中国当代书画名家巨匠》大画册。 2014年1月12日杭州沃恩第四届“印象?西湖”财富浙商当代艺术品拍卖会上375号拍品《红原.系列之三》以418000.00元成交,成为此次拍卖会一大亮点,也再次刷新了其个人作品近年来的拍卖纪录。 主要作品在国内外美术大展赛中荣获各种奖项三十余次。作品及艺术简历入编《中国美术年鉴》,《祖国鉴藏》,《大家风范》,《中华当代艺坛巨臂》,《影响中国的100位艺术大家》,《新中国美术家大典》,《中国美术家作品集》,《兰亭雅韵》,《 中华人民共和国杰出书画艺术名家大典》,《当代名家》,《中国收藏》,《中国书画家大辞典》,《中国艺术三十年史志》,《中国书画名家名作典藏》,《中国精品艺术》,《名家墨迹》等上百部典、集。并多次在钓鱼台国宾馆,人民大会堂,人大会议中心受到国家领导人的亲切接见。《新晨报》,《世界知识画报》,《书画市场报》,《四川日报》,《山西工人报》,《中华民族电视台》,《艺术博客杂志社》,《中国新闻社》,《凤凰网》,《山东电视台》,《神州诗书画报》,《新农村商报》,《现代生活》,《收藏快报》等对其艺术成就给予专题介绍。其作品曾在韩国,英国,法国,加拿大,日本等国展出,并被多家机构和海内外人士收藏。 目前市场润格: 国内20000/平尺 国际3800美元/平尺 The original painting creative artist. A national first class painter Jia Yu Jia Yu, the original painting creative artists. 1954 born inChengdu, the prodigal son, droplets of ink. He learned painting from nature,, Feng Jianwu, Shi Lu brothersDianbo, engaged in the work of art. At the national level artist, China Artists Association (ASIA) creation center tutor,vice president of research Chinese masters of calligraphy and painting, Chinese network teaching adjunct professor,center, senior researcher at the National Center for contemporary art. Has been awarded the "world outstanding Chinese artist", "World Chinese art leader","Chinese art master", "contemporary Chinese writers and artists", "Chinese contemporary artists of strength","contemporary painting and calligraphy art China leader","the calligraphy and painting Chinese hundred Jie", ROK,Japan "cultural exchange envoys International Artist" and other honorary titles. Works bold ink, grand and magnificent, absorbed the western painting skillfully and Chinese traditional paintings and folk art nutrition. In this Shangri-La San soil andpastoral scenery as a theme, using the same color, the newink painting language, formed its own unique style of painting. In 2008 100 of Chinese artists (Ministry of culture); 2008 has won the China Artist Award for outstanding contribution, contribution China painting and calligraphy artachievement award; 2009 January was selected as a research center of the State Council Asia Pacific Economic Development of China(bin) special ceremony for the artist; In 2010 January by the people's Republic of China on the history of Editing Committee awarded the "Republic of China painting and calligraphy artist highest honoroutstanding achievement award", "personal memoirincluded in the people's Republic of China history. Thevolume", will go down in history; 2010 December was awarded the "World Chinese artleader" honorary title (2010 year); In 2011 June by the England Royal Art Foundation hired aspermanent academic advisors, and awarded a silver medal.Personal information into the "Encyclopedia" world artrelated volume set, the permanent load in the art history of the world; In 2012 October work "the Shenzhou" series debut in Le Louvre Museum in France (the French Le Louvre MuseumChina Artists Invitation Exhibition); 2012 December was awarded the "China art master" title of honor; 2013 January was awarded the "eighteen major literaryfigures" honorary title; In 2013 March for "Chinese creative think-tank. 35 years of reform and opening up impetus figure code" (Ministry of culture). In 2013 December, teaching model "works for ChineseShambhala moon institutions of higher art master" of contemporary masters of calligraphy and painting Chineselarge album. Vaughan from Hangzhou in January 12, 2014 fourthsession of "contemporary art impression West Lake" wealthZhejiang auction 375 auction "Hongyuan. Series of three"to 418000 yuan transactions, the auction will become a major bright spot, once again refresh the individual works in recent years auction record. The main works of art at home and abroad exhibition match won a variety of awards more than 30 times. Works and artresume for "Chinese Art Yearbook", "the collection", "of great ingenuity", "Chinese contemporary art" due to"influence, 100 art China everybody", "new Chinese art ceremony", "Chinese artists works", "Rhyme" Lanting Pavilion, "the people's Republic of China outstandingcalligraphy and painting art masters of ceremony","contemporary artists", "China collection", "painting and calligraphy dictionary" Chinese, "China art thirty yearshistory", "China calligraphy masterpieces collection", "fine art" China masters, "ink" hundreds of classic, set. And several times in the Diaoyutai State Guest House, the Great Hall of the people, the National People's CongressCenter by the state leaders cordially. "New morning","knowledge networks in the world", "the calligraphy and painting market report", "Sichuan Daily", "Shanxi worker","Chinese national TV station", "art blog magazine", "news"China ifeng.com, "", "Shandong TV", "Shenzhou" BookIllustrated, "new rural business daily", "modern life","collection of letters" give presentations on its artistic achievement. His works have been in South Korea, Britain,France, Canada, Japan and other countries on display,and many institutions and people at home and abroad. The current market price: Domestic 20000/ international $3800 / flat foot ![]() 美好家园.春145x80xm 晨赏幽兰暮听松, 家山美景各不同。 邀朋呼友寻雅句, 逐彩追云太阳红。 ![]() 美好家园.夏145x80cm 芳林无处不娇妍, 燕语呢喃蝉未眠。 一任身心临妙境, 诗情误入画中仙。 ![]() 美好家园.秋145x80cm 满目西风雁南行, 秋声入户易动情。 层林霜染云天外, 拍岸渔歌伴锦程。 ![]() 美好家园.冬145x80cm 山舞银蛇白絮飞, 物华天宝梦几回? 也曾蓑笠钓寒雪, 古韵随心把客陪。 诗作者:画家汪琼 |
来自: 乡间客 > 《古柏苍翠 - 贾雨作品欣赏》