

 昵称47813312 2019-02-02

1at 词组

at (the) least 至少;最少。反义词组为at (the)most至多;最多。

—Mr Smith looks older than his real age.In fact,he is at (the)most 40 years old.史密斯先生很显老,实际上他最多40岁。

—Oh, really?I thought he was 50 years old at (the)least.噢,真的吗?我以为他至少50岁了。

at the beginning of ……初(开头),可指时间与空间。如:

at the beginning of term 在学期开始

at the beginning of the book 在那本书的开头

at the beginning 单独用时间at first,也可说in the beginning.

比较:at the end of ……末(尽头)      at the end 在末尾处

in the end 最终,同at last       in the middle of ……中期

from beginning to end 从头至尾

at the doctor’s

该结构为介词+名词所有格,意为在诊所。所有格-’s后一般接名词,如her mother’s bike ,但有时这个名词可省略,主要表现在以下两个方面:


She is at the hairdresser’s.


I have read some of Shaw’s plays,but none of Shakespeare’s.

at the last moment 在最后关头

at the moment 此刻;正在那时for a moment片刻,一会儿for the moment 目前,暂时; in a moment立刻,马上

at the top of……的顶部,上方; at the top of a mountain在山顶;at the top of one’s voice高声地,尖声地

at war


The U.S.A.and Iraq are at war again.

2at/ with/ through

三个介词都可表示原因,at表示听到或看到的原因;with表示人体外部的原因;through 强调自身的原因。如:be sad at the news听了这个消息而悲伤;be frightened at the sight看了那个情景而害怕;jump up with joy高兴地跳了起来;turn red with anger气得脸红;shake with cold/fear冻得/害怕得发抖;with pleasure高兴地;with pride 骄傲地;with satisfaction满意地;make the mistake through his carelessness由于粗心而出错;be put into prison through no fault of his own 没有任何罪过被关进监狱。

3at work/ out of work/ after work


(1)at work表示在工作、在上班,作表语或状语。例如:

They are both at work today.今天他们俩都在上班。

His father had an accident at work last week.上周的父亲在工作时出了事故。

(2)out of work表示失业,是介词短语,相当于lost one’s jobbe unemployed。例如:

If you don’t work hard, you’ll be out of work.如果你不好好工作就会失业。

You’ll be out of work if you keep coming late.如果你老是迟到,你会失业的。

(3)after work表示下班后,作时间状语。例如:

What do you usually do after work?下班后你经常干什么?

I visited Mr Liu after work yesterday.昨天下班后我看望过刘先生。

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