注意: Poka yoke can be implemented at any point in a manufacturing process in which a mistake can be made. Here are some situations where it would be particularly important to mistake-proof a process: 防错,可以在生产过程中的任何一个可能出错的点上进行实施。以下这些情况下,对于流程防错尤为重要: 1 At a hand-off step in a process, when output is transferred to another worker 在流程的交接环节中,产品转移到另一个工人时 2 When a minor error early in the process will cause major problems later in the process 流程中早期的某个小错误,会在流程的后期导致重大问题时 3 When the consequences of an error are expensive or dangerous 当某个错误的后果代价不菲,或者会带来严重后果时 Here are some common types of errors that can occur in manufacturing processes: 以下是生产过程中可能会出现的一些常见错误类型: Processing errors: missing a process operation or not performing it according to the standard operating procedure 加工错误:漏流程操作,或者未按照标准操作程序操作。 Setup errors: setting machine adjustments incorrectly or using the wrong tooling 设置错误:机器调整设置错误,或者使用了错误的工具 Missing parts: Not all parts included in the assembly, welding, or other processes 零件缺失:并非所有零件都包含在装配、焊接或者其他流程中 Improper parts/items: using the wrong parts in a process 零件/项目不正确:在流程中使用错误的零件 Operations errors: carrying out an operation incorrectly or having the incorrect version of the standard operating procedure 操作错误:操作不正确,或者标准操作程序的版本不正确 Measurement errors: making an error in measurement in a process, machine adjustment, or the dimensions of a part coming from a supplier 测量误差:在流程、机器调整或者供应商来料零件尺寸测量误差。 点击下图直接购买以下商品: |