
- My 上海 Shanghai - 来自 Marksshanghai | 天空之城

 zdjphoto 2019-02-18
I always asked myself the question how i ended up from growing up in a tiny village in germany, to living in a megacity. I planed this video since 2 years i believe, but never had the chance to seriously start working on it. In the hope that one day I could seriously start working on it, I took many different shots with my mavic pro and tried to sqeez the best last bit out of it. I hope that i can tell the story about life itselfe. We never know where we gonna go in the future. And only until we actually arrive in the place of our destiny will we really see, how narrow our view was. How small we were thinking. In life, our perspective is somtimes so small, and we forget to think bigger. But how much more important is it, to not forget where we came from, to remind ourselfes, that every moment of our lifes is just a tiny piece of the puzzle in the big picture of it all. I am so glad to finaly share this with you and i hope you enjoy it.

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