

 skysun000001 2019-02-24


Right girl, right time 来自21世纪英文报 00:00 02:32


What would you do if you were given the chance to be reborn? In real life, we can’t do this, but the sci-fi movie Alita: Battle Angel gives us a glimpse of what it would be like if we could. In the movie, Alita, a robot girl, is given a chance to rediscover herself and the world around her.


The action-packed film hit Chinese mainland cinemas on Feb 22. It was adapted from a manga series called Battle Angel Alita, also known as Gunnm (literally “gun dream”), which was created by Japanese artist Yukito Kishiro.


The film’s producer James Cameron found Alita’s story very attractive. “The main character is this little girl that everybody kind of ignores. She’s got such a heroic heart on the inside,” the filmmaker told US-based website Medium.

该电影的制片人詹姆斯·卡梅隆认为阿丽塔的故事充满吸引力。“主角是这位所有人都有所忽视的小女孩。她内心勇敢无惧,”这位电影制作人在接受美国网站Medium 采访时如此表示。

Waking with a pair of massive eyes, Alita finds she has no memory of who she was in the 26th century. She is found by Ido, a compassionate cyber-doctor who realizes the extraordinary power in the abandoned cyborg.


They are like father and daughter, because Ido tries to protect Alita from her mysterious history. But deadly forces allow her to discover unique fighting abilities within herself. Alita becomes vital to saving her friends, family and the world that she has come to love.


In the film, Alita has no memory at all. She doesn’t know whom she is or where she is. And she can barely walk. But she’s curious about the world and uses her sensitivity to investigate everything around her.


“When I watch her discover things, it’s like I’m discovering them for the first time and she’s just moving through it, completely led by her heart,” Rosa Salazar, the actress who plays Alita, told Vice. “It is a good way to explore the world.”


However, in the eyes of its director Robert Rodriguez, the maker of the 2005 crime movie Sin City, the most important thing is that Alita thinks of herself as insignificant at first but comes to learn that she is vital.


“It’s a message for everyone today, that inside each one of us is the ability to make a difference,” Rodriguez told The Hollywood Reporter. “We just have to find that in a day and age when we all have to make a difference. Alita embodies that.”



本文英文音频由我报外籍编辑 Daniel Daugherty 朗读

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