

 徒步者的收藏 2019-03-17
Are digital payments secure enough for the Indian economy to go cashless?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www. 翻译:爱无痕吗 转载请注明出处

Mira said:
Now we are living in 21century and we had faced many changes in technologies cashless payment in my view is one of the great achievement. People can carry a large amount of money in android phone and can be tension free. I think digital forms have high security. Its risk free also. Today India is said as digital India and in coming days our country will totally convert in digitalized.


Abhishek Jadhav said:
Nowadays we all uses smartphone and we are very well connected with various technologies. Such as Google pay, Paytm, bhim. One thing we all have to remember these all apps have very good security. If you don't share your password with anyone then there is no risk.

如今我们都在使用智能手机,与各种技术有很好的联系,如谷歌支付, Paytm, bhim。有件事我们需要知道,这些应用程序都有很高的安全性,只要你别去和其他人分享密码,就不会有风险。

Rajdeep Roy said:
Every form of payment systems has some form of risk associated with it.
Take for Eg. Payment by cash, it has a risk of theft, robbery, damage of currency notes, use of fraud currency but regardless of all of that we use it as a medium of exchange due to the huge benefit of money being easy to carry, widely acceptable and availability in different denominations.
Likewise, cashless payments have a huge risk like cloning of cards by fraud machines, hacking of bank accounts, stolen card details and OTP. However, all these risks though very grave can be avoided by awareness of cyber crimes and by being careful.
Therefore, in conclusion, I would say that though cashless transaction has some risks associated with it due to the huge benefits, we must work towards a cashless society as well as continuously work towards making cashless payments


Abhinav Jha said:
Yes. I agree that digital transactions are secure and there are so many benefits attached to it but instead of cashless economy, I would rather suggest for less cash economy. We can't ensure that everybody in the country will get used to digital payment. So small denomination currencies should always be in circulation so that people in the rural areas and older people can transact easily.


Amit Srivastava said:
According to my opinion, digital payments are much more secure than the cash because of the following reason.
1. It is easy to carry. In India, before digital payment, people feel unsafe when they have to carry a large amount of money with them.
2. It is easy to transfer. Before this, if any people want to transfer money to other then it necessary to go to the bank for transferring money. Now in the present days, we use mobiles & various electronics gadgets to do this.
3. It is highly secure. It uses various security checks like OTP, password, biometrics etc.

1. 首先是便携性,在印度,数字支付出现之前,人们不得不随身携带大量现金,这会使人没有安全感。
2. 转账很容易,在此之前,如果有人想把钱转到其他地方,那么就必须去银行转账。现在,我们用手机等电子产品就行。

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