

 洪_雷 2019-03-27

                                    EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT OF SCHOOL PRINCIPAL



Employer:  International School (herein called school)


Employee: Mr. Raymond



1. Employment  聘用

2. Compensation  薪资

3. Accommodation Subvention 食宿津贴

4. Medical Insurance  医疗保险

5. Leave and Vacation 请假与休假

6. Registration  注册

7. Suspension and Dismissal  停职与解雇

8. Termination 合同终止

9. Conditions of Employment   聘用条件

10. Outside Employment  校外聘用

11. Written Agreement  书面协议

12. Severability  条款分割性

13. Dispute Resolution  纠纷调解

14. Governing Law 适用法律


THIS AGREEMENT is hereby made between the International School (herein called school) and Mr. Raymond, on this day of    .

此份协议由教育有限公司(简称学校)与Mr. Raymond     日拟定。



School wishes to employ Mr. Raymond and Mr. Raymond wishes to be employed by school as the Principal of International Schools on the terms and conditions set out below.

学校同意聘请Mr. RaymondMr. Raymond愿意受聘于学校作为校长并接受以下条款内容。


1. Employment  聘用

1.1 Term  期限

School hereby employs Mr. Raymond as the Principal of International Schools (herein called the Principal) for a term of two years, commencing on the day of     up to and including the last day of     (the Term).

学校聘请Mr. Raymond为国际学校的校长,聘用期限为两年,时间为     日至   日。


1.2 Principals Duties  校长职责

The Principal (Mr. Raymond) shall provide to school his services as described in the Conditions of Employment as listed in the attached. Mr. Raymond will be directly accountable to and report directly to Ms. Huangpu. He will provide additional services as may from time to time be identified by Ms. Huangpu.



Subject to performance of the Services and the terms of this agreement, the Principal shall be entitled to receive compensation directly from school in accordance with Clause 2 of this agreement.



2. Compensation  薪资

2.1 Calculation of Basic Compensation  基本薪资

The Principal shall be entitled to a basic compensation, payable in accordance with Section 2.5 below (the “Basic Compensation”). Basic Compensation will be RMB    for the first year

 from    to     for the second year covered in the Term of this agreement. 

校长享受基本薪资,依据基本薪资的2.5条款,基本薪资在协议期间第一年从    月至   月为人民币   ,第二年为人民币  


2.2 Contract Bonus (Gratuity) 合同完成奖金

If the Principal has performed the Services of the Term and completed all of the terms of this Agreement, the Principal shall also be entitled to receive 10% of the Basic Yearly Compensation as specified in section 2.1 (the “Gratuity”). The Gratuity will be paid on the yearly anniversary date of the contract. In the event the Principal is dismissed or voluntarily terminates his employment prior to the end of the Term, the Principal will not be entitled to receive the Gratuity.



2.3 Existing Contract现有合同

This agreement serves to dissolve and replace the existing         year contract. By mutual agreement the contract bonus as specified in the previous contract is to be paid in full prior to    .

此协议将取代和覆盖之前签订的    年至    年的合同,经双方协商同意,之前合同提及的合同奖金将于    11日前全额支付给校长。


2.4 Personal Taxation and Total Compensation for Tax Department Reporting


In addition to Basic Compensation, Contract Bonus, and any taxable portion of housing allowance, the Principal acknowledges that for purposes of reporting to the Chinese taxation authorities, the Principal may receive from school a convener allowance, compensation for summer school teaching, or other additional income (collectively, the “Total Compensation”). It should be noted that these additional amounts are not, however, part of Basic Compensation for the purpose of calculating the Gratuity.



School will deduct from each pay entitlement the appropriate amount of income tax and forward that to the taxation authorities on behalf of the Principal.



2.5 Payment Schedule for Basic Compensation  基本薪资支付

Basic Compensation for the Principal shall be payable in: 校长基本薪资支付如下:

(i) Twelve installments in the amount of RMB     hroughout the first year of contract, commencing    .

(ii) the same schedule for the second year. Twelve installments in the amount of RMB     commencing    .

合同期间第一年从    日开始,分12个月支付,每月支付人民币  

合同期间第二年从   日开始,份12个月支付,每月支付人民币  


2.6 Travel Expenses 旅行津贴

School will provide 6 round-trip tickets: 2 initial flight tickets, 2 round trip ticket every year and 2 return flight tickets at the end of the contract.

在合同期间,学校为校长提供6张往返家乡的机票(经济舱),入职的时候从家乡到    2张机票,每年2张往返机票,合同结束后2张从    返回家的机票。


3. Accommodation Subvention 食宿津贴

In addition to the Basic Compensation, RMB    per month is provided for each month of the

contract to defray accommodation expenses.

除基本薪资外,每月享有人民币    元的食宿补贴。


4. Medical Insurance  医疗保险

School will pay the premium for the Principal and his Spouse, to belong to a basic group medical insurance plan provided by an internationally recognized quality insurance provider.



5. Leave and Vacation 请假与休假

5.1 The Principal is entitled to 2 days paid sick leave per month, not to exceed 15 days in a school year.  All claims for sick leave of more than 2 consecutive days, or when a sick day occurs directly prior to or following a school holiday, require a certificate issued by a qualified physician.



5.2 The Principal shall be entitled to carry forward unused sick leave to a maximum of 30 days which can only be used as sick leave in the event of illness. 



5.3 The Principal is entitled to the same vacation time as per the operation calendar of the Canadian International School, with the exception that the Principal shall commence his duties five to ten working days prior to the commencement of classes for each school year in accordance with the requirements of the School calendar.



5.4 The Principal is entitled to a maximum of 5 days leave per school year, for the purpose of personal or professional development.



5.5 The Principal is entitled to a maximum of 5 days of paid compassionate leave and up to an additional 5 days of unpaid compassionate leave in the event of the death or critical illness of a family member.



6. Registration  注册

The Principal shall be registered as a Principal with the Guangdong Education Department, in accordance with the appropriate legislative requirements and shall hold a valid permit from the Education Department during the Term of this agreement and a valid work permit authorizing the Principal’s employment. 



7. Suspension and Dismissal  停职与解雇

7.1 This agreement will be terminated with immediate effect if the Education Department has cancelled or revoked the Principal’s permit or if the work permit of the Principal has been revoked.



7.2 In addition to any grounds for suspension or dismissal at law, the Chairperson of the Board (Chair) shall be entitled to suspend the Principal from his position on any one of the following grounds:



(i) if it appears to the Chair that the Principal has behaved in such a manner as to constitute professional misconduct;



(ii) if it appears to the Chair that the Principal is professionally incompetent;



(iii) if the Principal is medically unfit, as certified by a medical practitioner and unable to consistently perform him duties.



7.3 The Chair shall, on suspending the Principal, notify the Principal in writing of the reasons for suspension and make a report in writing and present the report to the Principal within 5 days of the suspension.  The suspended Principal shall have the right to a hearing before the Board by giving notice in writing to the Board requesting a meeting of the Board, and the Board shall hold a meeting within 10 days of the date of receipt of the notice.  If the Board reinstates the Principal, restitution of lost salary will be made to the Principal.



7.4 The decision of the Board shall be final and conclusive, and be made in writing within seven days from the date of the hearing.



8. Termination 合同终止

The employment of the Principal shall terminate on the expiration of the Term or such earlier termination in accordance with clauses 7 and 8.2.



8.1 Renewal of Contract  合同续签

It is the responsibility of the Principal to advise school in writing four months prior if he does not wish his contract renewed beyond the agreement Term.  It is the responsibility of school to advise the Principal in writing four months prior if the school does not intend to renew the Principal’s contract beyond the agreement Term.

如果合约期满后校长不愿意继续签合同,校长需要提前4个月以书面形式通知学校 。如果校方不愿意与校长续签合同,需要提前4个月以书面形式通知校长。


If the Principal fails to provide notice as specified above, a penalty of 10% of the Contract Completion Bonus will be deducted for each month or part thereof for which the Principal fails to give notice up to a maximum of 40% of the Contract Completion Bonus.



If school fails to provide notice as specified above, school will pay the Principal 10% of the Contract Completion Bonus for each month or part thereof for which it fails to give notice up to a maximum of 40% of the Contract Completion Bonus.

如果学校没有如上述规定发出通知, 学校须每月支付校长10%的合同完成奖金或者不超过合同完成奖金40%的部分赔偿


8.2 Early Termination  提前终止协议

Same as provided in Clause 7 hereof, school may terminate this agreement prior to the expiration of the Term by giving four months written notice to the Principal or by payment of 40% of the annual Basic Compensation in lieu of said notice.  In this event, the Contract Bonus will be paid on a pro-rata basis.



9. Conditions of Employment   聘用条件

The Principal and school agree that in addition to the provisions herein, this agreement and the employment of the Principal shall be subject to any rules, guidelines or by-laws as may be set by the Board of Principals or the Principal of school.



10. Outside Employment  校外聘用

The Principal must obtain prior written approval from the Board of Principals before accepting outside employment including, but not limited to such things as lecturing, tutoring, music lessons, coaching of sports, or other work for which remuneration is received.



11. Written Agreement  书面协议

This agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties and shall replace or supersede any prior agreements, in writing or otherwise, made between the parties hereto, and shall be in full force and effect for the Term stated herein unless otherwise terminated, modified or extended in accordance with the provisions herein or by agreement in writing between the parties.



In the event of any interpretations of terms and/or conditions, including issues arising from contract translations into other languages, both parties agree that the terms and/or conditions of this agreement in English shall have precedence.



12. Severability  条款分割性

The invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions herein shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other provisions.



13. Dispute Resolution  纠纷调解

Any dispute arising out of or relating to this agreement shall be resolved amicably through negotiations and, if this process fails, then the parties agree to use mediation to resolve any disputes. If mediation fails, the parties then agree to use arbitration for dispute resolution by use of a sole arbitrator in China.



14. Governing Law 适用法律

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Principal and school have set their signatures the day and year first set forth above.


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