
Happy Times

 后知后觉无所谓 2019-03-27

Wish on the moon月亮上祈福

And look for the gold in a rainbow彩虹里淘金

And you'll find a happy time你将找到幸福时光

You'll hear a tune你会听到一种曲调

That lives in the heart of a bluebird栖息在蓝知更鸟的内心

And you'll find a happy time你将找到幸福时光

Though things may look very dark形势虽然貌似黑暗

Your dream is not in vein你的梦想并非徒劳

For when do you find the rainbow?那什么你会找到彩虹?

Only after rain仅在雨后

So wish on the moon那么在月亮上祈福

And someday it may be tomorrow某天它便成为明天

You will suddenly hear chimes你会突然听到和鸣

And you'll have your happy, happy time你将找到幸福、幸福时光

So wish on the moon那么在月亮上祈福

And someday it may be tomorrow某天它便成为明天

You will suddenly hear chimes你会突然听到和鸣

And you'll have your happy, happy time.你将找到幸福、幸福时光

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