为促进如皋与海内外花卉、盆景组织的交流合作,彰显如派盆景在盆景界的重要地位,经如皋市政府及中国花卉协会盆景分会的沟通协调,本届国际青年盆景论坛设计了特别行程——如皋专场。 中国花卉协会盆景分会是中国花卉协会成立的15个分支机构之一,于2014年11月5日在北京成立。秘书处设在江苏省如皋市,会长单位是如皋绿园有限公司。 作为国际性的盆景交流的重要平台,上海国际青年盆景论坛如皋专场届时将聚集美国、波兰、德国、马来西亚等9个国家和地区的18位重量级嘉宾及优秀青年嘉宾进行文化交流。同时,如皋也将派出8位新秀盆景艺人与之共同切磋。 活动安排 盆景技艺交流活动 (1)时间:2019年3月31日(周日) 8:30—11:30 (2)地点:江苏盆景博物馆 盆景产业研讨会 (1)时间:2019年3月31日(周日) 13:40—17:00 (2)研讨会话题: ①围绕国际盆景发展趋势探讨对策措施; ②请来宾对如皋盆景产业发展建言献策; ③中花协盆景分会秘书处推介北京世园会盆景国际竞赛项目。 中外青年交流嘉宾 Jan Novotný 美国 出生于1981年10月,现居Stramberk。2004开始制作盆景,2006 在ISABELIA 盆景博物馆工作。在盆景学校师从Salvatore Liporace , Sandro Segneri , Seok Ju Kim 等人,2015 成为独立盆景制作人。 He was born in 1981 and October and currently lives in Stramberk. In 2004, the penjing was produced. In 2006, he worked at the ISABELIA Penjing Museum. At the Penjing School, he studied with Salvatore Liporace, Sandro Segneri, Seok Ju Kim and others. He became an independent penjing producer in 2015. 作品 Jennifer Price 美国 出生于1972年,现居芝加哥,伊利诺伊州。2011年从职业芭蕾舞演员的舞台上退役后,全身心投入盆景艺术。曾多次参加盆景研讨会,代表美国参加中国扬州盆景节。 He was born in 1972 and currently lives in Chicago, Illinois. After retiring from the stage of professional ballet dancers in 2011, he devoted myself to penjing art. He has participated in many penjing seminars and represented the United States in the China Yangzhou Penjing Festival. 作品 Łukasz Szkoła 波兰 出生于1988年,醉心盆景十余年。于2013年进入波兰资历最老的盆景学校学习,师从多位名师,并从自然中获取制作灵感。 He born in 1988,was fascinated by bonsai art for more than ten years. In 2013, he entered the oldest bonsai school in Poland, where he studied with a number of famous teachers and gained inspiration from nature. 作品 René Alber 德国 雷内·埃尔伯 ,现居德国,从2006年开始从事盆景行业,是德国2016年新人才大赛的获胜者,活跃于国际展示舞台,曾多次参加各种国际型大展。 Rene elber, now living in Germany, has been engaged in penjing industry since 2006. He was the winner of the 2016 new talent competition in Germany. Active in the international exhibition stage, has participated in various international exhibitions. 作品 李友文 马来西亚 李有文,自由盆景制作人、国际型的盆景大师,盆景制作技艺高超。他经营着一家商业盆景苗圃,足迹遍布全球,热衷于分享传统盆景技法与培育新技术。2017年被授予中国世界盆景文化交流大使,并且是马来西亚盆景和水石协会(MBSS)的副会长。 Wyn Lee is a free-style penjing artist, an international penjing master with ingenious penjing creation skills. He runs a commercial penjing nursery and has travelled all over the world. He is passionate about sharing traditional penjing techniques and new nurturing technologies. He was awarded China’s World Penjing Cultural Exchange Ambassador in 2017. Besides, he is the vice president of Malaysia Penjing &Suseki Society (MBSS). 作品 林宪昌 中国台湾 林宪昌,中国台湾云林县人。柏情柏艺专业真柏创作团队(Taiwan 's juniper bonsai creative team)创始人。是专业盆景人、同时具备真柏素材田培、创作、全手工舍利雕刻、塑型的专业技术人员。多次带领团队参加全国盆景示范表演。师承李福荣、李仲鸿两位大师。 Lin from Yunlin County, Taiwan Province.He is the founder of Taiwan's Juniper Bonsai Creative Team, is a professional bonsai artist, specialized in genuine juniper field training, juniper craft and professional hand-made Sari sculpture. He had led his team to participate in national bonsai demonstration performance many times. He learned as a pupil of Furong Li, the first generation of juniper bonsai master in Taiwan and champion of Juniper Asia-Pacific bonsai exhibition in 1999; as well as Zhonghong Li, the second generation juniper bonsai master in Taiwan and champion of juniper Asia-Pacific bonsai exhibition in 2009. 作品 赵元东 韩国 赵元东在大昌园和Baek Am San Bang学习盆景制作技艺。于2003年开设自己的盆景苗圃Song Seol San Bang,五年后成立个人盆景学校。2008年于捷克国家盆景展上进行示范表演,2015年在韩国盆景展上担任林业局局长一职。并为中国盆景艺术家协会和2017亚太盆栽友好联盟会上进行演示表演。 Cho Won Dong studied penjing production techniques in Dachangyuan and Baek Am San Bang. In 2003, opening its own penjing nursery Song Seol San Bang, five years later a personal penjing school was established. In 2008, a demonstration performance was held at the Czech National Penjing Exhibition and served as Director General of the Forestry Bureau at the 2015 Korean Penjing Exhibition. And he demonstrated performance for the China Penjing Artists Association and 2017 Asia-Pacific Basin Friendly Alliance. 作品 吕兴红 中国如皋 吕兴红,1978年出生,江苏如皋人,以勤奋和专注在盆景创作中不断成长,参加众多大赛,学习经验,不断丰富自己,在参加第六届中国盆景学术研讨会制作比赛中荣获银奖。 Lv Xinghong, born in 1978, is a Rugao native. He has been honing skills of making Penjing with focused hard work. By participating in many competitions, he enriched himself by learning from others. He won the Silver Award in the sixth China Symposium on Penjing. 孙月飞 中国如皋 孙月飞,1985年生,江苏如皋人,中国盆景高级技师, 如皋市非物质文化遗产‘如皋盆景制作技艺’传承人,为把如皋盆景文化与如皋盆景制作技艺推向全国推向世界而努力。 Sun Yuefei, born in 1985 in Rugao of Jiangsu Province, is a senior technician of Chinese Penjing. He is adherent of Rugao Penjing craft skills, an intangible cultural heritage of Rugao City. He has made great efforts to spread Rugao Penjing culture and Rugao Penjing making skills to the world. 向昌金 中国如皋 向昌金 ,1984年生,从事盆景工作近20年,因个人爱好盆景,一直努力专注于蟠扎如皋盆景特色的技艺,希望达到更高层次。 Xiang Changjin, born in 1984, has been engaged in Penjing work for nearly 20 years. Because of his personal interest in Penjing, he has been devoted to unique skills of wiring of Penjing with the aim for perfection 杨建 中国如皋 杨建,1982年生,江苏如皋人,父亲是早一批的盆景艺术家,受其影响,从小耳濡目染,在盆景创作上形成了自身的风格,在中国爵——中国盆景作家国家大赛中,一举荣获中国盆景作家称号。 Yang Jian, born in 1982 in Rugao ofJiangsu Province was exposed to Penjing culture since childhood under the influence of his father, an early-generation Penjing artist. The Penjing he made has distinctive hallmarks of himself. In the national Chinese Penjing Writers Competition, he won the title of Chinese Penjing writer. 翟本建 中国如皋 翟本建,1978年生,江苏如皋人,自少年时起,对盆景就有着浓厚的兴趣,遍访名师长者,得其指点,后在自创过程中,把自然美、人文美融合为创作理念,追求创新多变的艺术风格,作品多次在国内荣获奖项。 Zhai Benjian, was born in 1978 in Rugao of Jiangsu Province. Since he was a teenager, he had developed strong interest in Penjing. Driven by the interest, he has visited many famous teachers for advices. Later, in the process of his own creation, he integrated natural beauty with profound culture. In pursuit of varied artistic styles, he has won many awards in China. 朱拥军 中国如皋 朱拥军,男,1976年1月出生盆景世家,自幼受父亲的熏陶,是如派盆景主要继承人之一,多个作品获全国、省盆景评比展览一、二等奖。2012年在南通市“长寿杯”盆景工技能大赛中荣获一等奖。 Zhu Yongjun, male, was born in January 1976 into a family holding Penjing culture high. Since childhood, he had been exposed to Penjing under the influence of his father. As one of the main adherents of Rugao school of Penjing, he has won several first and second prizes in the national and provincial Penjing evaluation exhibitions. In 2012, he won the first prize in the 'Longevity Cup' Penjing skills Competition in Nantong city. 郝昌桂 中国如皋 郝昌桂,1985年出生,从事盆景工作17年,多次参加国内举办的盆景比赛。2016年南通市五一劳动奖获得者。 Hao Changgui, born in 1985, has engaged in Penjing for 17 years. He has participated in many domestic Penjing competitions. He is winner of the Labor Award in Nantong City in 2016. 袁杨梦秋 中国如皋 袁杨梦秋,出生于1992,2013年开始学习盆景制作,2016年参与如皋市花木大世界杯盆景技能大赛获得特等奖。曾作为中方代表参加“中国和以色列大学生创业文化交流活动”。 Yuan Yangmengqiu, born in 1992, began to learn penjing making in 2013. In 2016, he participated in the Penjing Skill Competition held in Rugao Flowers and Trees' World and won the special prize. As the Chinese representative, he participated in the entrepreneurial and cultural communication activities between Chinese and Israel students. |