
​【中考英语:“There be句型”详解(二)】

 昵称32901809 2019-03-31
4.There be句型的时态

There be句型的时态根据时间状语和就近原则分别为:

一般现在时There is/are

一般过去时There was/were

一般将来时There is going to be/There will be

还有There used to be;There must/may/can be等形式。其中,一般将来时的形式在初中考试中常出现。

如:There _____ a basketball match tomorrow。

A.is going to have

B.are going to have

C.is going to be

D.are going to be


5.There be句型中的动词

There be句型中的动词根据需要,有时可以用lie/stand/live/enter/happen/remain/seem to be等代替be动词。如:

There stands a tree in front of the house。

Long long ago,There lived an old man. He was very poor。

6.There is+no+名词……句型

如:There is no need to tell him the news. He has known it。

常用句型有There is no need to do something。做某事没有必要。

There is no sense in doing something。做某事没有意义。

There is no point in doing something。做某事没有意义或没用。

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