

 洞果老 2019-04-13

2018“外研社·国才杯”全国英语阅读大赛落下帷幕,阅读大赛以“Read and Know”, “Read and Reason”, “Read and Question”, “Read and Create”四个模块架设比赛结构,匠心独运、层层递进,启迪选手智慧、引导选手思考。

为让大家深入了解决赛赛题及选手表现,小U特地奉上赛题Part IV及冠军作品展示,以小见大,重现选手风采!

Part IV Read and Create

In Part IV, you will read two passages and then write a short essay according to them. You should write with clarity and logic.

Directions: Read the following two passages. Write a short essay according to the passages.

Passage A

On one occasion when a disciple of Confucius was sent on a public mission to a foreign State, he left his mother at home unprovided for. Another disciple then asked Confucius to provide her with grain. 'Give her,' said Confucius, 'so much,' naming a certain quantity.

The disciple asked for more. Confucius then named a larger quantity. Finally the disciple gave her a larger quantity than the quantity which Confucius named.

When Confucius came to know of it, he remarked, 'When that woman's son left on his mission he drove in a carriage with fine horses and was clothed with costly furs. Now I believe a wise and good man reserves his charity for the really needy; he does not help the well-to-do and rich.' 

On another occasion, when another disciple was appointed the chief magistrate of a town, Confucius appointed his salary at nine hundred measures of grain. The disciple declined it as being too much.

'Do not decline it,' said Confucius to him, 'If that is more than necessary for your own wants, cannot you share what you do not want with your relatives and neighbors at home?' 

Source: The Discourses and Sayings of Confucius.

Passage B

…with respect to acting in the face of danger, courage is a mean between the excess of rashness and the deficiency of cowardice; with respect to the enjoyment of pleasures, temperance is a mean between the excess of intemperance and the deficiency of insensibility; with respect to spending money, generosity is a mean between the excess of wastefulness and the deficiency of stinginess; with respect to relations with strangers, being friendly is a mean between the excess of being ingratiating and the deficiency of being surly

Source: Aristotle: Ethics and the Virtues

 41. Write a short essay of about 300 words based on your understanding of the two passages. Remember to write in your OWN words. Your essay should respond to the following questions:

1) In the first story, what was Confucius' attitude toward his disciple?

2) How did Confucius behave differently to his second disciple? And why?

3) Compare Confucius and Aristotle in their understanding of generosity. Please support your opinion with the information from the given passages.


王清波 湖北大学(指导教师:曾靓婧老师)


通常的阅读主观题要求选手要对文章有或批判或赞成的态度,而这次的题目重在对于题目信息的提取,即便是最后一问也只是要求选手比较孔子和亚里士多德对于generosity 的理解,而没有让选手表达自己认为谁的理解更好。因此,在完成这道题的时候主要将精力放在理解文章和paraphrase上,我认为写作的目的是传达观点和交流,因此不过分纠结语言的华丽,尽量选用平实、简单的词汇表达观点。




(为真实展示选手赛场上的写作风貌,文章为从iTEST 大学外语测试与训练系统中摘出的原生作品,仅供学习分享使用。)

In the first story, Confucius had a negative attitude towards his first disciple's decision to give more grain than he allotted to the woman. In contrast, he gave the second disciple who was appointed magistrate much more than he actually needed as his salary, because he followed his principle of helping people that most urgently need help and thought his second disciple fit into the criteria.

There are nuances of differences between Confucius and Aristotle's understanding of generosity. Confucius believed that generosity was about refraining from helping the rich and saving all the money for people who are really in need, whereas Aristotle was convinced that generosity was in the middle between the two ends of the spectrum of spending money--- wasting it and not spending anything. When Confucius found that the lonely woman's son was luxurious in his outfits as he left on the mission, he classified the family into financially capable ones and played down the sum of grains that the disciple asked to give to the woman. Then he gave much more salary than necessary for that position of the magistrate and encouraged the appointed disciple to give the amount that he did not need to his family and neighbors. Clearly Confucius had a clear priority in helping people, which was reflected in his behaviour---he was stingy to the rich and extremely generous to the poor.

As regards Aristotle,he preferred the middle ground of spending. In his view, you should never spend too much which he labeled as 'wasteful' and too little which he labeled as 'stingy'. This means that Aristotle didn't really categorize and judge the people whom he wanted to spend money on. People should be indiscriminate in their spending and refrain from having different treatments in different circumstances.

The term 'generosity' was interpreted differently by the two great masters. Confucius might be able to give more help to people in need, and Aristotle might be able to be objective in his spending, which could rule out the possibility of unfair judgement and unfair categorization when helping the poor.


田朝霞教授 南京师范大学




阅读大赛的Read and Create部分旨在考查选手对给定文本的阅读理解能力、分析能力以及语言的组织及表达能力,也侧面考查选手的知识储备、思维和视野。

2018年的阅读大赛选取了两段文本。Passage A是指定书目《论语》(辜鸿铭英译版)中“雍也”中的一小节,讲述了两个小故事。第一个故事中,孔子的弟子(子华)出使齐国期间,其母生活拮据,另一个弟子(冉有)请求孔子给予子华母亲帮助,并擅做主张,给予了更多,孔子对此举表现出不赞赏。第二个故事中,贫穷弟子(原先)任职期间,孔子赋予厚禄,弟子推辞,孔子坚持,并鼓励其将结余送于乡里。Passage B为亚里士多德阐述有关“generosity”的一句话。要求学生完成一篇作文,阐述和分析孔子在不同场合对其子弟的态度,并对比孔子和亚里士多德对“generosity”的理解。











第三,背景知识掌握有限,视野有望再拓展。两位大师是中西文化的重要代表人物,《论语》更是所列出的必读书目之一。所选取两段文本均是两位大师核心哲学思想的体现。例如,Passage A的两个故事突出体现了儒家思想中的“仁”和“礼”。孔子主张对穷人给予帮助,这是“仁”的表现。虽不赞赏帮助富裕弟子(子华)之母,但被求助时,孔子仍能基于“礼”做出回应;孔子侧面指责富裕弟子不遵孝道,也是基于“礼”的标准;欲帮助贫穷弟子,但并不用施舍方式,而是以增加俸禄的方式,更是其“礼”和“仁”的表现。另一方面,亚里士多德的这段话(包括对“慷慨”的理解)是其“中道”哲学思想的突出表现,中庸伦理观是亚里士多德伦理学的核心和灵魂。亚里士多德认为,过度与不及都是恶的特点,而适度则是德性(virtue)的体现。如果有选手能够从对virtue的理解角度去对比两位大师的思想,也会很精彩。虽然,完成这个Read and Create的任务,不一定非要如此深挖,但是能够站在更高的高度,以更广的视野来分析文本,则必定脱颖而出。

总体来说,这位选手的答卷还不错。但是,我们更希望通过Read and Create以及整个阅读大赛,同学们能够求知若渴,博览群书,汲取世界文化与思想的精华,从而在面对纷繁多变的世界时,能够更冷静、更睿智、更无畏。

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