
How to Trim Thompson Grape Plants

 屠甸思源堂 2019-04-18
Trim "Thompson Seedless" grape plants to control vine growth and boost fruit quality.

"Thompson Seedless" grape plants (Vitaceae vinifera "Thompson Seedless") is the most common white table grape plant in California. The grapes are widely used to produce raisins, but are also enjoyed as table grapes and crushed for wine and grape juice. Spur pruning is the most common type of pruning for grape plants, but "Thompson Seedless" grapes produce better grapes with cane pruning, in which the plant is reduced to three to four canes per vine. Established grape vines are pruned during the winter dormant period before new growth emerges in spring. Regular pruning encourages healthy plants with higher yields of good-quality fruit.

“Thompson Seedless”葡萄(Vitaceae vinifera“Thompson Seedless”)是加利福尼亚最常见的白葡萄。 葡萄被广泛用于生产葡萄干,但也可以作为鲜食葡萄享用葡萄和葡萄汁。 促生修剪是葡萄植物最常见的修剪类型,但“汤普森无核”葡萄通过枝条修剪生产出更好的葡萄,其中每株葡萄藤的植物减少到三到四根。 在冬季新的生长出现之前,在冬季休眠期间修剪成熟的葡萄藤。 定期修剪可以使健康的植物获得更高产量的优质水果。


Trim Thompson grape plants in winter during the dormant period, usually in January or February. Choose two to four healthy, mature fruiting canes per plant to keep. Select canes that received the greatest amount of sunlight in the previous growing season and have diameters between three- and five-eighths inches.在休眠期间,通常在1月或2月,在冬季修剪汤普森葡萄植物。 每株植物选择两到四个健康成熟的果实枝干。 选择在上一个生长季节接收到最大阳光并且直径在3/8-5/8 英寸之间的枝干。


Cut all growth from the plant except for the new fruiting canes that developed from the renewal spurs in the previous growing season.去除所有生长,除了从上一个生长季节的更新刺激发展而来的新结果枝。


Trim back each of the two to four selected canes, leaving approximately 15 buds per cane. Tie these canes to the trellis, arbor or fence on which the plant is trained.修剪这选定的两到四个枝条中的每一根,每根枝条留下大约15个芽。将这些枝条系在培养植物的格子,乔木或篱笆上。


Select another spur cane near each of the two to four selected canes and trim them back to leave only one or two buds per spur; the fruiting canes for the following year's growth spur from these renewal spur canes. 在两个到四个选定的枝条中的每个附近选择另一个生长枝条,并修剪回去,每个生长枝条仅留下一到两个芽; 这些更新的生长枝条为第二年的增长提供了果


Cut out the remaining canes to about 1 inch from the main trunk; cutting too close to the trunk makes it difficult for the grape plant to heal after pruning. 将剩余的枝条切去(离主干约1英寸); 切得太靠近树干,修剪后很难使葡萄植物愈合。


Cut new growth in summer when the growth from the fruiting canes reaches about 3 feet in length; this directs the plant's energy to fruit production instead of excess vine growth. If you are growing "Thompson Seedless" for shade over an arbor rather than for its fruit, this step is not necessary.

在夏季,当果梗长出约3英尺长时,剪头。可减少新的生长; 这将植物的能量导向水果生产,而不是过量的藤蔓生长。 如果您将“汤普森无核”种植在葡萄棚上,则无需执行此步骤。


Clip off any grape clusters that appear misshapen, over-sized, under-sized or otherwise unhealthy during the stage when berries are set and flowers fall off the plant; this allows "Thompson Seedless" plants to focus their energy on producing healthy fruit on the remaining clusters.

修剪掉在结果和花朵落下阶段出现的变形,过大,过小或不健康的葡萄串; 这样,“汤普森无核”植物便可以将精力集中在剩下的健康的果实上


Clip off the lower half of each cluster, leaving about five branches stemming from the cluster base, where the cluster meets the vine. This further improves the quality of the fruit and ensures that all grapes on a cluster ripen at the same time.

剪下每个簇的下半部分,从簇的基部留下大约五个分支。 这进一步提高了水果的品质,并确保群集中的所有葡萄同时成熟

Things You Will Need

  • Pruning shears


  • "Thompson Seedless" and other table grape plants should have 50 to 80 buds per plant, so adjust the number of buds per cane according to the number of fruiting canes you've chosen to leave on the plant. For example, if you leave only two fruiting canes per plant, leave 25 to 40 buds per cane.

    “汤普森无核”和其他食用葡萄植物每棵植物应有50至80芽,因此,请根据您选择留在植物上的果蔗的数量来调整每根甘蔗的芽数。 例如,如果每株植物只留两根果枝,则每根枝留25至40芽。

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