
意大利米兰忠利保险大厦(Generali Tower )

 么么她爹 2019-05-19
建筑设计:Zaha Hadid Architects
地点:意大利,米兰(CityLife, 20145 Milano MI, Italy)
主持建筑师:Zaha Hadid, Patrik Schumacher
建筑面积:147429.0 m2
照片版权:Hufton Crow, Luke Hayes
忠利大厦是米兰 CityLife 商业区总体规划中的一部分,这是在2005年新米兰展览中心迁移至 Rho Pero 镇之后,重新开发的一处商业广场。
当2020年该规划完全建成时,CityLife 商业区将成为在130年前森皮奥内公园开放以来该城市新建的最大的市民公共空间和公共公园;这里每年将接待超过七百万的游客、务工者和居民。
CityLife 商业区将包括1000个新家庭,可以容纳11000多名员工的办公楼,面积为42英亩的公园,广场和幼儿园
这座170米高(44层)的忠利大厦与周围的公共广场和公园相连接,并与 CityLife 商业区中的三个主要轴线保持一致。它那几何曲线造型是基于该建筑的三个城市轴线交叉点所产生的向心力所定义的。
该项目在建设时严格的遵守米兰当地的建筑法规,并且很好的遵循了所有的国际标准。它采用的双层立面让遮光百叶窗能够通过两侧的玻璃窗为每层楼提供高效的环境控制。表现出了优秀的节能效果,为获得美国绿色建筑协会 (US Green Building Council) 的 LEED 认证做出了贡献。
作为 CityLife 商业区重建的一个组成部分,它在米兰市中心附近创建了一个新的市民、住宅和商业区,并且被定义为与周围城市结构有着直接的联系。


ZHA Project Director:Gianluca Racana
ZHA Project Associate:Paolo Zilli
ZHA Project Architect:Andrea Balducci Caste
ZHA Site Supervision Team:Pierandrea Angius, Vincenzo Barilari, Stefano Paiocchi
ZHA Project Team:Shahd Abdelmoneim, Santiago F. Achury, Marco Amoroso, Agata Banaszek, Gianluca Barone, Cristina Capanna, Alessandra Catello, Sara Criscenti, Kyle Dunnington, Alexandra Fisher, H. Goswin Rothenthal, Marco Guardincerri, Subharthi Guha, Luciano Letteriello, Carles S. Martinez, Marina Martinez, Mario Mattia, Peter McCarthy, Giuseppe Morando, Massimo Napoleoni, Raquel Ordas, Annarita Papeschi, Massimiliano Piccinini, Matteo Pierotti, Line Rahbek, Martha Read, Arianna Russo, Luis Miguel Samanez, Mattia Santi, Letizia Simoni, Alvin Triestanto, Roberto Vangeli, Fulvio Wirz
ZHA Competition Team:Daniel Baerlecken, Yael Brosilovski, Ana Cajiao, Tiago Correia, Adriano De Gioannis, Yang Jingwen, Simon Kim, Daniel Li, Graham Modlen, Karim Muallem, Judith Reitz
Executive Architect and Project Coordination:Planimetro
Management:J and A/Ramboll
Structure:AKT, Redesco, Holzner and Bertagnolli Engineering Cap, AIACE – Soc. Ing.
Mechanical / Electrical:Max Fordham Manens-TIFS, Deerns
Monitoring and Evaluation:Max Fordham Manens-TIFS
Specifications:Building Counsulting
Elevator:Jappsen Ingenieure
Fire :GAE Engineering, Mistretta
Acoustics:Cole Jarman, ENC srl
Transport:Systematica, Sudio Corda, Alpina
Contractor:CMB Cooperativa Muratori e Braccianti di Carpi
Project Manager:Claudio Guido – In.Pro
Site Supervisor:Marco Cruciani, Tommaso Salvo, Alfio Musumec

Text description provided by the architects. Generali Tower is within the CityLife masterplan that has redeveloped Milan’s abandoned trade fair grounds following the fair’s relocation to Rho Pero in 2005.
Located above the new Tre Torri station on Line 5 of the city’s metro system, CityLife opens the 90-acre site to year-round public use for the first time; providing new civic spaces, public parks and residential areas, in addition to shopping districts and corporate offices.

When fully complete in 2020, CityLife will be the largest new civic space and public park created in the city since Parco Sempione opened 130 years ago; welcoming more than seven million visitors, workers and residents each year.

CityLife will include 1,000 new homes, offices for more than 11,000 staff, the new 42-acre public park, piazzas and kindergarten.

Aligned at ground level with three of the city’s primary axes that converge within CityLife, the 170m (44-storey) Generali Tower connects with its surrounding public piazzas and park; the curvilinear geometries of its podium defined by the perceived centripetal forces generated from the staggered intersection of these three city axes at the tower’s base.
This vortex of centripetal forces at ground level is transferred vertically through the tower by realigning successive rhomboid-shaped floor plates to twist the tower about its vertical axis. This helical twist reduces incrementally with the height of each floor above street level, giving all floors a fractionally different relationship to the floors above and below.

As the tower rises offering broader views across Milan, the twist orientates the tower\'s higher floors to the primary southeast axis leading to Bramante’s 15th Century tribune of? Santa Maria della Grazie, and beyond to the centre of the city.

With its interiors to be completed this summer, Generali Tower will house up to 3,900 employees to meet their continued growth as one of the world’s largest financial institutions.

The tower excels in all international benchmarks for efficiency while respecting Milan’s rigorous local building codes. Its double-fa?ade of sun-deflecting louvers flanked by glazing provides extremely efficient environmental control for each floor and ensures excellent energy performance, contributing to Generali Tower’s LEED Platinum certification by the US Green Building Council.

Inclined perimeter columns follow the twisting geometry of the tower to mirror the inclined alignment of its external fa?ade units. These perimeter columns also maximise usable office space within the tower’s coherent formal envelope.

An integral element of the CityLife redevelopment that has created a new civic, residential and business district near the centre of Milan, Generali Tower is defined by its surrounding urban fabric to connect directly with the city.

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