

 bookman1959 2019-06-02
  • 假如您想说一口流利、地道的英语,学习和掌握英语的读音规则不仅是必要的,也是必需的。
  • 假如您想标准、地道地演唱英语歌曲,最起码要有标准的发音,并了解连读、失去爆破方面的知识。
  • 这篇文章介绍英语的意群、气群与停顿。关于连读和失去爆破,请参考前面的介绍。







停顿: 为了使意思表达得更清楚或者是换气的需要,人们在说话或朗读时经常需要停顿。(句子之间的停顿较长,意群之间停顿较短,往往由逗号、分号、冒号等分开。)


  • When winter comes, it gets colder and colder, and the days get shorter and shorter.

  • Reading aloud is very important /  for beginners.

  • Early to bed / and early to rise / makes a man / healthy, happy, and wise.

  • Jane, who's a brilliant swimmer, / represented  Britain at the Olympic Games.

  • After he took his bath, he dressed in a hurry, / ran to catch the bus, / and got to his appointment / before it was too late.



1. 递增的意群

  1. a dog
  2. a black dog
  3. a sleeping black dog
  4. a sleeping black dog and a cat
  5. a sleeping black dog / and a black and white cat
  6. a sleeping black dog / and a playing black and white cat
  7. a sleeping black dog, / a playing black and white cat / and two grey rabbits
  8. a sleeping black dog, / a playing black and white cat / and two hopping grey rabbits
  9. a sleeping black dog, / a playing black and white cat / and two hopping grey rabbits / on the grass lawn
  10. a sleeping black dog, / a playing black and white cat / and two hopping grey rabbits / on the grass lawn / in the park
  11. He saw / a sleeping black dog, / a playing black and white cat / and two hopping grey rabbits / on the grass lawn / in the park.

2. 短文朗读

Fishing / is my favourite sport. || I often fish for hours / without catching anything. || But this does not worry me. || Some fishermen are unlucky. || Instead of catching fish, / they catch old boots and rubbish. || I am even less lucky. || I never catch anything / … not even old boots. || After having spent whole mornings on the river, / I always go home / with an empty bag. ||You must give up fishing! my friends say. || It's a waste of time. || But they don't realize / one important thing. || I'm not really interested | in fishing. || I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!

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