1分的英制管螺纹即1/8英寸管螺纹,外径是9.729毫米,内径是8.567毫米,每英寸28牙,螺距0.907毫米;2分的英制管螺纹即1/4英寸管螺纹,外径是13.458毫米,内径是11.446毫米,每英寸19牙,螺距1.337毫米; 管螺纹一般用英制来表示通径,1英寸=25.4毫米,1分=1/8英寸=3.175毫米;但是,由于管螺纹一般用英制来表示通径,所以,实际大径,中径,小径是比通径要大。 公制螺纹与英制螺纹: 公制螺纹用螺距来表示,美英制螺纹用每英寸内的螺纹牙数来表示; 公制螺纹是60度等边牙型,英制螺纹是等腰55度牙型,美制螺纹为等腰60度牙型; 公制螺纹用公制单位(如mm),美英制螺纹用英制单位(如英寸); “行内人”通常用“分”来称呼螺纹尺寸,一英寸等于8分,1/4英寸就是2分,以此类推。 向左转|向右转 扩展资料: 常见的管螺纹主要包括以下几种:NPT、PT、G等。 1)NPT是National(American)Pipe Thread的缩写,属于美国标准的60度锥管螺纹,用于北美地区,国标查阅GB/T12716-1991。 2)PT(BSPT)是Pipe Thread 的缩写,是55度密封圆锥管螺纹,属于惠氏螺纹家族,多用于欧洲及英联邦国家,常用于水及煤气管行业,锥度1:16,国标查阅GB/T7306-2000。国内叫法为ZG.。 3)G是55度非密封管螺纹,属惠氏螺纹家族。标记为G代表圆柱螺纹。国标查阅GB/T7307-2001。 现行的国家标准 序号 代号 名称 实施情况 1 GB/T9253.2-1999 石油天然气工业套管、油管和管线管螺纹的加工、测量和检验 Petroleum andnatural gas industries-hreading,gauging,and threadinspection of casing,tubing and line pipe threads 1999-12-01实施,代替GB/T 9253.2-1988,GB/T 9253.3-1988,GB/T 9253.4-1988,GB/T9253.5-1988,GB/T 9253.6-1988,GB/T 9253.7-1988 2 GB/T7306.1-200055°密封管螺纹第1部分:圆柱内螺纹与圆锥外螺纹Pipe threads with 55 degree thread angle where pressure-tightjoints are made on the threads--Part 1:Parallel internal and taper externalthreads 2000-12-01实施,代替GB/T 7306-1987 3 GB/T7306.2-200055°密封管螺纹第2部分:圆锥内螺纹与圆锥外螺纹 Pipe threads with 55 degree thread angle where pressure-tightjoints are made on the threads--Part 2:Taper internal and external threads 2000-12-01实施,代替GB/T 7306-1987 4 GB/T7307-2001 55°非密封管螺纹 Pipe threads with 55 degree thread angle where pressure-tightjoints are not made on the threads 2001-09-01实施,代替GB/T 7307-1987 5 GB/T18052-2000 套管、油管和管线管螺纹的测量和检验方法 Gauging and inspection ofcasing, tubing andline pipe threads 2000-10-01实施 6 GB/T10922-2006 55°非密封管螺纹量规 Gauges for pipe threads with 55 degree thread angle wherepressure-tight joints are not made on the threads 2006-08-01实施,代替GB/T 10922-1989 7 GB/T20324-2006 G系列圆柱管螺纹圆板牙 Circular dies for parallelpipe threads - G series 2007-01-01实施 8 GB/T20333-2006 圆柱和圆锥管螺纹丝锥的基本尺寸和标志 Taps for parallel andtaper pipe threads General dimensions and marking 2007-01-01实施 9 GB/T20334-2006 G系列和Rp系列管螺纹磨牙丝锥的螺纹尺寸公差 Ground thread taps for pipethreads G series and Rp series - Tolerances on the threaded portion 2007-01-01实施 10 GB/T20328-2006 R系列圆锥管螺纹圆板牙 Circular dies for taper pipe threads - R series 2007-01-01实施 11 GB/T21267-2007 石油天然气工业套管及油管螺纹连接试验程序 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Procedures for testingcasing and tubing connections 2008-06-01实施 12 GB/T22091.1-2008 55°密封管螺纹量规第1部分:用于检验圆柱内螺纹与圆锥外螺纹 Gauges for pipe threads with55 degree thread angle where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads -Part 1:Verification of parallel internal and taper external threads 2009-01-01实施 13 GB/T27944-2011 60°干密封管螺纹 Dryseal pipe threads with the thread angle of 60 degrees 14 GB/T12716-2011 60°密封管螺纹 Pipe threads with the thread angle of 60 degrees wherepressure-tight joints are made on threads 参考资料:百度百科-管螺纹 |