
第110课 骨关节影像(Bone and Joint Imaging)之骨与关节畸形(二)

 zskyteacher 2019-08-16









Congenital dislocation of the hip varus deformity is due to femoral neck bone disorders, most of the unilateral. Shorter X-ray performance for the femoral neck and neck stem Angle smaller, about a right Angle. Epiphyseal plate broadening, irregular, which can have a small bone. The femoral head in addition to the downward shift, head size no change.

↑ 男,9岁。步态异常。




Congenital dislocation of hip joint, joint capsule relaxation makes the femoral head in the acetabulum, occur before birth or within a very short time, the reason has a variety of factors, may be related to the womb movement restrictions and maternal related hormone action. In the third 3 months fetus, movement restrictions can be caused by the following, such as breech, oligohydramnios, can lead to partial or total hip dislocation. Maternal hormones such as estrogen) cause pelvic ligamentous laxity, the fetus to themselves also can cause fetal hip joint capsule and ligament flabby. Female fetuses, its incidence is about six times that of the male. The disease also has a tendency to family, may be associated with the genetic abnormality of metabolism of estrogen. In newborns, ultrasound is useful examination method, but the result is closely related to ultrasonic equipment and experience. In larger babies, pelvis and more reliable, can determine whether bone ossification. Hip joint can be made through the triangle cartilage of horizontal and vertical division of the outside of the acetabulum most four points. Under the normal position of the femoral head, when inside. In the shift of the femoral head outside box, subluxation in box. The acetabulum and the Angle between the horizontal in newborn babies should be less than 40 °, 6 months after the birth < 33 °, at the age of 1 < 30 °. Normal hip, the smooth curve along the pubis on lower limb and medial femoral neck cortex (shenton line). Other exceptions: acetabulum becomes shallow, false hip form, femoral head ossification delay (intact). CT examination is necessary to confirm the anatomical relations hip, MRI can be used to estimate of difficult cases.

↑ 女,5岁。右髋畸形,走路跛行。




Earlier acetabulum hypoplasia in adults is the most common cause of degenerative joint disease. Normal acetabulum half spherical, constitute a nest of femoral head. Dysplasia of the hip is similar to a shallow bowl, direction is normal, but form a shallow fossa, femoral head before and after acetabulum joint surface on the scope, covering smaller portions of femoral head. The X line, acetabulum top cover normal femoral head crest, the margin of the lateral oblique down: acetabulum hypoplasia, its outer edge often cannot achieve the horizontal direction, rarely downward sloping. Patients often have mild symptoms, if not treated in 30 or 40 years old, will inevitably progress to advanced degenerative joint disease.

↑ 女,21岁。轻度髋痛





I suggest that those who are experiencing premenstrual syndrome women pay attention to the way of life. Women spend a lot of energy to take care of others, need to be reminded of is extra how vital it is to take care of themselves, especially in a month feel most vulnerable.


This means that you need to do some simple things, such as do some aerobic exercise on a regular basis, avoid caffeine, alcohol, salt, and women love sweet food. On food don't eat much food but eat much food less, practicing decompression method, such as relaxation exercises. In addition, add more vitamin B6 in the diet will also help in some women.


If adopted these suggest a few months is not enough to control the symptoms, so I recommend that women taking some of the monoamine oxidase inhibitors, used as the next phase of antidepressant treatment. There is a clear evidence that these drugs or have the effect, especially for those mood swings and often women more so by psychological problems.







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