

 墙内 2019-09-10


Analytical Method Validation and Instrument Performance Verification, Edited by Chung Chow
Chan, Herman Lam, Y. C. Lee, and Xue-Ming Zhang
ISBN 0-471-25953-5 Copyright ? 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Y. C. LEE, PH.D.

Patheon YM, Inc.


In this chapter we outline the general requirements for analytical method validation for HPLC analysis of related substances in pharmaceutical products. Most of the discussion is based on method validation for pharmaceutical products of synthetic origin. Even though most of the requirements are similar for other types of pharmaceutical drug products (e.g., biopharmaceutical drug products), detailed discussion of method validation for other types of pharmaceutical drug products is outside the scope of this chapter. The discussion focuses on current regulatory requirements in the pharmaceutical industry. Since the expectations for method validation are different at different stages of the product development process, the information given in this chapter is most suitable for final method validation according to the ICH requirements to prepare for regulatory submissions (e.g., NDA). Even though the method validation is related to HPLC analysis, most of the principles are also applicable to other analytical techniques (e.g., TLC, UV).



3.2.1 Definitions 定义

Definitions for some of the commonly used terms in this chapter are given below.


? Drug substance (active pharmaceutical ingredient): a pharmaceutical active ingredient.


? Related substances: impurities derived from the drug substance and therefore not including impurities from excipients. Related substances include degradation products, synthetic impurities of drug substance, and manufacturing process impurities from the drug product.


? Authentic sample: a purified and characterized sample of a related substance.


Unlike reference standards, authentic samples may not be of high purity.


However, the purity of an authentic sample has to be determined before use. Authentic samples are used in method development to identify related substances in the analysis. In addition, they are used extensively to prepare the spiked samples in method validation.


? Spiked sample: a sample added with a known amount of related substances, prepared from authentic samples during method development or validation.


? Control sample: a representative batch of drug substance (or drug product).


Typically, control samples are tested in all analyses to ensure consistency in method performance across different runs. Sometimes, they are used as part of the system suitability test to establish the run-to-run precision (e.g., intermediate precision, reproducibility).


? Response factor: the response of drug substance or related substances per unit weight. Typically, the response factor of drug substance (or related substance) can be calculated by the following equation:


响应因子 =

Relative response factor: the ratio of the response factor of individual related substance to that of a drug substance to correct for differences in the response of related substances and that of the drug substance. It can be determined using the following equation:


相对响应因子 =

If a linearity curve (Figure 3.1) is constructed for both the related substance and the drug substance by plotting the response versus the concentration, the relative response factor can also be determined by


相对响应因子 =

                                                                                      图3.1 相对校正因子

3.2.2 Different Types of Related Substance Analysis 有关物质分析的不同类型

Area Percent. In this approach, the level of an individual related substance is calculated by the following equation:


有关物质% =

where the area related substance is the peak area of the individual related substance and the total area is the peak area (i.e., response) of the drug substance plus the peak areas of all related substances. This is one of the simplest approaches for related substance analysis because there is no need for a reference standard.


This is particularly important during the early phase of the project when a highly purified reference standard is not available. It is the preferred approach as long as the method performance meets the criteria described below.


Linearity over a Wide Range of Concentration. Since the areas of the related substances (typically, less than 1%) and drug substance (typically, more than 95%) are summed, it is important that the method is linear from the concentration of related substances (e.g., 1%) to that of the drug substance (e.g., 95%). However, in some cases, the peak shape of the drug substance may not be totally symmetrical at such a high concentration. Therefore, the response may not be linear in such a wide concentration range, and the use of area percentage may not be appropriate. If the response of the analyte is nonlinear at higher concentrations, the related substances would be overestimated. Although this is conservative from a safety perspective, it is inaccurate and therefore unacceptable.


Sample Concentration (Method Sensitivity). To maintain linearity at the concentration range of the drug substance, scientists may try to lower the sample concentration to improve peak shape for the drug substance. However, if the sample concentration is too low, it will affect the method sensitivity, and the ability to detect low levels of related substances may not be adequate.


Response Factor. The response factors of the related substances should be similar to that of the drug substance (i.e., relative response factors close to unity).


Otherwise, a response factor correction must be used in the calculation.


High–Low. This approach can be used to overcome the limitation of linear range in the area percent method discussed above. In this approach, samples are prepared at a concentration (i.e., high concentration) similar to that of the area percent method (Figure 3.2). In addition, the high concentration sample solutions are diluted further, to low concentrations (Figure 3.3). Samples from both high and low-concentration solutions are injected for analysis. In the injections of the high concentration, the responses of all related substances are determined as these small peaks are detectable. The high sample concentration is used to allow all related substances to be detected and quantitated. In the injection of low-concentration sample, the response of the drug substance is determined. Low concentration is used to ensure that the response of the drug substance is within the linearity range.


3.2 高浓度图谱

3.3 低浓度图谱

After dilution, response of the drug substance in the low-concentration sample is similar to that of related substance in the high-concentration sample. Therefore, only a small linearity range is required for this method. In addition, since high sample concentration is used for the determination of related substances, high method sensitivity can be achieved. The limitation of the high–low approach is that each sample is injected at least twice (i.e., high and low concentrations) and the total analysis time will be doubled. In addition, an additional step is required to dilute the high concentration to a low concentration, and dilution error can occur during the second dilution.


External Standard. In this approach, related substance levels are determined by calculation using a standard curve. The concentration of related substance is determined by the response (i.e., peak area of individual related substance) and the calibration curve. A reference standard of the drug substance is typically used in the calibration. Therefore, a response factor correction may be required if the response of related substance is very different from that of the drug substance. A single-point standard curve (Figure 3.4) is appropriate when there is no significant y-intercept. Otherwise, a multipoint calibration curve (Figure 3.5) has to be used.


Different types of calibration are discussed in Section 3.2.3.


The external standard approach offers several advantages over the area percent method, as discussed below.


Reduced Linear Range. Unlike the area percent and high–low methods, which use the response of the drug substance in sample injections for calculation, an external standard method uses a standard curve. Typically, the concentration range of the calibration curve is similar to that of related substances in the sample (e.g., 1 to 5% of the nominal sample concentration). Therefore, this method requires a small linear range.


3.4 单点校正

3.5.  多点校正

Improved Method Sensitivity. In this approach, only the responses of individual related substances are used in the calculation. Since the area of drug substance peak in the sample injections is not necessary for the calculation, high sample concentrations can be used without worrying about the off-scale response of the drug substance. This approach is particularly useful when the scientists want to improve the method sensitivity by increasing the sample concentration.


Reference Standard. One of the limitations of the external standard method is that a well-characterized reference standard is essential. In addition, each analysis requires accurate weighings of small quantities (e.g., 10 mg) of reference standard. Therefore, weighing error can affect method precision and accuracy.


3.2.3 Suitability of Related Substance Analysis 有关物质分析的适用性
As discussed in Section 3.2.2, linear range is a critical factor for determining the suitable type of related substance analysis. The following are different situations to illustrate the rationales. Typically, the low end of a linearity curve is about 50% of the ICH reporting limit (e.g., 50% of 0.1% = 0.05%). This is to ensure that the method will be able to calculate results accurately below the ICH reporting limit.
The high end of the linearity curve is the nominal concentration (i.e., 100%).
This is the target sample concentration for the drug substance.
Case 1. Linearity demonstrated from 50% of the ICH reporting limit to a nominal concentration of drug substance in the sample solution. In addition, no significant y-intercept is observed (Figure 3.6). In this case, area percent calculation is suitable because the linearity range covers the responses of related substances and that of the drug substance in the sample solution. Therefore, these responses can be used directly to calculate the area percentage of each related substance.
案例1. 样品溶液线性为ICH报告限的50%至原料药名义浓度,未观察到显著的Y轴截距(见图3.6)。这种情况下,面积百分比是适用的,因为线性范围覆盖了有关物质的响应,和样品溶液中原料药的响应。因此,这些响应可以直接用于计算各有关物质的面积百分比。
3.6 线性:案例1
Case 2. Linearity demonstrated from 50% of the ICH reporting limit to 150% of the shelf life specification of related substance. No significant y-intercept is observed (Figure 3.7). In this case, a high–low calculation is more suitable, as the response is linear only up to the shelf life specification level. Drug substance concentration in sample solution (high concentration) should be diluted to the linear range to obtain the low-concentration solution. Therefore, the response of drug substance in low concentration will be within the linearity range and suitable for calculation. Alternatively, a single-point external standard calibration of concentration within the linearity range can also be used.
案例2. 线性覆盖有关物质ICH报告限的50%至货架期限度的150%,未观察到显著Y轴截距。这种情况下,高-低浓度法会更适当,因为响应的线性仅达到货架期上限水平。供试液(高浓度)中原料药浓度要稀释至符合线性范围的低浓度溶液。此时,低浓度溶液中原料药的响应会在线性范围内,可以用于计算。另外,也可以采用线性范围内的单点外标校正法。
3.7 线性:案例2
Case 3. Linearity demonstrated from 50% of the ICH reporting limit to 150% of the shelf life specification of a related substance, and a significant y-intercept is observed (Figure 3.8). Due to the significant y-intercept, a single-point calibration (e.g., high–low or one-point external standard calibration) is not suitable.
案例3. 线性覆盖有关物质ICH报告限的50%至货架期的150%,观察到显著的Y轴截距(见图3.8)。鉴于显著的Y轴截距,单点校正法(即,高-低浓度法或单点外标校正法)均不适用。
In this case, multiple-point external standard calibration is the most appropriate.
3.8 线性:案例3
See Section 3.3.3 for more discussion of the significant y-intercept.

3.2.4 Preparation before Method Validation 方法验证的准备工作
Critical Related Substances. Critical related substances are those that may exist at significant levels in the drug product. Authentic samples of these critical related substances should be available for method validation. According to the ICH guidelines, all related substances at a level exceeding the identification threshold have to be identified. These related substances should be considered critical and included in the method validation.
To determine the critical related substances, one can review the related substance profile when the drug substance (or drug product) is subject to stress testing. The most significant related substances in stress testing should be considered critical. In addition, significant related substances (i.e., greater than ICH identification threshold) observed in stability studies during product development should also be included in the method validation. The related substance method has to be validated with respect to each critical related substance; therefore, the workload associated with method validation will increase drastically if the number of critical related substances is large.
Lower and Upper Concentration Range for Method Validation. The concentration range of related substances is typically related to the targeted quantitation limit (QL) at the low end and the proposed shelf life specification at the high end. Therefore, it is important to have a good estimate of these limits; otherwise, inappropriate concentrations may be used in method validation. Even though ICH proposes a method validation range from the ICH reporting limit to 120% of specification, one would want to extend the range to 50% of the ICH reporting limit to 150% of specification to ensure that the method is suitable for most intended uses. The ICH reporting limit is given in Table 3.1. In general, the quantitation limit should be lower than the corresponding ICH reporting limit.
This is to ensure that the method is accurate and precise enough to report results at the level of the ICH reporting limit.
Method Procedure. Since the method procedure is undergoing constant modifications during method development, it is very important to define the procedure before method validation. This will ensure that the same method procedure will be used in all method validation experiments.
Table 3.1. Various ICH Thresholds Regarding Degradation Products in New Drug Products as Stated in the Current ICH Guidelines Q3B(R)
3.1 现行ICH指南Q3B(R)中要求的新制剂降解产物ICH

>1 g
1.0%5μg TDI 3,取低者
1-10 mg
0.5%20μg TDI,取低者
0.2%2mg TDI,取低者
> 2 g
1.0%50μg TDI,取低者
0.5%200μg TDI,取低者
0.2%2mg TDI,取低者

1         日摄入原料药数量
2         基于原料药百分比的阈值
3         TDI 总日摄入量
Critical Experimental Parameters for Robustness. Critical experimental parameters should be identified during method development, and they will be investigated in the robustness experiments.
System Suitability Tests. The appropriate system suitability tests should be defined before method validation (e.g., precision, resolution of critical related substances, tailing, detector sensitivity). These system suitability tests should be performed in each method validation experiments. System suitability results from the method validation experiment can be used to determine the appropriate system suitability acceptance criteria.


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