

 媛媛的乐园 2019-09-12


One boy complained to his friend that his boss never smiled to him ,and often gave him cold shoulder and black face, even deducked his wages many times,so he really wanted to leave this company furily.His friend didn't aggree with him directly, but replied that as the revengence he should learned all the skills in the company and then left.So the boy was motivated by the shame and furiness and he tried his best to learn whatever he could learn there.After a period of time his friend asked his conditons whether he still insisted on resigning,he answered proudly,"No, no need to resign now, my boss not only is warm and gentle to me, but he has give me a large pay araise.


So you shouldn't grumble about otheres' not fairness to you. The society is very utilitarian,if you want to get others' respect,you should first be valuable.


I still remember when I first got access into my design company.I always wanted to engage in some big projects ,but everytime the manager assigned me some small ones, I felt very dismay and disappointed.And the manager in charge of quality blamed me rudely,"It's not that leaders are not fair,but it's you aren't able to shoulder it even we give ont to you."But I was confident about my abilities, I devoted every minute of my awaken time into learning professional skills and accepted more projects though small.Finally everybody in my company could see my progress and my good performance.One day the opportunity came to me, in the next personnel rearrangement, I replaced the manager in charge of quality,and because of his arrogance and low skills, he was removed from his position.

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