

 昵称413468 2019-09-16


Speech for the Candlelight Welcome Ceremony,2019

Distinguished guests, dear teachers and dear students of class 2019, Good evening!

In such a beautiful golden autumn evening, we are here together to participate the Candlelight Ceremony , First of all, on behalf of the 2000 Sias faculty and staff, I would like to express my sincere congratulations and warm welcome to all the freshmen, I will also say thanks and appreciation to your teachers and parents for your hard work and support, thank you !

Three months ago, students like you were still working hard for the college entrance examination, Now, you are sitting here wearing school uniforms as college students. This is an important change in your life. From now on, we have a common name, Siasers , this name will be with you all through your lives.

Being in a period of vigorous youth, Sias is just as young as you, we celebrated her 20th birthday this May. Here, all the teachers concern about your studies and life, as well as the students who will grow up with you. As your new friend, I would like to share some suggestions and hopes with you at this special moment.


Sias University is not the end of effort, but a temporary transfer station.

就像你们曾经为自己设立高考倒计时一样,现在也应该为自己设置一个毕业倒计时。今天,距离2023年5月 28日还有1350天,四年的时间转瞬即逝。中国人常说:“凡事预则立,不预则废”,你们应该从今天起考虑一个问题,当走出西亚斯大门的那一刻,你要成为什么样的人?你要练就哪些本领?你要做成哪些事情?

Just as you used to set a countdown for your college entrance examination, now you should set a countdown for your graduation. From today to your graduation of May 28, 2023, there are only1 350 days left, Four years is like a fleeting show. An old Chinese saying goes like this, 'Everything should be done beforehand, but not abolished beforehand.' You should think about it from today. What kind of person do you want to be in the future? What skills do you need to practice? What are you going to complete successfully after 4 years?


You are in a great new era with fierce global competition, national rejuvenation and rapid technological change. The speed of knowledge renewal is faster than any period in history, and the social change is fiercer than any period in history. This is a rare opportunity and a severe challenge for all of you. You not only have the power to fight for yourself and your family, but also have the responsibility to contribute to the prosperity of our country, the development of the nation and the progress of human society.


University is not a comfortable nest, but a competitive arena.


As you enter the campus of Sias, you have walked into a new environment and a competitive arena. Although Sias provides you with a beautiful environment and facilities that other universities can not match, but all of these are for your learning and growth, not for beer and skittles. 


As a freshman, you will have the moment of confusion and maladjustment. When you don't know what to do, I suggest you go to the library to see how many senior schoolmates are studying hard there. You should ask yourself if you have the power to compete with them in the future. When you lie in your bed playing games with your cell phone, I suggest you go out and have a look. How many of your peers are working hard to survive?   If you have free time after your classes, I suggest you go to the playground to run or play basketball, because only health is the basic guarantee of all success.


University is not a safe haven, but a busy supply port



Many years ago, there was such a saying at Sias: 'To study at Sias is like having a buffet. Everyone have the same admission ticket and the same food, but how much they could eat and how well they could eat depending on their own abilities.” Although this saying has not been officially recognized. 

We don’t care about your score of the college entrance examination, now you are all at the same starting line. During the four year at Sias, all you have to do is to keep in good health, sharpen your sword and observe carefully so as to become a useful talent. 


So I hope you can do the following in the four precious years.

一是让自己忙起来。大学阶段是人生的黄金期,更是创新思维发展的关键期。要学会给自己适当“增负”,要善用学校的丰富资源和良好平台。目前我们学校有将近 200 个学生文化社团,同学们可以结合自己的兴趣所在,选择适合自己能力提升的社团和学生组织,去结识更多志同道合的伙伴,彼此增进友谊,互相学习,提升自我。

1)Keep yourself busy. 

The university life is not only the golden time, but also the key period for the development of innovative thinking. We should learn to 'increase our burden' properly and make good use of the rich resources of Sias.  At present, there are nearly 200 students' cultural associations here, you can choose a suitable association to make more like-minded friends in order to enhance friendship, learn from each other and improve the holistic education.


2)Be strict with yourself. 

From now on, we should overcome reliant mind on parents and teachers and cultivate the ability of positive thinking and active learning. I hope you will not be satisfied with fragmented information and fast-food culture. We should cherish university time and regard 'non-utilitarian' reading as a habit. Through systematic learning, we can nourish our soul, accumulate the depth of our thoughts, and construct a knowledge system to meet the needs of the times.


3)Integrating Knowledge with Practice.

Our motto is 'East Meets West, Integrating Knowledge with Practice'. Only by integrating action with knowledge and seeking knowledge through action, we can continuously improve ourselves and truly become talented. Sias has a unique teaching method named ' Integrating Knowledge with Practice', which creates more opportunities for students to go to society and develop their learning in a broader sky. We will pay more attention to the cultivation of your team consciousness and collective spirit through the residential College System.


4)Make full use of your knowledge.  

Your knowledge is not only from textbooks, classrooms etc. but also from the outside world. Sias has opened up a wide learning space and a variety of learning channels for you. Every year, Sias will select a large number of students to go abroad in overseas cooperative colleges and universities. We will also organize internships in international organizations. These will greatly broaden your horizon. I hope that all of you should seize the opportunities to grow up as 'citizens of the world'.


Dear students, this year marks the 100th anniversary of the May 4th Movement and the 70th birthday of the New China. It is also the beginning of the second 20-year development of Sias. My dear students, your participation is the great honor for Sias.  Finally, I sincerely hope that all of you would support Sias as always, Let’s work together to create a bright future for Sias! We should live up to the great times and our beautiful youth.


Wish you have a happy, impressive college life here!


Thank you all !



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