

 安之若素藏书阁 2019-09-23


He was a single father, raising a six-year-old boy alone. Whenever his boy came back hurt after playing with his friend, he would feel deeply sorry for his deceased wife, the low wail(悲伤) surging up within him.


This occurred on the day he was on business, leaving the child alone. In order to catch the train, he hurried out without accompanying his child to breakfast. He was worried about the child all the way and upset, not knowing if he had his meal and cried.

有一天,他要出趟差,只能把孩子独自留在家里。 因为要赶火车,他就着急出了门,没来得及陪孩子吃早餐。一路上他一直担心儿子,心情不好,也不知道他吃饭了没有,有没有哭。

He kept phoning his child even when he arrived at the destination, but his child always sensibly(聪明的) told him not worry to about him. However, because he was worried and upset, he set foot on the way home after he hastily(匆忙地) handled the affairs.


When he got home and saw the child had slept soundly(睡得很香), he sighed with relief. The journey made him tired out. When he was about to sleep, he was startled to find there was an overturned bowl of soaked noodles under the quilt.


“This child!” Flying into rage, he fiercely spanked (掴)his son sleeping soundly. “Why aren't you obedient to anger daddy? You are so naughty, making the quilt dirty! Who will wash it for you?” It was the first time he punished his boy after his wife's death.


“I haven't...” the child argued as he whimpered. “I'm not naughty. This...this is the supper for daddy.”


It turned out that in order to coordinate the hour of daddy's return, the child soaked two bowls of noodles, one for himself, the other for daddy. Because he was afraid his daddy's noodle turned cold, he placed it under the quilt to keep it hot.


Hearing that, Daddy hugged his boy tightly without a word.



wail [weɪl] n.痛哭;哭声

whimper [ˈwɪmpə(r)] n.呜咽


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