《我是一只小小鸟》是赵传的第三张专辑,发行于1990年,这首歌使赵传红遍大江南北,成为当代实力派摇滚巨星。 一只小小鸟 a tiny little bird 这首歌是由台湾乐坛创作大师 --- 李宗盛的作品,他用一只小鸟,来比喻一个普通人,虽然只有一个小小卑微的梦想,但是在追逐梦想的过程,也是非常不容易的;把追寻梦想的人,心中的热情、压力、彷徨与无奈,写得淋漓尽致。使我们仍在拚搏中小伙伴,听着听着,犹然产生共鸣! 我是一只小小鸟 I am just a tiny little bird --- 赵传 歌词:我是一只小小鸟 I am just a tiny little bird 有时候我觉得自己像一只小小鸟 Sometimes I felt myself just like (1) a tiny (2) little bird 想要飞,却怎么样也飞不高 Want to fly, but somehow could not fly up high 也许有一天我栖上了枝头 Probably I sat on the tree top some day 却成为猎人的目标 But became target of hunters 我飞上了青天,才发现自己从此无依无靠 I flew up in the blue sky, then found myself without any support 每次到了夜深人静的时候,我总是睡不着 Every time in the mid-night silence, I always could not fall asleep 我怀疑是不是只有我的明天没有变的更好 I doubted or not, only my tomorrow would not become better 未来会怎样,究竟有谁会知道 Will anyone sure know how the future would be? 幸福是否只是一种传说,我永远都找不到 Whether happiness is just a legend that I could never find 我是一只小小小小鸟 I am just a tiny little bird 想要飞呀飞,却飞也飞不高 Want to fly, but somehow could not fly up high 我寻寻觅觅寻寻觅觅一个温暖的怀抱 I looked around; I looked around just longing (3) for a big warm hug 这样的要求算不算太高 This is just a humble wish, is it not? 我是一只小小小小鸟 I am just a tiny little bird 想要飞呀飞,却飞也飞不高 Want to fly, but somehow could not fly up high 我寻寻觅觅寻寻觅觅一个温暖的怀抱 I looked around; I looked around just longing for a big warm hug 这样的要求算不算太高 This is just a humble wish, is it not? 所有知道我的名字的人啊,你们好不好 For all the people who know my name, are you doing well or not? 世界是如此的小,我们注定无处可逃 The world is so small; we definitely have nowhere to go 当我尝尽人情冷暖,当你决定为了你的理想燃烧 After I tasted alienation, and when you decided to fight hard for your ideal 生活的压力与生命的尊严,哪一个重要 Which one is vital (4), pressure of living or dignity of life? 我是一只小小小小鸟 I am just a tiny little bird 想要飞呀飞,却飞也飞不高 Want to fly, but somehow could not fly up high 我寻寻觅觅寻寻觅觅一个温暖的怀抱 I looked around; I looked around just longing for a big warm hug 这样的要求算不算太高 This is just a humble wish, is it not? 我是一只小小小小鸟 I am just a tiny little bird 想要飞呀飞,却飞也飞不高 Want to fly, but somehow could not fly up high 我寻寻觅觅寻寻觅觅一个温暖的怀抱 I looked around; I looked around just longing for a big warm hug 这样的要求算不算太高 This is just a humble wish, is it not? 这样的要求算不算太高 This is just a humble wish, is it not? 我是一只小小小小鸟 I am just a tiny little bird 想要飞呀飞,却飞也飞不高 Want to fly, but somehow could not fly up high 我是一只小小小小鸟 I am just a tiny little bird 想要飞呀飞,却飞也飞不高 Want to fly, but somehow could not fly up high 学习点 Learning Points: 1. Like --- (v.) 喜欢、爱好、希望、想要;(adj.) 相像的、相似的、类似的。这里是作形容词解。 2. Tiny --- (adj.) 极小的 --- 比 “Small”“Little”都小的东西。 3. Longing --- 一般人对这个Long 字的认识都是用作形容词,“长的”意思;其实也可以用作动词,动词的意思是“渴想、极想、渴望”。 4. Vital ---(adj.) 重大的、紧要的、不可缺少的。 |