

 当以读书通世事 2019-09-30

Unit 4 where's my schoolbag


1.where adv. 在哪里;到哪里

【经典例句】 Where are you?你在哪?

【考点聚焦】 where是特殊疑问词,用来引导特殊疑问句。当我们不知道某东西在什么地方时,常用Where is/are...?来询问。

2.table n. 桌子

【经典例句】 There is a dog under the table.桌子下面有一条狗。

【考点聚焦】 常用词组:at table在吃饭;at the table在桌旁



There are forty desks and chairs in the classroom. 教室里有四十张桌子和椅子。

There are two books on the desk.桌上有两本书。

table 意思是'桌子'。侧重于指供吃饭、喝茶、游戏或其它用途的桌子,通常没有抽屉。例如:

Our football is under the table. 我们的足球在桌子底下。

Where is the table?桌子在哪儿?

1.表示物体的方位,叫方位介词。,in, on under, behind后面跟名词或名词词组构成介词短语

on prep. 在……(紧贴着某物,有接触面)例如:

on his desk'在他的书桌上',on the floor'在地板上',on the bed'在床上',on the wall'在墙上'等等。

under prep. 在……下面,例如:

under my chair'在我的椅子下面',under the desk'在书桌下面',under kate's bed'在凯特的床下面'等。

①in the desk 在桌子里 in our class 在我们班里 ______my schoolbag在我的书包里 ______the classroom 在教室里

②on the blackboard 在黑板上 ______the wall在墙上 ______ your desk 在你的桌子上

③under the bed 在床下 ______his chair 在他的椅子下

④behind the door 在门后 ______the tree 在树后

2. 表示'某物在某地',句型结构是主语(名词或名词词组)+ is/ are +介词短语


①The bookcase is in the schoolbag.

②The hat ____on the bed.

③My book____ on the floor.

④His key ____under the table.

⑤My pencil box ____ in the schoolbag and my schoolbag ____under the desk.


①My keys are on the table.

②His pencils ____ in the drawer.

③Our schoolbags ____under the tables.

④Her CDs ____ on the desk.

⑤My dictionary and my radio ____on the desk.

⑥My books and tapes ____ in the bookcase.

⑦Gina′books are everywhere—on the bed, on the sofa and under the chair.

二. Where引导的特殊疑问句Where意思是_________,用于询问人或物所在的位置。

1. 结构是:Where + be动词+ 主语(名词或名词词组)

回答语是:主语+ be动词+表示地点的介词短语

单数形式Where is + 单数名词?

Where is =_________ 回答语是:It is +表示地点的介词短语

It is =_________ ①Where's the map? 回答语:It's in your room..

②Where is his ruler? 回答语:It's under the chair.

③Where is her bag? 回答语: ______on the sofa.

④Where's my book? 回答语:______ in your schoolbag.

3. 汉译英

①我的英语书在哪里? 它在你的书桌上。

②他的铅笔盒在哪里? 它在他的书包里

4. Her watch is on the bed. (对划线部分提问) ___________________________

5. 复数形式Where are + 复数名词? 回答语是:They are +表示地点的介词短语 ①Where are the English books? 回答语:They are under the radio..

②Where are your CDs? 回答语:They are on your desk.

③Where are their keys? 回答语:____________on the sofa.

④Where are his pencils? 回答语:____________in his schoolbag.

⑤Where are the boys? 回答语:____________under the tree.

6. 汉译英

①钥匙在哪里? 它们在地板上。

②他们的书在哪里? 它们在椅子下。

7. Her keys are under the desk. (对划线部分提问) ___________________________

三. 询问地点的及其肯定回答和否定回答。( 分清楚 单数 和 复数 形式 )

讲解 一般疑问句: be动词提前并且大写,记住句末加 ?

肯定回答用Yes ,主语+ be. 不能缩写。 否定回答用No,主语+ be not. 可缩写

1. It is under the table. 2. Mary is in the classroom.

一般疑问句: Is it under the table ? 一般疑问句: Is Mary in the classroom?

肯定回答:Yes, it is. 肯定回答:Yes, she is.

否定回答:No, it isn't. 否定回答: No, she isn't.

3. They are on the sofa. 4. It is in the schoolbag. (改为复数形式句子)

一般疑问句: Are they on the sofa? 思考It 复数形式是________

肯定回答:Yes, they are. is复数形式是________

否定回答:No, they aren't. They are in the schoolbag.


1. It is on the table. 2. The baseball is under the sofa

一般疑问句: _____________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________

肯定回答:_______________ 肯定回答: _______________

否定回答:_______________ 否定回答: _______________

3. They are on the chair. 4. Is it under the desk? (改为复数形式句子)

一般疑问句: ____________________ 思考Is复数形式是________

肯定回答:_______________ it复数形式是________

否定回答:_______________ _____________________

1. know是实义动词,意思是____________。

---Where are the pencils? 铅笔在哪里?

--- I don't know. 我不知道。 / Sorry, I don't know. 对不起,我不知道。

当回答别人的问题时,如果你不知道,可以用____________ / __________________回答。

2. don't = _______, 含有实义动词的句子,在变成否定句时,用don't + 实义动词

例如:I know her name. (改为否定句) I know their names. (改为否定句)

I don't know her name. ___________________________.

3. 含有实义动词的句子,在变成一般疑问句时,在句首加do,句末加 ?

例如:I know his name. (改为一般疑问句) I know their names. (改为一般疑问句)

Do you know his name? ___________________________.

肯定回答:Yes, I do . 是的,我知道。 肯定回答: _______________

否定回答:No, I don't . 不,我不知道。 否定回答: _______________

4. think是实义动词,意思是____________。I think意思是____________

含有实义动词的句子,在变成否定句时,用don't + 实义动词

例如:I think he is a student. (改为否定句) I think it's in your room. (改为否定句)

I don't think he is a student. ___________________________.

5. and是连词, 意思是和, 表并列关系。 在句中,and前后的词或短语有并列关系

but 是连词, 意思是但是,然而,表转折关系。在句中,but前后的词或短语有对立关系。

①I'm tidy, but Gina is not. ②I have a clock, _____he doesn't have.

③My brother has a basketball and a football. ④She has a model plane____ a model car.

⑤He is a boy, _____I'm a girl. ⑥Tom likes white , blue _____yellow.

⑦I have a basketball, _____ I don't have a football.

bring和take的区别1).bring 意思是带来,拿来,取来,指从别处把某人或某物带到或拿到说话者所在的地点来。例如: Why don't you bring him along? 你为什么不带他一块儿来呢? My books are upstairs; will you bring them down? 我的书在楼上,您可以把它们拿下来吗? Socialism brings us freedom and happiness.社会主义给我们带来了自由和幸福. Take 意思是带去,拿走,和bring相反,指从说话者所在地把某人或某物带去或拿走。例如: We'll take the students to the middle school.我们将带学生到中学去。 Some one has taken my dictionary.有人把我的字典拿走了。 Please take these exercise-books to the teacher's office.请把这些练习本送到老师办公室去。


1.Where is my pencil box?


-It's in your schoolbag.


2.Where are my books?


-They are on the sofa.



1. on the sofa 在沙发上

【经典例句】 His book is on the sofa.他的书在沙发上。

【考点聚焦】 1)英语中有一些表示方位的介词,用于名词或代词前,这时名词或代词称为介词宾语。介词后的人称代词要用宾格形式。介词与后面的名词或代词构成介词短语。如:


in the room在这个房间里;in the backpack在背包里


on the floor在地板上;on the desk在课桌上


under the bed在床下;under the tree在树下

2)当介词短语充当表语时,千万不要忘了be 动词(is,am,are)。


where 引导的特殊疑问句


1.—Where's my pencil box? 我的铅笔盒在哪儿?

—It's in your schoolbag. 在你的书包里。

1) 询问某人或某物在哪个地方,可用句型'Where + be + 主语(人或物)?'。where是疑问副词,意为'在哪里',be要随着后面主语人称单复数进行变化,单数用is,复数用are。where's 是where is的缩写形式,回答时不能用yes或no,而是问什么就答什么。如果主语是人,回答时用人称代词主格做主语;如果主语是物,回答时单数为'It's + 表示地点的词',复数用'They are + 表示地点的词'。如:

—Where's my baseball? 我的网球在哪儿?

—It's under the desk. 在桌子底下。

—Where are my English books? 我的英语书在哪儿?

—They are on the chair. 在椅子上。

2) in是介词,用来表示地点,意为'在……里面'。如:

—Where's Tom? 汤姆在哪儿?

—He is in the room. 他在房间里。

2. —Where's my computer game? 我的电子游戏机在哪儿?

—It's under your bed. 在你的床底下。

1) computer game在此句中意为'电子游戏机',另外,computer game也有'电子游戏','电脑游戏'等意思,其复数形式为computer games。注意:由两个名词组成的短语,一般情况下复数形式是把第二个名词变成复数,第一个名词不变。如:These are banana trees. 这些是香蕉树。

2) under是介词,意为'在……下面',表示方位,常指一个物体在另一个物体的垂直下方,二者之间往往没有接触。如:

Her shoes are under the desk. 她的鞋在桌子底下。

Let's sit under the tree. 咱们坐在树底下。

3. —Where is the pencil? 铅笔哪儿?

—I don't know.我不知道

1) 当别人向你询问的事情你不知道时,可用I don't know.作答,使用时,习惯在前面加上Sorry. / I'm sorry. 这样语气上显得更客气些。如:

—Where is my pencil? 我的铅笔在哪儿?

—Sorry, I don't know. 对不起,我不知道。


where 引导的特殊疑问句



—Where do you live?

你住在哪里?(这里不用live in)

—I live in Beijing.



Where are you from?你从哪里来?

Where are you driving to?你开车到哪里去?

【特点三】 当where询问的物品数量为单数时,be动词要使用is,因为该物品在问句中提到过,所以回答时用代词it代替该物品就可以了。如:

—Where is my baseball?我的棒球在哪儿?

—It's in the backpack.在背包里。


—Where are my books?我的书在哪儿?

—They're on the sofa.在沙发上。

【特别提醒】 Where is可以缩写成Where's,但Where are不能缩写。



1.—Where are my books?(完成答句)

—Sorry,I ____.



3.His baseball is under the table.(就划线部分提问)

__________his baseball?

4.Her telephone number is 8090490.

___________her telephone number?

5.Their pens are in the desk. (就划线部分提问)

____________their pens?

答案:1.don't know 2.Is the baseball on the sofa?3.Where is 4.What is 5.Where are

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