
这篇case report 终于发表了,谈下个人感受

 小梦想在努力 2019-10-06
   今天终于收到了接受信,也松了口气。这是我第一篇case report,投了4次,前三次都拒绝了,最后这个IF2.3的杂志接收了。
   1. case report病历报告上一定要详细、全面反映你的病历,同时重点突出你的新颖独特之处,突出和其他人不同的地方。虽然和我病历类似的报告已有2篇,但我的资料更详细,更细致,也更别致。所以鼓起勇气写了出来。
   附接受信Dear ##:
   The reviewers and the Editorial Team have re-evaluated your revised manuscript.
   We are pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been accepted for publication in ##.
   Manuscript ID: ##Title: A case of ##We are currently reviewing it for style and we may be in touch with you again to ask for specific information.
   The comments of the reviewerMoon who reviewed your manuscript are included at the foot of this letter.
   Thank you for your fine contribution. On behalf of the Editors of the ##, we look forward to your continued contributions to the Journal.

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