
八上三单元Section B (2a—2e)

 situyate 2019-10-15


1. Kate was so smart that she learnt a lot of English _________(谚语) when she was young.

2. Don’t _________(触摸) that bowl; it’s very hot!

3. My best friend enjoys _________(分享) everything with me.

4. They _________(到达) Beijing at 4:30 yesterday afternoon.

5. I’m sorry I _________(损坏) your glasses last week. I’ll buy a new pair for you.

6. Our English teacher is more _________(严肃的) than our math teacher.


1. 我的好朋友总能帮我激发出自己的潜能。

My good friend always helps to _________ _________ the best in me.

2. 这条围巾和那条不同。

This scarf _________ _________ _________ that one.

3. 很多人说我看起来和我妹妹一样。

Many people say that I look _________ _________ _________ my sister.

4. 实际上,我弟弟在音乐方面有天赋。

_________ _________, my brother is talented in music.

5. 当时她的想法和我的相似。

At that time her idea _________ _________ _________ mine.

6. 只要我喜欢这个包的颜色,我就买。

I’ll take it _________ _________ _________ I like the color of the bag.


1. 我的朋友们随时都能帮我。 (be always there to ...)


2. 她不在乎他们的房子大还是小。 ( not care if ...)


3. 他们没有必要来这儿。 (it’s not necessary ...)


4. 那就是我爸爸为什么经常熬夜的原因。 (that’s why ...)


5. 她是一个外向的女孩,常常逗我笑。 (make ... laugh)


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