总会看看各种方便面的动图 方便面就是这么神奇的食物 既不是美味也不太健康 但只要一阵子不吃 就会在某一刻突然回忆起来 那我们吃了那么多年的方便面 英文怎么说呢? 难道是convenient noodles吗? 
“方便面”之所以方便,是因为它速食!吃得快!表示速食的是用instant /ˈɪnstənt/这个词哦!所以方便面就是instant noodles。方便面肯定不止一根,所以大家要记得复数哦! 1)Ramen (北美) Ramen是“拉面”,不过在北美Ramen已经成为“方便面”的同义词。 2)Pot Noodle(英国) Pot Noodle锅面是怎么回事呢?这其实是英国的一个广为人知的方便面品牌,就像国内的康师傅、统一,只要说起方便面,英国人自然而然的就会想到Pot Noodle~ 3)Two-minute noodles(澳洲) 两分钟就能搞定一碗速食面,是澳洲朋友们对“方便面”的俗称 
方便面里的instant这个词,大家比较熟悉的意思是立刻的、立即的,但它也可以表示速食的,加热水泡的,是仅限于做名词前的定语。 大白再举几个例子,速溶咖啡就是instant coffee,即食汤是instant soup 。I'd like a cup of instant coffee and a fashion magazine. 美国有一个专门的面条测评网站theramenrater.com,每年评选出“全球十佳泡面(top ten instant noodles)”。网站创始人,美国知名泡面博主汉斯·里纳许在尝试了383份来自世界各地的泡面后,选出的“2018全球十佳”。 我们一起来看看这10个全球最好吃的方便面和泡面大神的评价吧! Gookmul Knight Of Ribs
Gookmul绝地勇士炙烧肋排拌面 出产地:韩国 
The noodles are perfectly chewy and of high quality with a great mouthfeel. What’s amazing about this one is the noodles get ensconced in a luxuriant sauce with lots of real pork – it’s kind of like having barbecue pulled pork noodles and it’s simply delectable and memorable.这款面很有嚼劲,口感很棒。更令人惊讶的是,这款面的酱料里有很多猪肉,十分丰盛,就像加了烤肉浇头的拌面,既美味又令人难忘。 Nissin Demae Ramen Straight Noodle Spicy Tonkotsu Flavour 出前一丁辛辣猪骨汤味棒丁面 出产地:中国香港

The noodles are thin and straight with a very nice chew. The broth is a melange of spicy and milky tonkotsu that had a deep and rich flavor. 这款面又细又直,而且很有嚼劲。它的肉汤是由香味浓郁的乳白色豚骨汤和辣椒油混合而成。 The heat isn’t so strong you’ll be running for the hills, but it’s respectable insofar as it is spicy but doesn’t overwhelm the underlying tonkotsu flavor.它的汤汁并不会辣得让你冒汗,但确实能感受到稍许辣味,而且还不会掩盖猪骨汤的香味。 TTL White Wine Carbonara Noodle 台酒白酒帕式达奶油培根面 出产地:中国台湾

This one comes with a retort pouch filled with creamy sauce and pork which is augmented by a sachet of white wine. 这款泡面里有一个装有奶油汁和猪肉的蒸煮袋,里面还装有一小包白葡萄酒。 Mom’s Dry Noodle Dan Dan Noodle 老妈拌面担担面 出产地:中国台湾

We start with a thin noodle, one that is not fried but dried in the hot sun – no sun, no noodles. 我们先说说它的面,这款细面没有经过油炸,而是在烈日下风干的,也就是说没有阳光,就做不出这款面。The flavor is a combination of chilli oil, sesame paste, soy sauce and a dry combo of Sichuan peppercorn hulls and garlic. Finally, the end result is a multi-layer red balance of flavors that harmonize perfectly.其调味料有加了辣椒油、芝麻酱和酱油的酱料以及加了四川干胡椒和大蒜的粉包。最终,最终混在一起的调味料使这款泡面达到了多层次的平衡,而且十分协调完美。 Red Chef Green Tom Yum Soup Noodles 红厨青酸辣汤面 出产地:马来西亚

The broth is strong and kind of reminds me of a cross between a Malaysian tom yum crossed with green curry spiciness. It is very tasty.这款面的汤汁香味浓郁,让我想起了马来西亚冬阴功汤的香味和绿咖喱的辛辣,非常美味。 Prima Taste Singapore Curry Wholegrain La Mian 百胜厨新加坡咖喱全谷拉面 出产地:新加坡

The noodles are thick and chewy – and while they are wholegrain they aren’t coarse on the chew. 这款面又粗又有嚼劲。虽然它是全谷拉面,但咀嚼的时候并不会觉得很粗糙。The broth comes from two large sachets – one full of curry paste and one of coconut powder. The richness and depth of flavor here is sensational and delights the palate with flavors that are balanced and superb.它的汤汁是由两大包调味料调制而成的,一包咖喱酱,一包椰子粉。其香味浓郁厚重,口味均衡,十分美味,令你食欲大振。 CarJEN Nyonya Curry Laksa
嘉珍娘惹咖哩叻沙面 出产地:马来西亚

A noodle with a great gauge and chew sets the scene. A broth with a nice rich and creamy flavor augmented by coconut milk powder and a special ‘dipping sauce’ that has a sweet and spicy shrimp hit just makes everything so good.这款泡面量足又有嚼劲。其汤汁中添加了椰奶粉,这使其拥有浓郁的奶油味。此外,汤汁中还添加了一种特别的“蘸酱”,这种蘸酱里有又甜又辣的虾仁,使这款面十分美味。 MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle (2018 Recipe) 麦可利槟城白咖喱面(2018年配方) 出产地:马来西亚

As for its broth, a big sachet of curry paste sets the stage along with creamer and seasoning. The end result is a incredibly strong and spicy curry that is all in all unique and mesmerizing. 要调配它的汤汁,先倒入一大袋咖喱酱,然后再加入奶精和调味料,最后变成辣味浓郁的咖喱面。总之,这款泡面既独特又令人着迷。 Red Chef Sakura Prawn Soup Noodles 红厨樱花虾辣汤面 出产地:马来西亚

A good level of spiciness is here as well and works with the broth rather than overwhelms it. The broth is thick and oiliness is on point. Rounding things out is a sachet of fried onions – good sized ones that add a very agreeable crunch. Authentic and wonderful.其辣度适中,与汤汁搭配协调,而且还不会掩盖汤汁的鲜美。它的汤汁很稠,油分适中。最后撒上一袋油炸洋葱,适量的油炸洋葱增加了一种令人愉快的咀嚼感,正宗又美味。 Prima Taste Singapore Wholegrain Laksa La Mian 百胜厨新加坡叻沙全谷拉面 出产地:新加坡

Its chewy wholegrain noodles are hearty and artisanal – never gritty and just a pleasure to chew with a cosmic mouthfeel. 它的全谷面条是手工制作的,很有嚼劲,也很丰盛,嚼起来并不会觉得很粗糙,反而很有口感。Moreover, the broth is a combination of a laksa paste sachet which is large and full of premium ingredients. The broth is made fuller and creamy with the second sachet, a large one filled with coconut milk powder. 其汤汁的调味料中有一大包配料优质的叻沙酱,还有一大包椰奶粉,它使这款拉面的汤汁丰盛又滑腻。 这10款全球最好吃方便面大家吃过几个,服不服气呢?和大白一样,同是泡面爱好者的小伙伴,欢迎在评论区留言,说说你吃过最好吃的方便面吧!
