
又到一季“剁手”词榜(The Word List of Shopping Spree)

 小酌千年 2019-11-09



剁手族:Hands-chopping people

'Hands-chopping people' are big online spenders who self-mockingly say that they would like to chop their hands off after buying too much online.



当然,单纯地用hand-chopping people一词很容易让人从字面去理解。如果用splash out或 splurge out来加以解释,或许能让英语人士更好地理解。 

另外,shopaholics(shop+aholics)放在双十一里,也算是一个很形象的词。在双十一里,花钱如流水(spend money like water),尽情挥霍,没有什么其他词比shopaholic更准确的了。例如:

Disney has released the first trailer for the big screen adaptation of Confessions of a Shopaholic .


Having lived as a shopaholic, it is not as exciting as you might imagine.


运动型消费者:sport shoppers

sport shoppers don't just bargain hunt for the best deals, but also for the thrill of it. They always have a winning strategy, know the best places to compete and what it takes to bring a trophy home.


隐形消费者:Stealth shopper

Stealth shopper is a person who shops secretly to avoid flaunting wealth or to hide expenses from a spouse; a person who purchases expensive items that do not look expensive.

 后座购物者:Backseat buyer

Backseat buyer is a person who gets excited over other people's future or current purchases. Backseat buyer enjoys helping other person choose stuff as much as buying something for himself/herself. Usually an enthusiastic shopper for themselves as well. 




Deshopper is a person who buys something with the specific intention of using it and later returning it to the shop for a full refund.



TRANSUMERS(blend of transient and consumer) are big-spending travelers. They are consumers who increasingly live a transient lifestyle, freeing themselves from the hassles of permanent ownership and possessions. The fixed is replaced by an obsession with the current, an ever-shorter satisfaction span, and a lust to collect as many experiences and stories as possible…




Fauxsumerism refers to browsing products and engaging with brands without the intention of purchasing anything. The phenomenon refers to browsing for things you won’t necessarily buy, which young people consider an endless source of fun.


虚荣效应:Snob effects

Snob effects is the phenomenon that a thing becomes more desirable because fewer people can afford it or can find one. 


购物疗法:retail therapy

Retail therapy is shopping with the primary purpose of improving the buyer's mood or disposition. Often seen in people during periods of depression or transition, it is normally a short-lived habit. Items purchased during periods of retail therapy are sometimes referred to as 'comfort buys'.



道德消费者:ethical shopper

Very broadly speaking, people who are concerned about ethical issues want to know that the product they’re buying hasn’t been made at the expense of the people who are producing it, whether it’s in this country or abroad. They might also be concerned with other kinds of issues: whether the company is involved in armaments, or whether they’re donating money to certain political parties. And that as a shopper, you might not want to give your money to that party so therefore you might not want to buy a product from a company who is supporting a political party that you don’t agree with.


购物决策姓氏效应:the last-name effect

According to a new study, people whose surnames start with letters late in the alphabet may be the fastest to buy. What could possibly explain this weird phenomenon, which the study authors dubbed 'the last-name effect'.


购物生理期:shopping period

A study finds that in the 10 days before their periods began women were more likely to go on a spending spree, which is called shopping period. Psychologists believe shopping could be a way for premenstrual women to deal with the negative emotions created by their hormonal changes.



男性购物时间:shopping window

Shopping window refers to the time period during which a guy is actually engaged in the shopping experience. This period can last from almost no time at all to literally hours for a metrosexual, and includes all forms of shopping, from the grocery store to designer boutiques.

Shopping window指某男逛街时的实际购物时间,我们就称其为“男性购物时间”。这个购物时间可能短到一秒都不到,而对都市美男来说,也可能会持续好几个小时;购物的类型也不拘一格,可能是去杂货店,也可能是去设计师专营店。

购物反刍:retro shopping

Retro shopping is to compare prices for an item after you've already purchased it.


买家反悔:buyer's remorse

Buyer's remorse is the sense of regret after having made a purchase. It is frequently associated with the purchase of an expensive item such as a car or house. It may stem from fear of making the wrong choice, guilt over extravagance, or a suspicion of having been overly influenced by the seller.


Blank present :空洞礼物

Blank present are the present that has no thought behind it. This usually comes in the form of gift cards & money. The person who give these as presents often do not know what the reciever likes, and simply gives them the 'choice' to get 'whatever they want'.


节日包裹焦虑症:holiday package anxiety 

Holiday package anxiety refers to freaking-out over that special online purchase that's supposed to be delivered before Christmas.


吃土:eat dirt

Soon after the shopping spree began, 'eating dirt' became a buzzword on the Internet. The term means that consumers spend too much on Singles Day shopping to have any money left for food; as a result, they can only 'eat dirt', which is free.



“智商税”,又称低智商税,网络流行词,多指由于在花钱时缺乏判断能力,花了冤枉钱(not get one’s money’s worth),这些冤枉钱就被认为是缴了“智商税”,可以翻译为“stupid shopping tax”,也可以表示“为自己的愚蠢行为所付出的代价(the price paid for one's foolish behavior)” 。


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