

 玉蝴蝶YOGA 2019-11-23

Eka Pada Sirsasana A or 'Foot to Head Pose' is a pose that demands a lot of low back and hip flexibility. The shoulders play a big role in driving the leg behind you and down your back. In this video I show you how to get into this pose. I also provide some preparatory works that makes the pose more accessible no matter your flexibility level.

单腿绕头式(Eka Pada Sirsasasana A)是一个下背部和臀部需具备很好灵活性的体式。肩膀在推动腿部向后和向背部下方移动方面起着重要作用。在视频中,我向你展示了如何进入这个体式。我还提供了一些准备练习以能更好地进入体式,无论你的灵活程度如何。

1. If you feel pain when trying any part of the full pose, simply work>1.如果尝试进入体式的任何过程中感到疼痛,你只需进行准备练习代替。这些准备练习将可稳定地增加臀部和肌腱的柔韧性。必须先打开这些部位,以使膝盖不会承受太多的拉伸。尽可能保持每个准备练习45秒。

2. Despite its name (foot to head pose) you‘re really trying to get your leg below and behind the head so that the shoulders and upper back do most of the work in holding the leg. As your back and hip start to open, you'll be able to work your leg lower toward the upper back.


3. This pose takes a lot of flexibility that you may need time to acquire. Dont push into pain. Constantly check your breath at each step and make sure you can breathe fully.



Standing warm up. Back foot angled 45 degrees. Bend front leg and reach arm under it. Try to reach head under leg. If head under leg is too much. Use arm strength to keep working hip in toward shoulder. Front View. The mechanics of this are very similar to what’s done in the seated version. You’ll likely feel a deep stretch here.


Seated warm up. Foot in crook of elbow. Rock the baby. Rock the hip side to side. Then hold for at least 10 seconds. Wave the flag. Grab your big toe. Straighten your leg and wave it side to side. Answer the phone. Clasp foot with your hands and try to bring to ear. Side View. Rock the baby. Wave the flag. Keep trying to straighten back in all of these warm ups. Answer the phone. Hello? Hello? Anyone there???




Here’s a side view. A common mistake is rounding the shoulder too much to accommodate the leg. A little rounding is ok but too much prevents the torso from holding full breaths. If your breath is constricted or chest collapsed, back off. Also know your shoulders play a big role in pushing leg back. Ultimately the leg moves down the back more and away from the neck.


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