

 教育新语 2019-12-31

摘要:21世纪,科学技术的进步触发了教育变革,教师角色再造成为必然。人工智能的发展推动虚拟教师的出现, 尽管人工智能无法替代教师,但是教师被赋予全新的角色和定位。与传统教师迥异,教师将从“全才”转为“专才”,从“教学者”转向“辅助者”,从“教练”转变为“导师”。为了迎接人机协同推动教育发展的新时代,教师要树立合作意识,正确认识并积极应对人工智能对于教师职业的冲击。同时强化转型意识,发挥在学生成长过程中的独特作用。学校要具备变革意识,通过同步转型发展,推动教师角色再造。
Abstract:In the 21st century, advances in science and technology have triggered changes in education. The transformation of teachers’ role is inevitable. The development of artificial intelligence promotes the emergence of virtual teachers. Although cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence, teachers are endowed with new roles and positions. Different from traditional teachers, teachers in the new era will change from “generalists” to “specialists”, from “teachers” to “helpers” and from “coachers” to “mentors”. In the new era of educational development promoted by human-computer cooperation, teachers must establish a sense of cooperation to correctly understand and actively respond to the impact of artificial intelligence on the profession of teacher. They also need to strengthen the sense of changing roles to make unique impact on student development. Schools must establish a sense of reform and promote the reengineering of teachers through simultaneous transformation and development.

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