

 limaping图书馆 2020-01-03







Tennis Forehand WRIST – Lag and Snap Explained

What is the role of the wrist in the modern ATP forehand? How do I achieve the lag position? How relaxed should my wrist be?

The short answer is it depends. Depending on your grip, where you’re trying to hit to, and a bunch of other factors, your wrist will do something different.


【腕部动作解剖】腕关节运动:弯曲 伸展 上挑 下挑


  • 弯曲

  • 伸展

  • 上挑

  • 下挑


  • 内旋
  • 外旋


【Wrist Anatomy】

To start off, the wrist is a gliding joint which allows the bones to glide past one another in any direction.

The 4 main motions of the wrist are:

  • Flexion
  • Extension
  • Radial Deviation
  • Ulnar Deviation
Then, there are 2 main motions of the forearm:
  • Pronation
  • Supination

I’ll be using these terminologies throughout the video to explain the motions of the wrist and forearm. But I want to note that when you’re on the court, your focus shouldn’t be on wrist movements. Your focus should be on how you’re going to get the racket to perform a motion that achieves your desired effect on the ball.











Preparation & Backswing】

Conscious Function: Stays Relaxed

When it comes to the wrist, the backswing is usually ignored and all the focus is on the “lag and snap” or the windshield wiper motion. We’ll explain the wrist in the forward swing and follow through too, but first, I feel like it’s necessary to go over the right preparation.
In the backswing phase of the forehand there are 2 vital things to keep in mind for the wrist:

This means that you have just enough grip tension required for you to keep your racket in your hand, without actively manipulating the racket with your forearm muscles. If the wrist isn’t relaxed at the start of the backswing, it most likely won’t be relaxed in later stages of the forehand. This will hinder your ability to achieve proper positions later in the swing and hitting with a tense forearm over a long period of time can lead to overuse injury. Trust me, I’ve been there.

2. The wrist must be in the proper position

In the start of the forward swing, the wrist is supposed to act as a hinge and rotate backward as a result of the racket’s centrifugal force combining with the hip and trunk rotation and the hand pulling forward.
To do this, the wrist must be in the proper position. Some coaches like to tell players to keep the racket tip above the hand as a checkpoint but I feel that this might be too broad of a statement since, on lower balls, the racket head and hand can reach the same level. So, I prefer to focus on the positioning of the wrist instead – the wrist positioning at the end of your backswing should be the same position that it was it when you completed your unit turn.

One key here is to use your non-hitting arm to keep the hitting arm wrist stable until it releases off the racket.








【Acceleration Phase】

Conscious Function: Stays Relaxed

During the start of the forward swing, the wrist will rotate and extend backward into the glorified wrist lag position.
Again, the primary role of the wrist and forearm in the acceleration phase is to stay relaxed. Except here, the wrist will not remain static, and there will be more or less extension, ulnar deviation, and supination in this phase. This will pretty much depend on factors like your grip, backswing shape, the amount of rotational force you used.
If the forearm is tense here, you will hinder your racket head acceleration and you might injure your forearm and wrist.
And FYI, I’m guilty of this habit from time to time. 




瑞克·马奇(Rick Macci)将这种运动称为手向前拉到一个角度并远离身体。






Here is the step by step process of what gets the wrist and forearm to extend and rotate back:
The forward swing is initiated by the hip and trunk rotation forward.
Depending on the player, there can be some external shoulder rotation occurring in the hitting arm and for most elite forehands, there will be horizontal adduction
Rick Macci refers to this motion as the hand pulling forward and to a degree, away from the body.
I’ve sort of modified this motion to hopefully give you a better feel for the motion.
Try to think of it as pulling your elbow toward the ball and your wrist just doing its thing.
If your wrist is in proper position and you performed a proper ATP backswing where your hitting arm hand stays on the hitting arm side of your body, and your forearm muscles are relaxed, the wrist should naturally rotate back due to the weight of your racket head.
Just because the role of the forearm here is to simply relax doesn’t make it easy though. If you hit a traditional forehand with a firm wrist and are looking to switch, having a loose grip before contact will take work to retrain.
If you have a problem like I did, I recommend that you start with an exaggeratedly loose arm without the ball and gradually increase in arm stability.
Try not let go of the racket though. Bad things can happen. Pretty bad things. 






如果是完全的西方握法如Jack Sock或有些超过,那么您的手掌总在手柄下方,因此手腕没有任何后展。但是由于前臂后旋,手腕后甩位置仍然包含了这握法。


【Control Factors】
Like I stated earlier though, the wrist lag is extremely varying among different players according to their backswing shape, whether they have a bent or straight arm, their grip, and how much force their putting behind the shot.
Generally speaking, the more Eastern your grip is, the more wrist extension or lag you’ll have in your forehand
If you are using some version of the semi-western grip, the angle of your maximum extension will get smaller and smaller. This is most logically because your palm will no longer be directly behind the racket.
If you have a full western grip like Jack Sock or anything past that, your palm will be all the way under the handle, so you will have no extension in the wrist. But the lag position is still attained with this grip because of the forearm supination.




【Forward Force Input】

Also, depending on the shot and how much force you need to put behind the shot, you’ll have more or less wrist extension.

If the ball is short or have little time, you’ll probably not be producing as much force as would when the ball is above your shoulder.









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