人年纪一大,就会听到有人说——“我已经很久不听新歌了”、“现在这玛丽苏/杰克苏电视剧能看?”、“xx后都是这样的吗?”、“现在这些明星我一个也不认识。” 还记得,“太以自我为中心”曾是90后被贴的众多标签之一。但随着他们也陆续加入996大军,最近就很少听人这么说了。 近日,美国密歇根州立大学的研究者们对“自恋”与年龄的关系进行了调查。成果发表在了美国心理学会(American Psychological Association)期刊Psychology and Aging上.
Using data from six different studies, researchers charted how narcissism changes over time and between generations in 747 people aged 13 to 77. 研究者们用来定义自恋的三个指标分别是: ❶ Willfulness, or being full of yourself; ❷ Hypersensitivity, or being overly defensive; ❸ Autonomy, or a sense of leadership and authority.
On average, negative forms of narcissism — willfulness and hypersensitivity — declined with age, while the more positive feeling of having control over your life increased as people got older. The increase in this “good” narcissism over time is surprising, says William Chopik, author on the study and assistant professor at Michigan State University. “It looks like the most rapid changes occur just after people experience those setbacks or experiences,”Chopik says. That could be a divorce, or some other adverse experience. Overall, people change the most rapidly during their middle age. Narcissism is often thought of as a monolithic personality trait, but this study suggests autonomy may stand alone. It also makes sense that as we age, we feel more competent in our lives and actions, Chopik says. “Oftentimes, life experiences, jobs, and relationships have a tendency to change our priorities as we age, and that’s what we think we’re seeing here.” People are indeed most narcissistic in their twenties, Chopik says (those in their seventies are least narcissistic).
Contrary to the stereotype, young people today are likely no more narcissistic than any generation before them (including the Baby Boomers). 注:美国婴儿潮特指美国第二次世界大战后1946年至1964年,这18年间婴儿潮人口高达7600万人,这一人群被通称为“婴儿潮一代”。 The results defy a popular piece of folk wisdom about younger generations — and the current generation of 20-somethings in particular — that they are hopelessly full of themselves. “You can find people as long ago as 700 B.C. lamenting at how narcissistic today’s kids are,” says Chopik, “So for all the talk about how young people are narcissistic, it’s generally the case that they “age out of it” and become more mature, responsible, and considerate of others. I hope it starts to challenge the misconception that all young people are narcissistic or are more narcissistic than previous generations.”
The researchers also found some outliers: Some people just stayed narcissists. Some people declined really dramatically and became quite humble people. Others didn’t change much at all, suggesting that narcissism might be a lifelong condition for them. 但是这项研究有它国家与代际的局限性——上世纪20-60年代出生的美国人的数据结果没法轻易推及到其他地方。
1.自拍虽然自恋,但是爽啊 华中师范大学心理学院2016年的一项研究显示:大学生自恋人格与自拍行为、积极情绪呈显著正相关。华中师范大学心理学院2016年的一项研究显示:大学生自恋人格与自拍行为、积极情绪呈显著正相关。 2.自恋的人具有攻击性 发表在《中国健康心理学杂志》的一项研究表明:大学生显性自恋和隐性自恋与攻击行为均呈现显著正相关。 3.显性自恋可能有这些表现 看到这儿,你觉得自己是个自恋的人吗? 适度自恋怡情,过分自恋伤身哦。
narcissism /ˈnɑːrsɪsɪzəm/ n 自恋;自赏;自我陶醉