
What did tcm theory actually want to tell us?tcm means traditional Chinese medicine (part three)

 jennywong3022 2020-03-14

16. how to cure clinical disease

 let us see how to cure definite disease clinically:

1) How to cure stomach lump? spleen pulse is same as stomach pulse, pulse beating fast belongs to fu(hollow) organ disease, press guan pulse with onefinger by force equal to weight of nine grains of soybean, guan pulse strong and vast is sufficient, cold disease of sufficiency need slight smell and thin taste of bitter and warm medicine such as fructus evodiae and ginger,hot disease of sufficiency need slight smell and thin taste of bitter and cold such as fructus gardeniae, selfheal, duckweed and mint, stomach is fu(hollow) organ which belongs to yang, guan pulse weak and small is deficient,cold disease of deficiency need slight smell & thin taste of hot medicine, such as fresh ginger, purple perilla, Codonopsis pilosula and Astragalus membranaceus, sometimes need strong smell & thick taste such asfructus amomi, amomum cardamomum, korea ginseng,antler tablet, hot disease of deficiency need trong smell and thick taste such as artemisia apiacea and root of rehmannia, sometiomes need slight smell & thin taste of coldmedicine, such as mint, root of kudzu vine, radix glehniae and Radix Ophiopogonis. Yang sufficiency need strong smell or slight smell medicine plus jujube to disperse, yang deficiency need strong smell or slight smell to tonify.Apply thin taste of salty to deal with tough lump for salty means soft such as kelp, oystershell powder, arkshell powder,mirabilite. Apply liquorice if illness develops fast because sweet means slow. Note: All of diseases are treated by dialectical therapy of yin, yang, sufficiency, deficiency, yin sufficiency& yang deficiency need yin discharge/clear and tonify yang, yang sufficiency & yin deficiency need yang disperse and tonify yin, yin and yang all deficiency need to tonify both, yin and yang all sufficiency need disperseand discharge/clear, deficiency need ginseng to tonify, medicine must always follow principle “apply cold medicine for hot disease, apply hot medicine for cold disease”, following items are same.

2) How to first aid car crash spleen rupture leading to massive hemorrhage? apply external and oral herbs powder to stop bleeding, meanwhile take orallylarge dosage of radix paeoniae alba and smoked plum decoction, they are sourest taste means contractility representing they could pull back the squirt blood from surface with big force and retract back to liver because of“sour means contractility” “liver stores blood”, first aid spleen by bitter. What to do if wound fester? external use by coptis powder because bitter means dry.

3) How to cure kidney deficient, renal failure and uremia? kidney deficient belongs to deficiency,“tonify it if deficient, tonify its mother if deficient”,tonify kidney by bitter, lung is mother of kidney, tonnify lung by sour, such as coptis and smoked plum. renal failure means kidney is deficient to the largest extent,“son could make mother full”,liver is son of kidney, discharge liver by very large dosage of sour,so therapy of renal failure is :sufficiency need salty and large dosage of sour such as cuttlefish bone and smoked plum, deficiency need bitter and large dosage of sour such as coptis and smoked plum. uremia belongs to kidneydisaster, first aid kidney by pugent, such as cassia twig, monkshood, dried ginger, Sichuan wild pepper.

4) How to cure anemia, aplastic anemia, leukemia? “liver stores blood”,anemia belongs to liver deficiency, tonify liver by pungent, kidney is mother of liver,tcm mentioned “kidney stores energy of bone marrow”, so bone marrow is source of manufacturing blood, “tonify its mother if deficient”,tonify kidney by bitter, aplastic anemia means hematopoiesis function lost which belongs to liver exhaustion, “son could make mother full”,heartis son of liver, discharge heart by very large dosage of sweet, therapy of aplastic anemia is usual dosage of pungent, usual dosage of bitter and very large dosage of sweet for deficiency, usual dosage of sour plus very large dosage of sweet for sufficiency. leukemia belongs to hyperplasia representing sufficiency reach to the largest extent, “mother couldmake son empty”,tonify kidney by very large dosage of bitter, so therapy of leukemia is usual dosage of sour, usual dosage of sweet and very large dosage of bitter for sufficiency, usual dosage of pungent and very large dosage of bitter for deficiency. First aid by sweet such as root of rehmannia and angelica sinensis.

5) How to cure hypertension and hypotension? water has intensity of pressure, water in airtight vessel has pressure on top, flank, front/back and bottom,the more higher water level is, the more bigger pressure is. kidney means water, hypertension belongs to kidney sufficiency, discharge kidney by salty for mild illness because “discharge it if sufficient”,discharge liverby sour for more serious illness because“discharge its son if sufficient”, liver is son of kidney. if very severe disease, apply large dosage of sour to tonify lung for “mother could make son empty”,large dosage oftonifying mother could make son empty, lung is mother of kidney. first aid by pungent, for example, cold disease apply cassia twig, dried ginger and Sichuan wild pepper, hot disease apply duckweed and mint. Hypotension belongsto kidney deficiency, apply smoked plum, red ginseng and coptis, smoked plum tastes sour to tonify lung, ginseng tonifies deficiency, coptis tastes bitter to tonify kidney, “tonify its mother if deficiency”, lung is motherof kidney. Hot disease apply smoked plum, American ginseng and coptis.

6) How to cure breast disease? one circumstance is: breast is organ of secreting milk, both milk and blood belong to body fluid, milk is metaplasia fromblood, “liver stores blood”, breast disease must be treated as liver, if deficient, tonify liver by pungent, tonify kidney by bitter, if sufficient, discharge liver by sour, discharge heart by sweet, if sufficient to reachlargest extent such as lump, add large dosage of bitter to tonify kidney, “mother can make son empty”. Another circumstance is: breast stockpiles milk, it belongs to sanjiao which is a big fu(hollow) organ. So decideby pulse to cure, pulse beating fast is six fu(hollow) organ disease, beating slow is liver disease.

7) How to cure insomnia without reason? “heart stores mind”,mind means soul, people could sleep because soul is sedate, if deficient, tonify liver bypungent and hot medicine such as cassia twig, dried ginger and sichuan wild pepper for cold disease, tonify liver by pungent and cold medicine such as duckweed and mint for hot disease, “tonify its mother if deficient”. if sufficient, discharge spleen by bitter such as coptis. “discharge itsson if sufficient”

8) How to cure dementia out of consciousness? “heart stores mind”,dementia belongs to heart deficient, tonify liver by pungent, tonify heart by salty, such as cassia twig, dried ginger and Sichuan wild pepper plus cuttlefish bone, “tonify its mother if deficient”, liver is mother of heart. Another circumstance is brain marrow problem whichbelongs to special fu organ such as encephalatrophy,only apply strong smell or slight smell & thin taste.

9) How to cure insane mania or irascibility? “heart stores mind”, mania belongs to heart sufficient, discharge heart by sweet such as root of rehmannia, discharge spleen by bitter such as coptis,for example, apply radix rehmannia root or coptis. huangdi internal classics mentioned “liver correspondsto emotion of irascibility” “liver stores blood” “blood sufficiency leads to rage”,so irascibility belongs to liver sufficiency, discharge liver by sour such as smoked plum.

10) How to cure sex addiction and sexual dysfunction and sexual apathy? “kidney stores desire”, sex addiction is sufficiency, discharge kidney by salty,discharge liver by sour, sexual dysfunction and sexual apathy is deficient, tonify kidney by bitter, tonify lung by sour. Tonify yang is also suitable, yang is strength, apply strong smell such as cassia twig, dried gingerand sichuan wild pepper.

11) How to cure sadness and depression? “people is sad once mind is inadequate,people laughs once mind is sufficient” “heart stores mind”, sadness belongs to heart deficiency, tonify heart by salty, tonify liver bypungent, such as cassia twig, dried gnger, sichuan wild pepper and cuttlefish bone. Depression symptom is strength or energy of arms, legs and fu(hollow) organs lost, lack of exterior and interior kinetic energy need to tonify yang, as “smell is yang” “strong smell belongs to yang” “slight smell is yin within yang” , socold disease seriously apply strong smell medicine to cure,such as cassia twig, monkshood, dried ginger, sichuan wild pepper, amomum cardamomum, asarum. because slight smell go to fu(hollow) organs, apply dried ginger,ginger,ground cinnamon and sichuan wild pepper for slight depression. hot disease apply pungent and cold medicines such as duckweed and mint.

12) How to cure immediate blind or deaf after falling into icy river? “cold in body, cure by sweet and hot medicine, cure by bitter,pungent,salty, suchas dried ginger and cane sugar.

13) How to cure syncope under summer sun or in too hot environment? “hot in body, cure by salty and cold medicine, cure by bitter, sweet, sour. If no medicinein hand, drink well water now, because well water does not freeze in winter which represents it is more cold-resistant than ice, water melon rind juice or green bean juice is also applicable, such as crab which is salty andcold.

14) How to cure tongue disease? “tongue being orifice of heart”, if deficient, tonify heart by salty, tonify liver by pungent, “tonify its mother ifdeficiency”, if sufficient, discharge heart by sweet, discharge spleen by bitter, if most severe disease of sufficient to the largest extent such as lump, add large dosage of pungent to tonify liver , liver is mother ofheart, “mother could make son empty”.

15) How to cure diabetes and pancreas disease? pancreas digests sugar in body, diabetes is lesion of pancreas which could not secrete insulin,“kidney corresponds to sanjiao and urinary bladder”, pancreas is solid, so diabetes and pancreas disease aretreated like kidney, if deficient, tonify kidney by bitter, tonify lung by sour, such as coptis and smoked plum, if sufficient, discharge liver by sour, discharge kidney by salty, such as smoked plum and cuttlefish bone. for example, polydipsia and polyphagia of early diabetes belong to spleen soil excessive vigorous, soil restricts water, the more vigorous spleen soil is, the more deficient kidney water is, at that time, tonify lung by sour such as smoked plum to balance soil and water, because soil generates metal, then metal generates water.

16) How to cure joint deformity and ankilosing spondylitis? “kidney governs bone”, if deficient, tonify kidney by bitter, tonify lung by sour, if sufficient,discharge kidney by salty, discharge liver by sour. Another circumstance: bone marrow belongs to special fu organ, so decide by pulse fast or slow to cure fu organ or kidney.

17) How to cure cerebral apoplexy, myocardial infarction and thrombus diseases caused by blood vessel blockage? blood vessel belongs to special fu organ,they are hollow such as artery, vein, super fine blood capillary, so blood vessel blockage should be treated from special fu organs. lymph belongs to venation which is special fu organs, so therapy of lymph disease and vasculitisis totally same,apply strong smell and slight smell & thin taste, and apply medicines to clear blood stasis.

18) How to cure continuously serious thirsty after drinking lot of water? thirsty is caused by hot inside body, water may gasify very soon once meeting hot,Huangdi internal classics mentioned “hot in body, cure by salty and cold”, Jinkui classics recorded a famous prescription to cure this disease, take orally clam shell powder which is cold and tastes salty. Another circumstanceis: strength of sanjiao is not strong enough to convey water to needed histocyte, strength of urinary bladder is also not strong enough to jet urine, so patient is thirsty and edema having little urine, look at strong smelland thin taste structure of wulingsan prescription described in Shanghan book, cassia twig smells strong which could tonify yang, rhizoma atractylodis, poria cocos, popyporus umbellatus and rhizoma alismatis could let unnecessarywater in body to expel through urine.

19) How to cure brain tumor? brain tumor belongs to disease of special fu organ, so brain disease should be treated as special fu organ, soften tumor bythin taste salty.

20) How to cure parkinson disease? “liver governs sinew”“liver stockpiles vigour of grasping by arms and legs”, parkingson is liver deficiency, tonifyliver by pungent, tonify kidney by bitter, such as cassia twig, monkshood, dried ginger, sichuan wild pepper, coptis.

21)How to cure schizophrenia? “heart stores mind”“heart is emperor inside body, mindcomes out from heart”, heart means sanity which symbolizes wise mind, heart is emperor inside body who dominates everything, if heart is in dysfunction, people thought is splitting and behaviour is lunatic, schizophreniabelongs to heart dysfunction, besides balance of yin, yang, deficiency, sufficiency, cold and hot, apply thick taste bitter medicine such as coptis to wake up mind because“bitter into heart”. Obsessive-compulsive disorderand anxiety disorder belong to heart dysfucntion, therapy is totally same. Another circumstance is brain marrow and spinal marrow problem, nerve conveying problem occurs, they belong to special fu organs,so decide by pulsebeating. Yin and yang is opposite, daytime is yang, nighttime is yin, since winter solstice festival, sun starts to shift towards tropic of cancer, so daytime onthe northern hemisphere becomes longer and longer gradually while nighttime becomes shorter, in another word, yang on northern hemisphere increase day after day since winter solstice festival, yang means power while yin meansmotionless, all living creatures corresponde to the earth, yang of schizophrenia represents mania, agitation and impulsion, yin of schizophrenia represents apathy, solitary and lazy, so in the spring schizophrenia patientsneed tonifying yin to balance excessive yang in body, “taste belongs to yin, thich taste is yin”, so apply to tonify yin besides “bitter into heart”, such as rehmannia.

22)How to cure bone fracture loosen? tcm mentioned “kidney governs bone” “kidney means water,kidney loves to be hard, tonify kidney by bitter”,bonefracture loosen belongs to kidney deficiency, tonify kidney by bitter, tonify lung by sour, such as coptis and smoked plum.

23)How to cure thyroid disorder? thyroid belongs to sanjiao organ, “kidney corresponds to sanjiao and urinary bladder”, thyroid is solid which shouldbe treated as kidney, thyroid hyperfunction is kidney sufficiency, hypothyroidism is kidney deficiency.

24) How to cure nervous system diseases such as facial paralysis, prosopalgia, sciatica, gradually frozen, myelitis, epilepsy, meningitis, paralysis causedby injured nerve? nervous system is called spinal marrow and brain marrow by tcm, its special fu organ,therapy pls see chapter 11-4.

25) How to cure difficult miscellaneous diseases of immune system disease such as Lupus erythematosus, aids,ebola virus? it means that pathogen cell intrudeinto whole body blood and swallow most of good cell, whole body immune substances are destroyed, urine, saliva, sweat, seminal fluid of patient carry lots of pathogen cell because they are all transformed from blood, it meanspathogen cell is sufficient to extreme, “liver stores blood” “mother could make son empty”, mother of liver is kidney, apply large dosage of bitter to tonify kidney such as coptis. Deficiency need pungent and largedosage of bitter such as ginseng, cassia twig, dried ginger, sichuan wild pepper, monkshood, asarum, amomum cardamomum,golden cypress and large dosage of coptis, sufficiency need sour, sweet and large dosage of bitter such as smoked plum, angelicasinensis and large dosage of coptis.

26)How to cure rabies? at first pathogen cell intrudes muscle, it means that yang sufficiency need to be dispersed, “smell belongs to yang”, so dispersepathogen cell by strong smell & slight smell, apply cassia twig,dried ginger, sichuan wild pepper, ephedra plus jujube for cold disease, apply gypsum,mint and duckweed plus jujube for hot disease, when pathogen cellintrudes nervous system which named as spinal marrow by tcm, its therapy is same as special fu organ.

27)Why excessive alcoholic is harmful to human body? white wine smells and tastes pungent which could tonify liver, “tonify its mother if deficient”, ocasional once or a little wine every daymay tonify heart, so heart sufficiency appears after drinking such as heart beating fast, excitement, blustering & boasting, illness of liver sufficiency and heart sufficiency get worse after drinking. white wine has strong smell which could tonify yang, so it could also cure depression, however, if people keepson drinking large amount every day, heart deficiency is created, “mother could make son empty”, large dosage of white wine to tonify liver will make heart deficient, excessive drinking leads to heart deficient, peoplewill become dementia and very sad.

Chinese medicines property are very flexible, they can be seen everywhere, they are eco-friendly and very cheap, its not necessary to apply protected animalssuch as tiger bone, rhinoceros horn... sometimes foods and vegetables are medicines, such as jujube, cane sugar, smoked plum, lemon,Sichuan wild pepper,chili pepper, onion, garlic, ginger, fennel, cassia, cinnamon powder, kelp, oyster shell, ark shell, cuttle-bone, bittergourd... Animals maintain ecological balance in nature and they have intelligence, apply animal medicine as less as possible.

Note: pure natural and original medicines are the best, processed medicine has little effect because smell and taste changes, for example, smell and tasteof monkshood have reduced lot after overly processed, hawthorn fruit change to bitter taste after stir frying, ephedra is not pungent again after stir frying with honey, salty turtleshell increase sour after processing with ricevenegar,mint and sweet wormwood have no fragrance after storing long time, selfheal has no bitter taste without whole plant... medicines should not be eaten powder directly, they must be decocted by small fire, otherwise smell and tastewill not be produced totally, after slow decocting by small fire,some poisonous material is volatilized while smell and taste becomes stronger and thicker such as monkshood, in addition, medicines shuld not be stored in stuffyplastic products for smell and taste will change in airtight space touching chemical substance , extracting and purifying some kind of ingredient is unwise, although these ingredients have curable effect in short time, howeverpathogen cell has drug-resistance after long time, “while the taoist priest climbs a foot, the devil climbs ten”, but pathogen cell totally fails while facing pure natural medicines, because pure natural smell and tasteare created by the creator, these extracted ingredients smell and taste have changed and have no cold and hot property which go against most important therapy principle.

17. God will

 Whether every people all over the world could live long to one hundred years old if disease could all be cured? things are not like that, people hasunexpected disaster and accident, unhealthy diets, fatigue and trauma influence people, bad habits wouldspoil yin and yang, deficient of yin and yang would spoil inner vigour, disease follows quickly after vigour in recession, besides there is mood which could influence people healthy, for example, healthy condition is quitedifferent under prosperity or adversity, five elements motion and six climates(wind, cold, dry, hot, dampness) of each year would also influence people healthy, for example, lung sufficiency people meet abundant metal year, environment would influence people either, for example, a deficient lung disease peoplelives in Sichuan province in which place all peoples fond of chili pepper, while lung deficiency need to be tonified by sour, if discharge by pungent every day, disease becomes more serious, for example, liver disease peoplequarrels with his wife every day, that hurts him more, for example, more and more artificial chemical compounds have been produced since human industrial revolution, bad smell and bad taste have becomed cause of disease, so huangdi internal calssics mentioned “people dies if he loses his spirit deity”, deadly symptoms listed in Huangdi internal classics and Nan classics is incurable indeed,it mentioned so-and-so symptom would die on date of jiayi(wood), bingding(fire), wuji(soil), gengxin (metal), renkui(water), they are ten heavenly stem which means five elements, it demonstrates that body is restricted by the creator, thus qi and blood in chaos or healthy spirithas been restricted to null(only restriction with no generation), thus its incurable because neither tonifying nor discharging is valid, recover time of five solid organs in Huangdi internal classics are respectively are:liver recovers in bingding year/month, heart recovers in wuji year/month, spleen recovers in gengxin year/month, lung recovers in renkui year/month, kidney recovers in jiayi year/month, they are also ten heavenly stem, italso demonstrates that circulation of inside body obey and comply with the creator and generation by the creator appears, it surely will be protected by the creator. “people will die if he loses his spirit deity” mentionedin Huangdi internal classics means he is incurable indeed, for spirit deity will leave his body soon, a person is composed by body and energy, body without vigour has no resistence to disease at all. For example, Huangdi internalclassics mentioned “spleen dead pulse appears, face color yellow mixed up with black, no lustre on face, its represents death.” spleen dead pulse means spleen pulse is weak abnormally and beats at different speed, yellowgoes into spleen which belongs to soil, black goes into kidney which belongs to water, “soil restricts water” symbolize ill omen, spleen dead pulse plus no lustre on face symbolize that inner vigour has come to end, so its incurable. Nan classics mentioned that “if symptom is abnormal while pulse is fairlynormal, it represents life, if pulse is unusually abnormal while symptom is normal, it represents death.” (maybe accident or disaster), Nan classics here told us that pulse is more important than symptom during diagnosis,these words means therapy is to feel pulse ignoring symptom if they are different, for the pulse here is spleen dead pulse, so its incurable. If spleen dead pulse does not appear, there is still lustre on face, that demonstratesthat inner vigour still exists inside body, people can still be saved through tonifying lung by sour to resolve conflicts of “soilrestricts water”, although serious symptom appears and yellow and black color mixed up on face. Meanwhile this paragraph also tell us “try our best and leave the rest to the creator”

18. what is standard of health

 How to judge whether one is ill? how to know whether one recovers? at first you need to know what is meaning of healthy people, what is standard ofhealth? a healthy people breathe air every day, eats grain, vegetable and meat every day, he absorbs nutrition from air and food, food finish its normal metabolism inside body, waste is excreted out, he works in the daytime and sleepsat night, he is disease free and has no ache, he is smart to deal with daily routine, huangdi internal classics named healthy people as an balanced people which means he is quite balanced among yin, yang, sufficiency, deficiency, cold and hot, he is neither toohappy nor too sad, he neither sleeps too much nor too less, he neither eats too much nor too less, he is neither diarrhea nor constipation, his pulse is neither fast nor slow, face color neither too red nor too white, ifperson could sleep one week, he is either ill or unusual such as Mr.Chengtuan in tang dynasty, it is said he slept over one hundred days once a time, because he is practising taoist immortality, some people has big appetiteeating a basin of rice once a time, he is unusual people with high Chinese kungfu. The reason you see a doctor is you know you are different from usual person, how huangdi internal classics described an usual person? “facecolor represents vigour in body, for example, if face color is red, it must be like vermilion wrapped by spun silk, its glossy, not like dim ruddle without lustre, if face is white, it must be like bright feather of gooseinstead of dim salt, if face is cyan, it must be like bright jasper instead of dim indigo, if face is yellow, it must be like bright realgar wrapped by spun silk instead of withered and yellow soil, if face is dark, it mustbe like bright repaint instead of gloomy charcoal ash, face color of implicit, transparent and with lustre is good appearance representing inner organs are vigorous which let people see clearly everything in the world anddistinguish good and bad, if he confuses right and wrong which means he has lost judgement, that means his inner vigour has decayed, if face color is turbid without lustre, it means lifetime is going to end.” How is pulseof usual people? Huangdi internal classics mentioned “everything starts to grow in spring, so spring pulse floats on skin like fish swim on water surface, plants are flourishing in summer, so summer pulse fills skin full,in autumn plants wither and are sparse, so autumn pulse is like dormant insect run away, winter pulse hides by side of bone as if hided insect and indoor people. How does huangdi internal classics predict alive and dead? “redcolor on face like blood stasis is death, red color on face like bright ruddy cockscomb is alive, cyan like dim grass is death, cyan like bright feather of viridis bird is alive, yellow like immature bitter orange is death,yellow like bright crab belly is alive, black like coal ash is death, black like feather of jet-black bird is alive, white like dead skeleton is death, white like lard oil is alive” How does Huangdi internal classics describedhealthy organs? “spleen is vigorous if yellow on face is like trichosanthes fruit wrapped by spun silk, liver is vigorous if its like cyan red wrapped by spun silk, kidney is vigorous if its like purple wrapped by spun silk,heart is vigorous if its like vermilion wrapped by spun silk, lung is vigorous if its like red wrapped by spun silk”

19. ordinary people from birth to senility

 How does huangdi internal classics described about an usual people on earth from birth to death?

  “such as a woman, the 1st seven years, kidney vigour starts to fill, change teeth and grow hair, the 2nd seven years, renmai is cleared(renmai is qi and blood channelfrom head to belly), menstruation outflows, when taichong pulse on foot is vast, menstruation outflows, she could have baby if married, the 3rd seven years, kidney vigour is abundant to fill everywhere, molar teeth grow up,the 4th seven years, sinew and bone is strong, long hair, body strong, the 5th seven years, yangming meridian becomes weak, face yellow, hair falls down, the 6th seven years, taiyang, yangming, shaoyang meridian is weak,face has wrinkle, hair is white, the 7th seven years, renmai is weak, taichong pulse on foot becomes weak and tiny, has no menstruation, body becomes bad, could not pregnant”

  “Such as a man, the 1st eight years,kidney vigour starts to fill, change teeth and grow hair, the 2nd eight years, kidney vigour begins abundant, has seminalfluid which overflows when full, he could have baby if married, the 3rd eight years,kidney vigour is abundant to fill everywhere, sinew and bone strong, molar teeth grow up,the 4th eight years, sinew and bone is strongest,muscle is strongest, the 5th eight years,kidney begins weak, hair falls down, teeth is yellow without lustre, the 6th eight years, yang is deficient which appears on face, face yellow, white at the hair temples,the 7th eightyears, liver is weak, sinew is weak so hands and feet is not flexible, the 8th eight years, he has no seminal fluid, kidney is weak, body becomes bad, teeth and hair fall down, kidney means water, essence of internal organs hides in kidney, so internal organs abundant could have seminal fluid,now organs are weak, sinew and bone are weak, there are no seminal fluid, hair is white, body is heavy, unable to walk steady, he could not have baby”

  This paragraph told us birth, old, disease and death of human being is natural law, an usual people is just like that, its abnormal if a little girlhas menstruation under ten years old, if old woman has menstruation at senventy years old, she is either ill or practising tao, if a man begins to grow teeth at seventy years old and becomes rejuvenate looking like teenage, he is not humanbeing but celestial being representing he succeeds in practising tao.

20. ancient book is Creator’s book

 There is saying “the greatest truths are the simplest”, you must seize essence of ancient books to cure disease not making tcm complicated, theseancient books could cure all of living creature of mammalia in universe, because it cures disease according to interrelations among sun, moon, located planet and living creatures themselves, thats why it is called the Creatorbooks, disease is caused by unbalance of yin, yang, deficient, sufficient, cold and hot inside body of living creature, when you know how to cure people, then you know how to cure animals such as cat, dog, sheep, horse, tiger,lion... etc, for they have same five organs like mankind, they have also same beating pulse on the handwrist. All of medical skills are contained in: Huangdi internal classics, Nan classics, Shennong herbs classics, ancient prescriptions recorded in Shanghan & Jinkui books, accupuncture. Even if nuclear bomb ruin big citiesin the future, you could still cure patients as long as ancient books are in hand, even if people could not recognise herbs after several thousand years, you could still cure patients as long as ancient books keeping intactat that time. Huangdi internal classics mentioned “yin yang, count ten, hundred, ten hundred, noncountable” it means yin and yang is an infinitely value which exist eternally, everything huge as universe and tiny as quark is interreaction of yin and yang, for example, energy of cell is yang, body shape of cell is yin, there is yang within interior yin, body shape alwayskeeps moving, shrinking and expanding once owning yang energy, when cell has more and more to extreme,it will disintegrate into smallest fractionlet till nothing, when cell has less and less to extreme, it will gather together again to big, nothing does not mean without anything, merely they are scattered and too superfine to be visible, maybe tens of millions and thousands of millions of microscope magnification couldsee their change, when there is enough energy, original shape could be scattered to smallest freely and gather together to another shape anywhere, such as Sunwukong monkey could easily change to a pine tree in another place suddenly in journey to the west book. Till now, the smallest particle which peoples recent technology could detect is called quark, there must be particles smaller than quark which is out of peoples exploration because figure is an infinitary value, till now the smallest cell discovered by people is called mycoplasma whose diameter is only 0.1 micron which is equal to ten thousandthof one millimeter, maybe there are many other much more smaller pathogen cell, that means they are invisible even under microscope, they could easily penetrate wood, glass and metal, surely they could penetrate bone and reacheverywhere inside body, pathogen cells are creatures, they could eat and multiply, they could escape when facing danger, they have basic intelligence of maintaining eating and breeding desire, pathogen cell could mutate any time any where with rapid propagation or shift, they can not be killed completely at all, the only way is to let them collapse by themselves, pathogen cellof exterior and fu(hollow) organs belongs to yang, they have activity which means they have energy, although they are tiny and invisible but they have body shape, also they have cold or hot property, so break them downby smell, taste, cold and hot, smell goes to energy, taste goes to body shape, the only therapy is todisperse their energy to let them out of peoples upper body, to clear them to let their body shape out of peoples lower body, neutralize their cold and hot, let them disappear forever inside body. Pathogen cell of five zang(solid)organs belongs to yin, they have no energy, they do not walk everywhere but accumulate continuously till more and more, therapy is to let them develop extremely to opposite direction.

21. natural law of heaven and human

 The creator created person, the creator created five elements metal wood water fire soil, the creator gave us air, water and food, the creator gaveus five tastes to cure disease, the solar system which we locate on was designed elaborately by the creator, its tailor-made for our people, people can not live without any item of five elements, because five elements correspondto five zang(solid) organs, till now, people could not manufacture natural five elements and five tastes in lab, people even could not manufacture natural water, people could manufacture air, but could not take them outerspace, the earth is the only permanent family of people, people have no any other way out except to protect the earth. people are too tininess like dust in universe, what is the result if people continuously spoil nature,continuously abuse man-made synthesis, even lunatically produce transgenic rice and gene editing baby? Huangdi internal classics mentioned “obedience to the creator means prosperous, disobedience to the creator means selfdestruction” When appearance and voice of AI robots are exactly alike people, human catastrophe will come, the evildoer utilize these robots to make chaos and ruin whole world. The creator give us everything and tell ushow to deal with all of diseases, in return we could only protect the earth, how to protect? stop research about outer space, AI and labs, plant more trees if you have money, develop clean energy such as solar energy, wind energy, ocean energy and biological energy..., close coal field, oil field and natural gas field, stop coal, oil and natural gas exploitation (for there are more and more CO2 emission from coal,oil and natural gas combustion lead to climate warming which could melt south and north poles glaciers, the whole world will be flooded), reduce synthetic material, stop to produce and sell disposable plastic products, encourage natural vehicles such as bike,horse and donkey, then our children and future generations may be saved, because nothing is more important than life and health,revere the creator,revere the nature, revere life, only reverencecould let us live better.

22. how to become a real people

 In antient time,taoist practice hermit went up to heaven and lived as long as sun and moon, so Huangdi nternal classics mentioned emperor Huangdi went up to heaven through practice after he had realised truth of universe, Huangdi internal classics also mentioned that there were real people who makes living by air and their lifetime is as long as solar system,how does huangdi internal classics described about it? emperor huangdi described:“I heard that several thousand years ago there were real people, they could fly in the sky, they understood truth of yin and yang, they madeliving by eating air and dew from heaven and earth, they kept concentrating spirit as if nobody aside, they had ice and snow skin, their appearance and posture looks like boy and girl, their lifetime was as long as heavenand earth without ending, thats because they understood tao of heaven and earth” then huangdi internal classics told us further how an usual people could reach this goal “these holy and pure peoples do not cling to anythingin the world, they understand everything in the world is false appearance arisen from karma, everything is temporary not eternal, idea changes at every moment, tangible substance forms shape when gathered together, whileit changes to dust till empty when dispersed, substance becomes smaller and smaller such as molecule, atom, proton, neutron, electron, quantum, ion..., so they put down everything in mind, they settle to practise meditation,practice means to smash all into nearly nonexistent small particles by means of “filter distracting thoughts and concentrate heart into nothing”, then gather together these smallest particles again according to their compassionate desire, for they gain wisdom they have really known that universe rule is continuously circulation among living creatures, cause and effect, through practice they obtain marvellous supernatural power and become free and unfettered in the universe,they have hundreds of billions unimagineable avatar, they could see all phenomenon of all planets, theycould hear all voices of all planets, they know all of living creature idea of all planets, they could reach any far planet in a split second if they want, they could do anything as their wishes, they surpass time so they are in eternal of past, present and future, they surpass space so they are in all of planets where all living creature live, they surpass size so they could shrink whole universe and hide into needle point, also they could change out countless planets from one hair, they have hundreds of billions of various avatar to save all living creatures at any time, meanwhile they are tranquil with clear mind and in completeness for there are no living creatures to be saved,they are in incredible state of happy and clinking, thats what is called ten-dimensional space by science, they are human being acme, Huangdi internal classics called such people as “real people”. By science, they are either chaos or singular point before origin of universe, they are yin and yang fission out of chaos or singular point, so they are either intangible energy of yang or tangiblesubstance of yin, they are either whole universe or the smallest particles full of emptiness, all of planets, all of invisible particles and all of hearts of all living creatures in universe are variation from them, chaosor singular point in universe is either existent or nonexistent, for example, when we are old we find that our life is either true or false vision like a dream. In 1905 scientist Einstein set up relativity theory which mentioned nothing in universe could surpass speed of light, speed of light could surpass time, space and size which has infinite energy and quality, anything close to speed of light has three characters: time warp, space curved and size changed. Bacteria is dot in one-dimensional space, ant is in two-dimensional space called plane, people is in three-dimensionalspace, ant could not see abyss 10cm in front when it climb on the table, bacterial could not understand table shape, of course people could not understand ten-dimensional space, thats the highest secret in the universe, thesecret hides in the heart of everybody, anyone could obtain it through practice, practice is to tell us how to get to ten dimensional space step by step, there is only one truth in the universe, you could call it Allah, Tao,God, Heaven, Creator, Buddha, Zhuangzi, Laozi... you could call it anything in your heart, Buddha is in heart, God is in heart, this thing is neither image nor voice, this thing could not be described by anything, if you worship elephant orant and get down to pray sincerely, this thing could change to dignified image of elephant or ant to show you and give you right direction, thats real meaning of religion, so each religion is same and equal, each religion is telling us how to practice and reach ten-dimensional space. The first step of practice is to let qi go through inside body,yin goes to extreme is yang, still goes to extreme is motion, all of pray, chant name of Buddha, chant incantation, chant or read sacred books or worship on bended knees...etc could let your body and heart quiet, inside qistarts to move and get through your body by itself after you are motionless thouroughly, abide by dogma, do good as much as you can, maintain your original purpose, energy could pass through nadis and chakras step by steptill you succeed. (living creatures include any being alive who has thinking such as people, animal, reptilia, fish, bird, fly and mosquito, bacteria, ghost, prophet in the paradise, celestial being in heaven, soul suffered in the hell)

Jenny Wong finished on Dec.7,2019

This article is in memory of my enlightened mentor Doctor Nihaixia.

Note: pls be sure to consult local Chinese medicine doctor in advance for seeking treatment and health service.

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