

 又一民 2020-03-19

Job Title:
Sous Chef

Place of Work:
Kitchen of a hotel or a large restaurant

Scope and General Purpose:
To assist the head chef in the day to day running of the kitchen.

Responsible to:
Head Chef (Executive Chef)

Responsible for:
All subordinate kitchen staff

Liaises with:
Heads of Department
Linen room

Hours of Work:

Limits of Authority:
To be agreed

Main Duties:
·To deputise in the Head Chef's absence.
·To ensure that all chefs des parties are familiar with the day's requirements.
·To ensure that the necessary stocks are on hand at the right quality and quantity.
·To ensure that fair discipline is maintained.
·To ensure that all staff are treated fairly and with commonly accepted courtesy.
·To ensure that timetables, leave rosters and attendance registers are up-to-date.
·To ensure that all statutory, as well as company, hygiene regulations are being strictly adhered to.
·To ensure that all maintenance problems are timeously reported and followed up.
·To ensure that all communications between restaurant and kitchen run smoothly.
·To ensure that each cook receives the correct orders for the appropriate tables.
·To ensure that each dish leaving the kitchen is checked for quality, quantity, presentation and correct temperature.
·To ensure that the dining room/ restaurant personnel are "standing by" when delicate dishes are served.
·To ensure that regular on-the-job training is carried out so that subordinate staff perform their duties correctly.
·To attend seminars and training courses as and when directed.
·To further your own knowledge of management methods and principles to ensure future advancement and further upgrading in management standards for the profession as a whole.

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