

 英语时代 2020-04-06

4 ways to know if working at a fast-growing company is right for you


These days, it seems like everyone is talking about getting on a rocket ship -- a fast-growing company that's ready to blast off.

如今,似乎每个人都在讨论怎么进入一家“潜力股”公司一一即发展迅速, 随时能够腾飞的公司。

If you want to consider working for a rocket ship,consider the following factors: The company's mission, team, and growth potential. Asking yourself the following questions can also be helpful.


1.“Am I willing to take a pay cut?”


Cash compensation can be lower than what you might earn at a more established company, but with a rocket ship, the equity you receive will hopefully grow in value.


2.“Do I like building and defining things, or do I work better with more structure?”


Joining a rapid-growth company is like building a plane while flying it. You won't just be doing your job, but you'll also have to figure out how to do it.


3.“Am I comfortable with change?”


Joining a startup requires you to be comfortable with change. You'll need to quickly adapt, think about creative solutions, and problem-solve every day.


4.“Do I  love to hustle, or do | prefer working at a more predictable and relaxed pace?"


One of the main reasons rapid-growth companies can accelerate So quickly is because the team works long hours to stay ahead of the competition.70- to 80-hour work weeks are typical, and that can take a toll on someone who doesn't thrive in that kind of environment.


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