

 英语时代 2020-04-13

You see Pepsi, | see Coke: a new trick for product placement


First came product placement. In exchange for a payment, a TV show or a film would prominently display a brand-name product.


Then there was virtual product placement.Products or logos would be inserted into a show during editing, thanks to computer- generated imagery.


Now, with the rise of Netflix and other streaming platforms, the practice of working brands into shows and films is likely to get more sophisticated.In the near future, the products that appear on screen may depend on who is watching.


Streaming services could also drop in brand-name products based on when a show is being watched.Someone who watches a streaming show in the morning could see a carton of orange juice within a character's reach, while a different viewer watching the same thing in the afternoon could see a can of soda.


It could start within a year, said Stephan Beringer, chief executive of Mirriad, a virtual product placement company that has worked brands including Pepsi, Geico and Sherwin-Williams into ABC's“Modern Family”and CBS'“How | Met Your Mother.'

Mirriad是一家虚拟广告植入公司,斯蒂芬.贝林格(公司的首席执行官)认为这种植入方式可以在一年内实现。以前,这家公司把一些广告,比如百事可乐、Geico 汽车保险和宣伟涂料,植入到美国广 播公司播出的《摩登家庭》及哥伦比亚广播公司播出的《老爸老妈罗曼史》中。

This supercharged version of digital product placement is being developed at a time when the marketing businesswhich bet big on TV commercials for decades - needs new tricks to grab the attention of ad-hating cord-cutters.

在过去的时间里,电视广告一直在被市场营销行业大笔投入,目前他们确实需要用一些新招式来吸引那些讨厌广告的“掐线族”的注意, 在这一背景下,加强版的数字广告植入产生了。

Beringer, the head of Mirriad, said the current digital product placement technology has been successful enough to suggest that a bespoke version is a logical next step.


“Viewers have been educated to look away from advertising," he said.“But we re putting something in that contextually makes sense. If you do it well, and it's not annoying, it can work.

他还说,“ 尽管观众们已经练就了一身'屏蔽'广告的本领,我们要做的是在不违和的情况下把我们想要的东西放进去。如果你处理的很好,而且别人不会烦的话,那么这种植入就是有效的

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