

 英语时代 2020-04-28

Italy is one of the European hotspots of the coronavirus outbreak with more than 150,000 cases.


The situation forced the entire nation to stay home in an effort to contain the pandemic.


But the crisis has also given rise to a sense of solidarity and common purpose throughout Italy,


like a Grosseto Sepultura who began to manufacture free masks and the player for the Italian national Rugby Team Maksim Banda who stopped training to help the yellow cross of his City Parma transfer coronavirus patients from one hospital to another.


I was raised learning that life is a race for everyone and therefore you should always try to help others. When you can, when you have the chance the strength it was something that came quite naturally.

我从小就知道,对每个人而言,生活都是一场赛跑。 所以,当你有机会、有力量时,应尽你所能去帮助别人,这是很自然的事情。

I mean the tragedy the coronaviruses also brought out the best in people.


Christian Fracaso an engineer from Brescia one of the most affected areas in Italy began to make values for ventilators in emergency hospitals with a 3d printer and then to convert the diving masks into respirators for patients.


I think it all started out of necessity when you're in an emergency.It makes your brain work as hard as possible to find simple but above all immediate solutions.


Christian is tired, has lost weight and celebrated his birthday in a hospital.He says he can never turn off his mobile phone and knowing that somewhere someone is dying.


I received a message from a Brazilian doctor saying hundreds of people are breathing thanks to you.


These things tear apart your heart because they are too beautiful.


In central Italy a celebration took place when a gynecologist delivered the baby born without the coronavirus even though the infant's mother was infected with it.


Even seemingly small gestures have made a big difference, in Naples strangers offered free food in a basket for those in need and in Milan neighbors came together to help a boy with celiac disease who had run out of food.


It's about sharing a very difficult situation, it's about sharing the pain, it's about getting out of it's all together because that's a piece of humanity left in the end of the days we're human beings.


Stephano also says why coronavirus has left destruction.


He also unveiled the good in people throughout the country and the realization they only together they can move forward.


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