
Kennedy Nolan | 以圆勾勒的曲线住宅

 德国室内设计网 2020-05-27


澳大利亚建筑事务所Kennedy Nolan大胆地更新了爱德华七世时期的一处住宅,展现事务所异想天开的设计理念。
Australian architecture practice Kennedy Nolan has boldly updated an early 1900s Edwardian house in inner Melbourne with an expressive backyard extension of whimsical flair. 

后院用曲线和圆形的来替换现有房屋的几何造型墙面,泳池正面的建筑墙体包裹白色砌砖,创造庭院与休闲泳池的无缝衔接。上层覆盖着炭黑色的木材。 室内设计更加俏皮轻松,柔和的纹理和色调将经过翻新的房屋和凉亭巧妙地结合在一起。

Swapping the rectilinear geometry of the existing weatherboard house with an architectural language of curves and circles, a sweeping façade of white painted brickwork wraps around a new pond-cum-swimming pool to create an intimate courtyard linking the renovated house at the front of the property with the new pavilion in the back. In what is a poetic allusion to the white-painted weatherboards of the original house, the upper floor of the pavilion is clad in charred timber. The playful formalism of the exterior is carried on inside where a soothing palette of tactile textures and subdued colours unites the renovated house and new pavilion in subtle sophistication.

Weatherboard houses是澳大利亚景观住宅的一部分,白色是郊区魅力的缩影。建筑师没有改造这种传统,而是选择了一种独特但拥有同样视觉感受的材料,将Weatherboard换成白砖,将直线换成曲线,将常规的门窗换成圆窗和拱形门框。

Weatherboard houses are a quintessential part of the Australian landscape, their horizontal pattern of white-painted timber boards being the epitome of suburban charm. Rather than appropriating or expanding on this iconography, the architects have chosen a distinct yet equally elemental visual language, swapping weatherboards for white bricks, straight lines for sweeping curves, and regular windows and doors for round windows and arched doorways. 


And while the resulting façade that connects the new extension with the single-story, wood-framed house couldn’t be more different from the latter’s quaint sensibility, it still shares the same formal quality and monochromatic austerity. Similarly, the charred timber boards cladding the back of the extension,including a balcony shielded from prying eyes, are visually contrasted with  the front of the historic house in the front, in both hue and orientation, and yet the effect is one of yin and yang harmony.


The round shape of the windows punctuating the façade of the extension echo the new swimming pool which brazenly eschews the conventional typology of domestic swimming pools for a compact, circular shape and deep, dark waters. Whilst being very much a functional swimming pool, it also functions as a decorative pond imbuing the courtyard with a poetic ambience of serenity and reflection, as well as providing evaporative cooling effects during the summer months.

住宅的布局划分也做了改动,一层被设计为开放式起居区,包括一个休闲会客区、用餐区,主卧室。在浅色瓷砖墙面,天然木镶板和深灰色水磨石地板的衬托下,与建筑的俏皮曲线美相得益彰,搭配局部的黑色点缀黑和绿色金属楼梯使得整个空间充满活力。 Caroline house被称为“家庭住宅”,在不牺牲舒适和朴素的前提下,超越了人们的期望值。

Contrary to the compartmentalized layout of the existing house, which now houses as two bedrooms, the ground floor of the pavilion has been designed as an open plan living area comprising a sitting area ensconced in a cosy corner, dining area and kitchen, with the master bedroom located and a study area on the first floor. Underpinned by a subdued colour palette of white-painted brickwork, slim beige wall tiles, natural wood panelling and dark grey terrazzo flooring, the space is a paradigm of composure and sophistication, jazzed up by the playful curvaceousness of the architecture, sleek black accents and the vibrancy of the green-painted metallic staircase. Eccentric in aesthetics and whimsical sensibility, Caroline house, as the family home is called, defies expectations without sacrificing comfort or homeliness. 

Caroline House 




 Kennedy Nolan 


Kennedy Nolan成立于1999年,以其独特的建筑形式形成了以设计为中心的实践。致力于建筑方面,高度响应其环境,并寻求与景观的协调性。
Kennedy Nolan was established in 1999 and has since developed a reputation as a design focused practice with a distinctive approach to built form. The practice is dedicated to the production of architecture that is highly responsive to its context and seeks to form a strong relationship with landscape.
Kennedy Nolan设计借鉴了现代主义的乐观原则——理性、功利、科技——以及一种积极的观点,即空间的设计和安排可以给生活增添趣味和热情。
Design at Kennedy Nolan is generated drawing on the optimistic precepts of modernism - rational, utilitarian, empowered by technology - and a positive view that the design and arrangement of spaces can support and reinforce relationships, can add piquancy and zest to life.
Less tangibly, the practice is also compelled to distil the impalpable – to draw on the reaches of memory, the evocative power of recognising form, colour, texture and light, the resonance of shared memories, of history and landscapes.
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