
Guillaume Alan | 陶醉于诗意的极简主义

 德国室内设计网 2020-05-27


看看法国设计师纪尧姆·艾伦(Guillaume Alan)最近翻新的巴黎公寓照片,你会惊讶地发现,尽管它们是低饱和度的单色作品,但它们实际上并不是黑白照片,而是艾伦富有诗意的设计理念的产物。艾伦避免使用丰富的色彩,相反,他使用了微妙的白色和灰色,以便将这座宏伟的19世纪Haussmannian式住宅变成一个空间纯净和优雅的庇护所。在大胆的极简主义支撑下,设计师的设计手法远不是创造一个统一的环境,而是创造了光影和纹理的相互作用,正如设计师所说,“孕育出一个宁静、平静和柔和的宇宙”。

Looking at the images of this recently refurbished Parisian apartment by Paris and London-based French designer Guillaume Alan, you will be surprised to learn that despite their monochromatic appearance they are not in fact black and white photographs but the result of Alan’s poetic design ethos. Completely eschewing the use of colour, Alan has relied instead on a nuanced palette of white and grey shades in order to transform the grand, 19th-century Haussmannian residence into a sanctuary of spatial purity and refined elegance. Underpinned by a boldly minimalist sensibility, the designer’s monochromatic approach, far from producing a uniform environment, has created a lyrical interplay of light, depth and textures, “giving birth”, as the designer says, “to a universe of serenity, calmness, and emotion”.


"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" Leonardo da Vinci famously said and Alan’s interiors meticulously adhere to the old master’s adage. Discreet, geometrical lines produce strictly defined, uncluttered spaces imbued with an architectural purity and sculptural finesse. In the designer’s words, “the project is pure, flawless, and harmonious. When you enter and discover, you’ll find that every element was carefully considered—the architecture, the light, the floor, the materials used, the palette, the furniture pieces are all perfectly linked”.

公寓享有塞纳河和艾菲尔铁塔的广阔景致,独家使用一种色调,设计师称之为“craie”或英文里chalk,通过将窗户变成绘画画布来增强城市景观 ,简约的装饰使视觉神经得到缓解。 就像人眼通过区分形状来适应环境一样,室内以白色为主可以增强纹理感。 浅灰色拉丝橡木地板,天然大理石,拉丝灰木,原始亚麻布,柔软皮革,丝绸和羊毛,构成了精巧的和谐组合,为居住者带来华丽的柔软感。

Blessed with expansive views of the Seine and the Eiffel Tower, the apartment’s exclusive use of one tone, which the designer calls “craie” or chalk in English, creates a bleached interior scenography that both enhances the city vistas by turning the windows into painterly canvases, and promotes an illusion of space. The monochromatic, pared-down décor allows the eclectic textures that Alan has assembled to come into sharp relief. Just like the human eye adapts to low illumination levels by differentiating between shapes, the colourless environment sharpens textural perception. Light gray brushed-oak floors, natural marbles, brushed-ash wood, raw linens, soft leathers, silks, and wools comprise a masterfully crafted, harmonious composition that envelopes the occupants in luxuriant softness.

艾伦的设计理念包括创建自己的墙壁涂料和委托定制的室内装潢面料,延伸到家具,大部分作品来自他自己的Guillaume Alan系列。基于他对自然材料和丰富纹理的热爱,他的设计主要走极简主义,比如客厅里的缎面躺椅和配套的扶手椅,具有永恒的优雅。该项目还包括定制的家具,比如餐厅椅子,灵感来自中国古典扶手椅,餐桌经过油漆处理仍然保利木头的天然纹理。每一个细节都经过缜密的思考,最终造就一个完美无瑕的公寓,泰然自若的奢华和热情洋溢的和谐。

Alan’s holistic approach to interior design, which includes creating his own wall paints and commissioning bespoke upholstery fabrics, extends to the furniture selection with most pieces coming from his own Guillaume Alan Collection. Based on his love for natural materials and rich textures, his minimalist furniture designs, such as the upholstered satin chaise-long and matching armchairs in the living room, are characterized by a timeless elegance. The project also includes custom-made pieces like the dining room chairs, which were inspired by vintage Chinese armchairs, and the Corian-topped dining table which is balanced by textured brushed-ash wood. With every detail as meticulously thought through as these pieces, it is no wonder that the result is an apartment of immaculate perfection, poised luxury and effusive harmony.




Guillaume Alan

法国室内设计师Guillaume Alan常驻巴黎和伦敦,以其独特的灵感而闻名。他的项目表达了极简主义的空间诗歌,精致而优雅、宁静和平的空间世界。他将所有这些元素结合在一起, 除了构思空间的内部和建筑外,艾伦还设计家具。 他的美学设计融合了18世纪的经典装饰和现代风格。 艾伦的职业生涯始于2002年,他在巴黎的勃艮第路上开设了他的陈列室。此后,他在伦敦的Mayfair开设了另一家店,并与YSL,Dior,Chanel和Tom Ford等公司合作。

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