▼设计说明 ►BAO是一个现代化的中国餐厅,融合了新加坡、纽约和香港三大城市的特点。我们将亚洲和美国的中餐厅最为新的指南,就是为了东西方之间的文化可以相互学习、发扬. ►BAO is a modern Chinese restaurant that embodies the atmosphere andenergy of three megalopolises – Singapore, Hong Kong and New York. We used Asiaand US Chinese restaurants as a guide for the new place. Thus, the idea ofcosmopolitanism and cultural migration between the East and the West wasrepresented. ►在用餐区,一个非常具有东欧特色的长木桌放在最显眼的位置,可用最多容纳50个人同时用餐。 是由七张桌子通过黄铜拼接在一起,黄铜上雕刻的纹理是东方哲学吉祥的象征。在桌子正上方的天花板上,人们可以看到空间的主要装饰元素。上千个装饰瓷砖象征着锦鲤。作为中国的传说,鱼龙本是同种生,跃上龙门便成龙。餐厅的那面墙就意味着龙门。 ►On the center of the main dining area, there is the longestcommunity table in the Eastern Europe. About 50 guests can easily sit down tothis table. The table consists of seven tabletops interconnected by six brassmascots, which come laden with symbols of Eastern philosophy. On the ceilingabove the table, one can see the main decorative element of the space - thescale of the Dragon diving into water. The installation consists of thethousand ceramic tiles, each of which symbolizes Koi fish. As Chinese legendhas it, any fish that gains the Dragon Gateway up the river turns into dragon.Waterfall at the end of the room embodies such a gateway. ►当然最关注的要点之一是厨房。它是完全开放的,在餐厅的中心位置,仅通过玻璃窗包围。无论顾客坐在那里都可以,监督厨房里的一举一动,做到让顾客放心。 ►Surely, one of the main points of interest is a kitchen. It isfully open, placed straight on center and surrounded by glass windows only.Thanks to this approach, guests can oversee the kitchen teamwork,notwithstanding where they sit. ►另一主要用餐区放置了一些舒适的桌子和壁炉。让顾客可以得到放松。二楼墙面上灯光映照着中国古代将领身上的铠甲片,可以从二楼俯瞰整个开放式的厨房和一楼的用餐区。这片区域的另一个关注焦点是黄铜材质的餐桌穿过玻璃直接和一楼的用餐区衔接起来。用这样的方式来实现中国阴阳平衡的理念。 ►Next to the main area there is a little one with fireplace and cozytables for those who want to retire. The room on the second floor is decoratedwith the bright installation named Chinese warrior armor. It overlooks the mainroom as well as an open kitchen. An additional attention grabber of this roomis the brass table crossing the line of the glass barrier and balancing overthe main dining area. In such a manner the idea of the Yin and Yang balance isrepresented. YOD studio | BAO RESTAURANT ▼设计图纸 ▼项目概况 设计公司 | YOD studio 地 址 | 14 Mechnikova St.,Kyiv, Ukraine 类 型 | 餐厅 面 积 | 600 ㎡ 开业时间 | 2016 摄 影 | Andrey Avdeenko 供稿 / Peter Zumthor 点 击 左 下 角 原 文 链 接 可 进 入 官 网 未 经 允 许 请 勿 转 载 到 其 他 公 众 号 请 给 该 公 众 号 留 言 获 取 内 容 授 权 2016年德国室内设计 dinzd.com 品牌设计服务